Past (4)

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Cordelia's POV

Karlheinz had asked, more like order me to be ready for the family gathering tonight. I just can't wait... note the sarcasm. I was planning to try and escape it but unfortunately he caught me in the act. He even had a smug smile while doing it. I barely restrained myself from smacking him. And, now I'm here in the main hall with the 'family'.

I can't say that they are my real family because they're not. I did after all take over the real Cordelia's body and so I don't have any real memories of them, only bits and pieces at best. That's besides the point, I already have a loving mother and father, that no one could replace. The only people that I can count as family are, my kids, Laito, Ayato and Kanato. I did give birth to them and the 'real' Cordelia hasn't had any influence on them, so I count them as mine. Is that wrong?

Agatha, had brought in forest green, off the shoulder dress, that I am currently wearing. I admit, I fell in love with the dress. Until, Agatha told me that Karl had bought it for me. It put me in a sour mood but I still wore it. I did like the dress.

The triplets wore matching black tuxedos, that made them look adorable. They fussed, of course as they were unused to wearing them. They still looked cute though...

I did see Beatrix, she was fussing over Shu. Reiji sat at the corner opposite of them, reading a book, quite advanced for his age. This was the first time that I had seen them staying in the same place. Every time that I tried to approach Beatrix, she would walk the other way. She probably thought the 'new' Cordelia was an act of attention. I don't blame her, I would to. I hope the gathering ends soon.

People came up to me and the triplets, complementing them with fake praise. That I could tell from a mile away. Karlheinz stood besides, accepting the complements also. They probably wanted to be in his good graces. Anyone would he is, after all the vampire king.

A younger women with the same purple hair colour came forward to greet us. She wore a dark blue dress with an arrogant smirk. She was indeed beautiful.

"Hello, dear sister" She said in a sugary sweet voice that was obviously fake. This must be Elizabeth.

"Hello" I replied, I want her to leave. She gives me the 'old' Cordelia vibes. If she tries anything, I will deal with her personally. If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.

"Are these my adorable, nephews? You need to watch them carefully, young children are prone to accidents." I could tell that was a threat. She might try something, so I have to get rid of her. God, I sound like the 'old' Cordelia.

"Aren't they adorable? They are my children." I said with a smirk on my face.

I think Karl had enough of us. He was about to walk away, when my sister grabbed his hand. Hunny, if you think that this is going to make me jealous, then you are very wrong. Just don't marry him, I wouldn't be able to stand you everyday.

"mama" Kanato asked, then pointed to Christa. She gave us a smile.

Good thinking Kanato.

"I believe that I will take my leave." I told them and headed over to Christa with the triplets.


"Christa, how has the party been?"

"It's okay..." Christ looked at her hands nervously.

"Somethings wrong, I can sense it."


"Tell me when your comfortable and in private, there are to many people here."

"Thank you" She said with a grateful smile.

The triplets yawned, indicating that it was bedtime for them. I called Agatha to take them to bed and tuck them in. I grabbed Christa's hand and take her outside to the balcony. So that we can talk in private.

"I...I." Christa looked like she was going to break down. I went and hugged her to comfort her. She melted in my embrace.

"You can whisper it, in my ear if you are uncomfortable with saying it out loud."

She nodded

"I think....I'm pregnant. Please don't hate me." She whispered in my ear. I caressed her cheek.

"I don't hate you." She looked relieved

"Thank you, Onee-sama" Christa blushed in embarrassment at what she had said.


"I'm sorry!"

"Onee-sama, huh? I like it" I laughed

Her blush darkened, I laughed again. Looks like Sabaru is going to be here soon.

Karlheinz POV

Cordelia had worn the dress that I had got her. I admit she looked very sexy in it. We were currently greeting the people that wanted to met our children. They were all annoying and fake. I hadn't seen Richter yet.

Everything was going smoothly, until Elizabeth approached us. She had the audacity to start a fight with my Cordelia. I decided to walk away because I knew Cordelia would be able to handle herself.

But as I was walking away Elizabeth got a hold of me. Normally if this was anyone else I would have punished them, severally. Cordelia walked away to Christa and now I was stuck with Elizabeth.

"Hello Karl" She tried to purr seductively, 'tried' being the key word.

"Hello Elizabeth" I purred back, she blushed. What an easy women to please.

"I just wanted to tell you, that if your in need of any company. You know who to ask." She gave a seductive smile

I placed my fingers on her chin.

"Of course, my dear"

"I am better than my sister."

She's even more annoying than I remember her. Sigh, I should begin my plan.

"Lets met up in the town near by next Saturday, shall we?"

She looked excited

"I can't wait to see you Karlheinz."

"Me either"

I can't wait to end you......

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