Chapter 6

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Old Woman Vampire: They don't know anything.
General Glider: It is time to bring an end to your pets.
Old Woman Vampire: In exchange for?
General Glider: The cure.
Old Woman Vampire: Deal.
Twelve minutes later...
Jason Parks kicks the door down...
Old Woman Vampire: Hello Jason.
Jason: You will pay for all our lives you ruined.
Old Woman Vampire laughing...
Old Woman Vampire: You think you got it all figured out?!
Jason: The fact is you started all this, you and Queen.
It was you that bit my Grandparents, not Queen!
Old Woman: You seem to forget it was Queen who bit me.
Jason: But who went after my Family?!
Old Woman Vampire: Foolish boy, I only turned your Grandparents and you.
You bit your Sister and your Sister killed your mom and dad!
You are just as guilty as me Jason Parks!
Jason: You cursed this family for the last time Witch!
John Parks swings his Ax at Old Woman Vampire...
Old Woman Vampire: I'm going to beat you to your retirement home!
Jason Parks and John Parks fights The Old Woman Vampire...
Betty Parks reloads her Shotgun...
Betty Parks: It's time to end this once and for all!
The Old Woman Vampire throws Jason and John Parks out a Window...
Betty Parks shooting The Old Woman Vampire...
The Old Woman Vampire screams Betty Parks into Ashes...
Jason Parks: No!
Jason Parks Kong Fu's The Old Woman Vampire into Ashes...
John Parks cries next to Betty's Ashes...
Jason runs to Betty's Ashes and cries...
John Parks: I can't even mourn her.
Jason Parks: I know.
John Parks: At least our family is finally freed.
Jason: Not yet we aren't.
Monk: Hello Vampires.
Jason: You are the Monk who was yelling at me on the Phone.
Monk: I have come to cure you of your disease.
John Parks: You can cure us?
Monk: I found a package of the Old Woman Vampire's candy.
This batch was invented to cure Vampirism.
Jason Parks: Thank you sir.
Monk: Once you two are cured Vamperism would be destroyed.
John Parks eats a piece of candy...
John Parks turns to normal...
John Parks: I'm finally freed!
Jason looks at the candy...
Monk: Why do you hesitate Jason Parks?
Jason Parks: I'm not ready to be cured.
Monk: I'll let you keep the box of candies for when you are ready.
A few hours later...
Mark knocks on the door...
Jason runs to the door...
Jason opens the door...
Mark: You didn't eat the candy?
Jason: I'm the only Vampire left, I want to stay as a Vampire.
Mark: Why?
Jason: Because it's fun.
Mark: You like sucking blood, don't you?
Jason: Is it bad I like dominating humans?
Mark: Who are you and what did you do to Jason Parks?
Jason: I accepted what I am.
Mark: Okay?
Jason: What do you want to do?
Mark: Let's play video games.
Jason: Okay.
A few hours later...
Jason goes to bed...
The next day...
Mercenaries in position...
Mercenary Boss: Okay boys, our Job is simple, kill a crazy Vampire Child.
Mercenary #1: If it was so simple you only needed one of us.
Mercenary #2: This hit better be good, I got a family to feed.
Mercenary #3: My kids hate my guts and my wife chases me with a bat.
Mercenary #4: I need to go to the Bathroom.
Mercenary Boss: Go in there and show that Pinhead who's boss!
A few minutes later...
Mercenaries kicks the door down...
Jason Parks hiding in the closet...
Mercenaries searches the house...
Mercenary #4 opens the closet door...
Mercenary #4 screaming...
Jason bites Mercenary #4...
Mercenary #3: Get your hands up Vampire!
Jason Parks gets his hands up...
Mercenary #3 walks closer to Jason Parks...
Jason Parks bites Mercenary #3...
Mercenary #3 screaming...
Mercenary #1 and Mercenary #2 runs to the room...
Jason Parks crying...
Mercenary #2 ties Jason Parks hands...
Mercenary #1: You got a big bounty on your head!
Jason Parks: Please don't kill me!
Mercenary Boss: Why should we spare you?
Jason: I'm just a kid.
Mercenary Boss: You are a disease!
Jason Parks: I was bit.
Mercenary #2 takes Jason Parks to the car...
Mercenary #1: Who's going to kill him?
Mercenary Boss: He's going to the electric chair tomorrow.
The next day...
Warden: You will die tonight Vampire!
Jason Parks: I'm warning you to let me go!
Warden: Isn't that cute?
Guard: You aren't fooling anyone Vampire.
Jason Parks: I've taken over a Prison before, you don't want me as your enemy, just let me go or you will regret it later on.
Warden: The only thing I will regret is letting you live as long as I did.
Eight minutes later...
Guard: Stand up Convict, it's time to die!
Jason Parks laughing...
Guard pulls out his nightstick...
Jason bites the Guard...
A few minutes later...
Jason: You know what to do Guard.
Vampire Guard walks to the Warden's Office...
Warden: What are you doing in here?
Vampire Guard: I'm here to deliver a message from Jason Parks.
Warden screams...
Vampire Guard bites the Warden...
General Glider shoots the Vampire Guard in the head...
General Glider: Now to kill the last Vampire!
General Glider walks to Jason Parks Jail Cell...
General Glider gets angry...
Four minutes later...
Jason Parks escapes Prison...
Jason Parks runs home...
Twelve minutes later...
Mayor: You are to hunt him down and put him in the chair.
General Glider: It will be done Mayor.
A few minutes later...
Jason Parks watching Cartoons at home...
Jason Parks: The hunt has just begun.
Eight minutes later...
General Glider's men gets into position...
General Glider: Go in there and kill that Bastard!
General Glider's men runs inside checking every room...
Jason Parks kills all of General Glider's men...
General Glider walks inside the house...
Jason Parks: Who hired you?!
General Glider: I guess I can humor you before I gun you down.
Jason Parks: Tell me now!
General Glider: The Mayor hired me to kill you.
Jason Parks: The Mayor?
General Glider: The Old Woman's only son.
Jason Parks grabs General Glider and bites him...
Jason Parks: Now to deal with the Mayor.
A few minutes later...
Jason Parks bites Luster and the Governor at a Picnic...
An hour later...
Mayor: General Glider is taking too long to call back.
Body Guard: Sir, the Paramedics found General Glider dead.
Mayor: That Vampire is getting on my Nerves!
Body Guard: Should I get involved?
Mayor: No, I'll just call a professional hit man.
Jason Parks bites the Body Guard...
Jason Parks: You owe me an explanation.
Mayor: Excuse me?!
Jason Parks: You hired General Glider to kill me!
Mayor: I don't like your accusation boy.
Jason Parks: Just tell me why!
Mayor: You are mistaken.
Jason Parks: General Glider lead me to you.
Mayor: I got bad news for you, the President is going to kill us both.
Jason Parks: The President?
Mayor: The President wants me dead and sent General Glider to do it.
Jason Parks: I guess this means we must fight together.
Mayor: You won't be disappointed.
President: What do you know of the last Vampire?
Body Guard: What I know is Jason Parks is after the Mayor.
President: He'll be coming for me next.
Mayor: It's over President.
Jason Parks grabs the President's Body Guard and bites him...
President: Vampire!
Mayor: Confess to hiring General Glider.
President: You hired General Glider, I just kept my mouth closed.
Mayor: No, you will confess to the Vampire!
President: I have nothing to do with this.
Mayor: Don't stand there and lie to me!
Jason Parks: If I don't get a straight answer I will bite you both.
President: Confess Mayor, I don't want to die for your bigotry.
Mayor: He's saving his own skin.
President: I have the Mayor's signature on General Glider's Application.
Jason Parks: Show me.
The President opens his cabinet...
The Mayor aims a gun at the President...
Mayor: Don't do this to me!
President: You were willing to get me killed for your mess.
Mayor: Please don't do this!
President: You must face judgement for your crimes.
Jason Parks bites the Mayor...
Jason Parks: I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone.
President: I'm not part of the Mayor's plot to kill you Jason.
I have kids of my own, I would never harm another child.
Jason Parks walks out of the White House...
Lieutenant Sirdar: Get your hands up filthy Vampire!
Sergeant Clutter: We won't hesitate to take you down!
Jason Parks sits down with his hands up...
Lieutenant Sirdar handcuffs Jason Parks...
The President walks outside...
President: What is the meaning of this?!
Lieutenant Sirdar: We are ordered by General Clinton to escort the Vampire to Seminar Cove Orphanage for Adoption.
President: Why cuff the Vampire?
Lieutenant Sirdar: He might be hungry so for our safety we must keep him in cuffs, go back inside Mister President.
President: I want information on this General Clinton.
Lieutenant Sirdar: We will soon enough sir.
President: Show me the information now, I am giving you an order!
Lieutenant Sirdar gives the President fake Information...
Lieutenant Sirdar: General Clinton rescues Vampires from this cruel world, it is our job and our duty to protect the last Vampire.
President walks back inside the White House...
A few hours later...
Sergeant Clutter: Welcome to your new home Vampire.
Sergeant Clutter pushes Jason Parks Inside...
Sergeant Clutter slams the door behind Jason...
Jason parks stands up...
General Clinton: It's good I can finally meet you Jason Parks!
Jason Parks: Where am I?
General Clinton: Don't worry child, you are safe here.
I'm sure there's Cartoons on that will keep you entertained.
Jason Parks walks to the living room and watches Cartoons...
Cartoons hypotizes Jason Parks...
Jason Parks unconscious...
General Clinton puts a shock collar on Jason Parks...
An hour later...
Jason Parks wakes up...
Jason Parks: I'm still here but the TV is gone.
General Clinton: I'm sorry child but I need you to suck some blood outside, you have a shock collar around your kneck that would explode if you don't do as I say, your mission is to kill all the Citizens in this town.
It's a population of 200, enjoy your feast child.
Ten minutes later...
Woman screaming...
Woman: Henry!
Jason Parks bites the Woman...
The next house...
Grandpa: Go to sleep Child, when you wake it will be Halloween night.
The Child goes to sleep...
The Grandpa walks back to bed...
Grandma: Is our Grandson asleep?
Grandpa: Yes, he may need braces if he eats too much candy.
Grandma: I know, I will schedule an appointment someday.
Jason Parks opens the door...
Child screaming...
Jason Parks bites the Child...
Grandpa: He must have had a bad dream.
Grandma: Should we check on him?
Grandma: He'll be fine, let's go to sleep.
Jason Parks kicks the door down...
Grandpa and Grandma screaming...
Jason Parks bites the Grandma and the Grandpa...
Jason Parks: I'm full, I can't eat another bite and I only bit ten people!
Swat breaks down the front door and searches every room...
Jason Parks hiding in a closet with a tummy ache...
Swat opens the Closet and Tasers Jason Parks...
Swat handcuffs Jason Parks...
A few hours later...
FBI Agent wakes up Jason Parks...
FBI Agent: Wake up!
Jason Parks: Where am I?!
FBI Agent: You are in a FBI building, you will answer my questions.
Jason Parks: Take me back, this Collar is going to explode!
FBI Agent: Calm down Vampire Kid, we deactivated and destroyed that collar, now who put a Collar around your neck?
Jason Parks: General Clinton did, he wanted me to bite everyone and told me if I don't my collar will explode.
FBI Agent: We'll find this General Clinton soon.
Time for bed kiddo, I got some Pajama Bottoms that will fit you.
Jason Parks: I don't want to dress in front of you.
FBI Agent walks out of the room...
Jason Parks pulls his pants down.
Jason Parks puts the Pajama Bottoms on...
FBI Agent walks back inside...
FBI Agent: For now, you can stick around here, a guy named Nick will give you Soda and toys to play with while we question General Clinton.
Nick gives Jason Parks a soda...
Nick brings in a box full of action figures...
Nick: Enjoy Vampire.
Nick and the FBI Agent leaves the room...
FBI Agent: Has the Psychologist said anything?
Nick: Jason Parks will be taken to a real Orphanage soon.
FBI Agent: He's too dangerous to be around other children.
Nick: Jason will have blood packs to keep him fed and happy.
FBI Agent calls Swat to arrest General Clinton...
An hour later...
Psychologist: Hello Jason Parks, my name is Cindy Hopkins, I'm a Psychologist that wanted to get to know you, kiddo.
Jason Parks: Don't put me on Medication.
Psychologist: Can you tell me about your Family?
Jason Parks: My family is dead.
Psychologist: How did you become a Vampire?
Jason Parks: A crazy old woman bit me at a Mall.
Psychologist: Did you kill her?
Jason Parks: Yes.
Psychologist: The bus will be here soon to take you to an Orphanage.
Jason Parks: Who runs this Orphanage?
Psychologist: Nuns and Priests, they want to meet the last Vampire.
Jason Parks: Are they extremist?
Psychologist: Don't worry, they won't hurt you.
Jason Parks: The last time I encountered religious nutcases they plotted to use holy water, it's in both of our interest if they aren't that crazy.
Psychologist: Leave the past in the past Jason.
Ten minutes later...
Priest: I expect you to be on your best behavior Jason Parks.
Jason Parks: I will.
Nun #1 takes Jason Parks to his room...
Nun #1: Don't come out of this room, one of us will escort you later.
Seven minutes later...
Nun #2: I was told to give you blood packs.
Jason Parks: I am hungry.
Nun #2 gives Jason Parks blood packs...
Nun #2: In ten minutes I expect you to be full for class.
Jason Parks drinking blood packs...
Ten minutes later...
Jason walks to class...
A few hours later...
Jason Parks goes to his room...
Bridget knocks on the door...
Jason Parks opens the door...
Bridget: Why are you here Vampire?
Jason Parks: I was sent here.
Bridget: Can I come in?
Jason: Why?
Bridget: I want to get to know you.
Jason let's Bridget inside...
Bridget: It smells like doom in here.
Jason: I don't let the sun inside.
Bridget: Smart kid.
Jason: What do you want?
Bridget: I want you to have the sun come in to end this.
Jason: Why?
Bridget: Because I hate Vampires!
Jason bites Bridget...
Bridget dies...
Jason: I will leave this place tonight.
Nine minutes later...
The Priest calls 911...
Jason Parks gets clean clothes on...
A few minutes later...
Swat walks inside and marches to Jason Parks's room...
The Priest: I gave Jason Parks a chance and he blew it.
Swat kicks the door down and Tasers Jason Parks...
A few hours later...
Jason Parks wakes up in an abandoned house...
Jason Parks looks around...
Jason Parks: Where am I?
Mark: You are safe with me buddy.
Jason: Mark?
Mark: The Swat Team sent you here.
Jason: That doesn't make any sense.
Mark: I can protect you from anyone buddy.
Mark's Mother walks inside...
Mark's Mother: I'm cooking Sloppy Joes for dinner boys.
Mark and Jason washes their hands...
Mark's Father looks at the time...
Twelve minutes later...
After Dinner...
Jason and Mark watches a movie...
Mark sleeping...
Jason looks at Mark...
Jason bites Mark...
Eight minutes later...
Mark bites his parents...
Mark: Thanks for turning me into a Vampire buddy.
Jason: What should we do now?
Mark: We can end it tomorrow when the sun comes up.
Jason: Is that what you want?
Mark: I want to die with you Jason, you are my best friend.
Jason: I'm sorry I turned you into a Vampire.
Mark: There's no reason to apologize, I forgive you.
Mark hugs Jason...
Mark and Jason strips naked...
Jason and Mark goes to sleep...
A few hours later...
Mark wakes up and wakes up Jason...
Jason: Is it time?
Mark: The sun is up and waiting to judge us.
Jason: Let's hold hands and run outside together.
Mark: And let's die Naked!
Mark holds Jason's hand and runs outside...
Jason and Mark burns to death...
Jason dreaming...
Jason in his bed naked...
Livia walks into Jason's room...
Livia: Why did you run to the Sun Jason?
Jason: I didn't want Mark to be cursed with Vampirism.
Livia: You bit Mark yet you didn't want him to be cursed?!
Jason: I couldn't stop myself, his Blood tasted so good.
Livia: Do you know where you are now?
Jason: Is this the Void?
Livia: You are only dreaming Jason, you are in a Hospital in a deep coma suffering from severe burns.
Jason: Did Mark survive?
Livia: No, he died in the Sun.
Jason: Why did I survive?
Livia: Death hasn't put you on his list yet, there's one other thing you must know about your situation.
Livia puts a package of diapers next to Jason...
Jason: Diapers?
Livia: Your Bladder Muscles are weak so you are incontinent, and as you can see the diapers are for new borns, the Sun shrunk you to baby size.
Livia diapers Jason...
Jason: Will I heal?
Livia: In time you will heal but for now you rest and soon you will be adopted.
Jason: How are you in my dream?
Livia: I may be dead but part of me will always be with you Jason.
Jason: When will I wake up?
Livia: That's up to you but I can imagine you waking up real soon, this dream is almost over.
Jason: Thanks for always being here for me Livia.
Livia: You are my baby Brother, of course I'll always be here for you.
Livia kisses Jason...
Be warned you are in a Freezer about to be taken out, till we meet again Brother.

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