Chapter 11

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Jason Parks dreaming...
Jason Parks in his old Crib...
Mother walks in and picks up Jason...
Mother puts Jason Parks on the changing pad...
Jason Parks: How are you still alive?
Mother: Are you trying to say something baby?
Livia has been waiting for a long time to change your diaper.
Jason Parks: But Livia is only a year older than me!
Mother takes off Jason's clothes...
Livia comes into the room...
Livia: I'm ready to change my baby Brother's diaper.
Jason Parks: Livia looks the same age as when she was killed!
Livia: Jason keeps talking in Baby.
Mother: Be a good girl for Mommy and change your Brother's Diaper.
Livia takes a baby wipe...
Livia lifts up Jason's butt...
Livia wipes Jason's butt, penis and balls...
Livia: Why does his Crib look like a Coffin?
Mother: Because he's a baby Vampire.
Livia grabs a diaper from the package...
Livia diapers Jason...
Livia picks up Jason and puts him back in his Coffin...
Livia: All done.
Mother puts a baby bottle in Jason's Mouth...
Jason drinking from the bottle...
Mother: Someone was kind enough to donate blood for Jason.
Livia: Look at his big muscles!
Mother: Yep, that Blood did the trick.
A few hours later...
Jason Parks farting in his diaper...
Jason Parks: This must be some really bad dream, Livia and Mom died a long time ago.
Livia comes into the room...
Livia picks up Jason and takes him to the living room...
News Reporter: In other news, Kyoto Mattio has recently visited this dark and depressing town to get to know everyone, Doctor Whim was the first to meet up with Kyoto and has some juicy information about why Kyoto picked this lonesome town.
Doctor Whim: For years now Kyoto has been looking for someone in particular that Mercenary Groups and the Cops fail to apprehend.
Livia: This sounds scary.
Mother: How's his diaper?
Livia: It's dry for now.
Mother: Put him in his playpin, it's time for Dinner, oh and get him a bottle of Blood.
Livia gives Jason a bottle a blood...
Jason drinking a bottle of Blood...
Livia eats Dinner...
Twelve minutes later...
Livia starts the Bath...
Livia takes off Jason's diaper...
Livia puts Jason in the Bathtub...
After Jason's Bath...
Livia: Where are you going?
Mother: I have important business to take care of, I'll be back soon.
Livia: Okay.
Livia takes Jason to the Park...
Livia pushing Jason on the Swings...
I know you are confused little brother, just remember this is all a dream so relax, you will return to the real world soon, I never got to be your big Sister since I was only one year older than you.
I would think you would be glad that in this dream Mom and I are alive.
Father will be home soon and in this dream he's not afraid that you are a Vampire.
In fact in this dream he watches Vampire movies.
Seven minutes later...
Father comes home...
Father: I wonder where the Kids are.
An hour later...
Livia and Jason comes home...
Livia: Jason needs his diaper change.
Father: I can see he has a boner in his diaper.
Livia takes Jason Parks to the changing pad...
Livia lays Jason down on the changing pad...
Livia takes Jason's diaper off...
Livia wipes Jason's Penis, Balls and Butt...
Livia takes a diaper out of the package...
Livia diapers Jason...
Livia: Just so you know all you have to do is bite me to get out of this dream.
I'm not forcing you to be in this dream.
Livia picks up Jason and grabs a bottle of blood...
Livia sits down on a rocking chair...
Livia puts the bottle of Blood in Jason's Mouth...
Jason drinking all the Blood...
That's a good baby.
The next day...
Mother: It's time to go to School Livia.
Mother drives Livia to School...
Mother and Father goes to work...
Jason home alone...
Jason: That Blood turned me into a Baby, I wonder how that's possible.
Jason crawls to the couch...
Jason watches TV...
Mail Man rings the doorbell...
Mail Man yelling at the door...
Mail Man: I got your package!
Mail Man leaves the Package at the door...
Mail Man leaves...
Jason: I'm too small to open the door.
Jason puts his hands in his diaper and plays with his Penis and Balls...
Ten hours later...
Father takes Jason and Livia to the Mall...
Father: I have to run a few errands can you take your Baby Brother to Sears and buy him a few pairs of clothes?
Livia: Sure.
Livia picks up Jason and goes to Sears...
Father goes to a few stores...
I just got a Text message to meet Father at the Food Court.
Livia walks to the food court...
Father: I got you Carl's JR.
Livia: I'm starting to think Jason Parks likes wearing Diapers since he hasn't bit me yet.
Father: I didn't forget to get the Bottles of Blood in just in case he gets Hungry.
Father, Livia and Jason eating...
Father: It's time to change Jason's Diaper.
Livia: Can I?
Father: Sure, I'll meet you back at the car.
Livia picks up Jason and takes him to the Ladies Bathroom...
Livia: It seems there's already a girl getting her diaper changed in here.
Woman: Sorry, my 4 year old is Incontinent but I'm almost done.
Woman diapers her 4 year old daughter...
A few minutes later...
Livia puts Jason on the Changing Table...
Livia takes off Jason's clothes and Diaper...
Livia wipes Jason's Penis, Balls and Butt...
Livia diapers Jason...
Livia puts Jason back in his clothes...
Livia takes Jason to the car...
An hour later...
Father: Did you forget to water the Flowers?
Livia: Oh no!
Father: Don't worry their not dead yet.
Livia waters the Flowers...
Mother: You still haven't bit Livia?
You must really like getting your diaper changed.
Father: It seems it's going to rain tomorrow.
Mother: That's too bad.
Father: I hired a Babysitter to take care of Jason tomorrow.
Mother: Jason is fine being home alone.
Father: I know but Jason is home alone all day and the Mail Man comes in the morning.
Mother: How old is the Babysitter?
Father: Nine, her Mother is going to be out of town for the rest of the week so I said I would give her Daughter a Job to support herself.
The next day...
Babysitter starts Jason's Bath...
Jason: This Babysitter looks way too young.
Ann: It's time for your Bath cutie.
Jason: She doesn't even know I'm a Vampire.
Ann takes off Jason's diaper and puts him in the Bathtub...
After Jason's Bath...
Ann takes Jason inside his Parents room...
Ann: Since you are all dried I was hoping you would pleasure me baby boy.
Ann puts Jason's Penis inside her Vagina...
Ann: You are so big inside me that it's starting to hurt real good!
Jason: This Babysitter is crazy!
Ann: What's that baby?
Do you want a Diaper on?
Oh well, I'm sure the Mail Man will be here soon so we can go places.
Ann plays with Jason's Penis and Balls...
I knew I could get rid of your Boner, doesn't that feel good baby?
Ann puts a Diaper on Jason...
Ann watches the Maury Show...
Maury: When it comes to 5 Month old Keesha Mountains, Stevie Wonder you are not not the Father!
Stevie Wonder dancing...
Jason's Stomach farting...
Ann: Are you hungry sweetie?
Ann takes out baby food out of her Backpack...
I'm shocked your Parents don't have any food for you but I did see Blood Baby Formula?!
What is wrong with these Parents?!
Ann feeds Jason Baby Food...
Jason: Yuck!
Ann: Yes, the Maury show is still on!
Maury: When it comes to 1 year old Jacob Singer, Keven Moore you are not the Father!
Ann: Like the comment on YouTube says those chairs should have an STD test.
Ann laughing...
Burglars breaks into the house...
Burglars aims a gun at Ann...
Burglar #1: One sound from you and I'll blow your head off Bitch!
Burglar #2: Cool, you are watching the Maury show!
Burglar #1: We don't have time to watch TV, get all the Jewels rookie.
Burglar #2 searches the house for Jewels...
Burglar #2: I see a Safe but no Jewels in the house.
Burglar #1: They must be in the Safe, hey Bitch what's the Combination to the Safe?!
Ann: 47621.
Burglar #2: She's lying.
Burglar #1: I'm not playing around here Bitch, I got a tight schedule, tell me the dam Combination or I'll put ten bullet holes in your Baby's head!
Ann I'm just the Babysitter I don't know the Combination.
Sirens wailing...
Burglar #1: Fuck!
The Donut Patrol is coming!
Burglar #2: We have to leave boss.
Burglar #1: Because you wasted my time I'm going to put a Bullet in your head!
Ann crying...
Jason bites Burglar #1...
Burglar #1 dies...
Burglar #2: Holy Cheese Burglars!
What the hell did you do?!
Jason craws over to Burglar #2...
Burglar #2: Stay back you Monster!
Burglar #2 aims a gun at Jason...
Ann: Jason!
Burglar #2: I'm warning you!
Jason bites Burglar #2...
Burglar #2 dies...
Jason has a Tummy Ache...
Ann looks at Jason's Fangs...
Ann: You are a Vampire?!!!
Ann screaming and runs out of the house...
Jason: Darn, now I have to get rid of these bodies before the cops come.
Hmm, or they would never expect me to be the killer since I'm a Baby.
Jason crawls to his bedroom...
Jason climbs into his Crib and pretends to be sleeping...
The Police runs inside...
Officer #1: We got two guys dead.
Officer #2: A crazy woman called 911 claiming she was a Babysitter of a Vampire Baby Boy at this house.
Officer #1: Well that may be the case since these two guys were bit.
Officer #2: You actually believe in that Folklore?
Officer #1: I believe what the evidence shows.
Vampire Burglars bites the cops...
The Cops Screaming...
The Cops dies...
Vampire Burglars #1 and #2 falls unconscious and dies...
Jason: I should check what happened, after hearing the cops screaming I have a bad feeling about this.
Jason climbs out of his Crib and checks the living room...
This is worse than I thought, both of the cops are dead, but the Burglars are still dead, what happened here?!
A few hours later...
Livia comes home...
Livia: Holy Skywalkers, What in the Blue Moon happened here?!
Jason crawls over to Livia...
Jason: We were robbed!
Livia picks up Jason...
Livia: Judging from looking at the bodies there was two Burglars and two Cops, did you bite the Burglars Jason?
Oh, I see you need your diaper changed, sorry but I need to do my Homework before changing your diaper.
Livia does her Homework...
Livia changes Jason's diaper...
Livia gives Jason a Bottle of Blood...
Jason drinks the whole thing...
Jason burps...
Does that feel better sweetie?
The Neighbor rings the doorbell...
Livia opens the door...
Neighbor: Why is there still a Police Car in your Driveway?
Livia: I don't know but I find that very odd, did you see any cops busting into my home?
Neighbor: Oh, I get it, you just came home from School so of course you wouldn't know what happened.
I'm the one who called the cops after seeing two Burglars busting into your house.
What I find odd is neither the cops or the Burglars left your home.
You must have seen something odd in your house.
Livia: I haven't seen anything out of the usual.
Neighbor: That is strange but okay.
The Neighbor leaves...
Livia: This day just got worse, there's a Police car in our Driveway!
Chief of Police: I don't know why Officer Connor and Baker are still at the Parks residence but I need them back here Asap.
Both a Babysitter and a concerned Neighbor called us in at least we should bring back our late Officers.
Sergeant Kepler: I can swing by and see what's shaking.
Chief of Police: Go ahead, they better have a good explanation for being there for so long.
Jason Parks crawls over to Livia...
Livia: I hope you aren't the one who killed those cops.
Livia picks up Jason and puts him on her lap...
Livia watching the Maury show...
Sergeant Kepler arrives...
Sergeant Kepler banging on the door...
Sergeant Kepler: This is the Police open up!
Jason farting...
Livia: Don't worry, we can handle this.
Sergeant Kepler takes out his gun and kicks the door down...
Sergeant Kepler: Get your hands up Criminal Scums!
Livia gets her hands up...
Livia: We didn't do anything.
Sergeant Kepler: Why did you kill two cops?!
Livia: I didn't!
Sergeant Kepler calls for backup...
Sergeant Kepler: I find that hard to believe since there's two dead cops and two dead burglars on the floor.
Livia: Two Burglars invaded our home looking for Jewelry, my baby Brother is a Vampire that bit those two, the last thing I remember is hearing the cops scream and I ran towards the bodies shocked the cops were killed, all I can think of is the Burglars were somehow alive for a few minutes and bit the cops then died.
Sergeant Kepler: It's time to wake up Jason Parks!
Sergeant Kepler shoots Jason Parks in the head...
Jason Parks wakes up...
Jason Parks: What a strange dream.
The next day...
After School...
Jason Parks cleaning his room...
Horton enters Jason's room completely naked looking at Jason...
Jason Parks: Who are you?!
Horton growls and bites Jason...
Jason Parks unconscious...
Horton: My Journey is finally at an end.
Horton leaves the house...
Jason Parks wakes up with a full Bladder...
Jason Parks runs to the Bathroom and pulls out his Penis...
Jason Parks peeing...
Jason Parks: Who was that Kid?
Jason Parks looks in the Mirror...
Jason Parks has red eyes and Vampire Fangs...
Not again, I must find that boy and stop him from turning others into Vampires.
Horton sleeping in Jason's Basement naked...
Jason Parks walks down to the Basement...
Horton wakes up...
Horton: Don't take this too personal Jason Parks!
Jason Parks: How do you know who I am and why are you naked?!
Horton: I know this sounds difficult to understand but you and I we were switched at Birth.
Jason Parks: What?!
Horton: I found out and then when I came to confront the Nurse she bit me.
I've traveled for years to get here.
Horton hugs Jason...
Jason: Does this mean I have a Family?
Horton: Yes, they are waiting for you Jason, you have a Sister and your Mother just told me a few days ago that you now have a baby Brother.
Jason Parks: Your Sister and your Parents are dead.
You only have a Grandpa left.
Horton: It's fine Jason, your Family wants you back.
Horton gives Jason a Teleporter...
Jason: What is this?
Horton: This Pen I found at a Yard Sale in this town is also a Teleporter, you can Teleport home.
Jason: Why did you bite me?
Horton: To give you back your power.
Jason uses the pen to Teleport...
Jason looks at a Mansion...
Jason rings the doorbell...
A Woman opens the door...
Jason: I'm Jason.
Woman: I know son, Horton told me everything, even that you were Reincarnated.
Jason hugs his real Mother...
Jason: Horton said I have a Sister and a baby Brother.
Real Mother: I was about to change your baby Brother's diaper.
Jason: I don't mind.
Real Mother invites Jason inside...
Real Mother takes off Timothy's diaper and wipes Timothy's Penis, Balls and Butt...
Real Mother diapers Timothy...
Real Mother: This must be a big shock to you finding out you've been switched at Birth and that your real family is alive.
Jason: I feel bad for Horton, his family is gone and I get a family that I didn't know anything about.
Real Mother: He never accepted his place in the world, I see he turned you back into a Vampire, I bet it feels so good to have a big penis again.
Jason: I only cured my disease to have a normal life raising my children, even though I was reincarnated they will always be my Kids.
Real Mother: Your real Father died from Radiation.
He was CDC the radiation was too high for the Hazmat outfit.
Jason: Where's my Sister?
Real Mother: She's in High School.
Timothy farting in his crib...
Jason: Being in a Mansion makes me feel like I'm in a Vampire movie.
Real Mother: Horton slept in a Coffin.
I just got your Coffin ready for you.
Jason: I never slept in a Coffin before.
Real Mother: Trying new things is what life is all about.
Jason: I have to go to the Bathroom.
Real Mother: It's upstairs to your right sweetie, after you take care of your business it's time for your nap Kiddo.
Jason: You don't have to treat me like a child.
Real Mother: You were Reincarnated, this means you aren't mature enough to stay up, we will talk about this later.
Jason goes to the Bathroom...
Jason takes a nap...
A few hours later...
Kayla Tassel: I'm back.
Real Mother: You are just in time to meet your Brother Jason Tassel.
Jason Tassel wakes up...
Jason Tassel leaves his room...
Kayla: He's so small.
Real Mother: He was reincarnated.
Kayla: He's not my Brother.
Real Mother: Can you try to get along with your Brother?
Kayla: He's not my Brother, my Brother is dead!
Jason Tassel crying...
Real Mother hugs Jason...
Jason: It's true, I could never be your son because I was reincarnated.
Real Mother: Don't worry sweetie, we can simply use your Dad's time machine to prevent your death.
Real Mother powers up the Time Machine...
Real Mother: This time don't cure your Vampirism.
Jason travels back in time...
Jason doesn't use the cure...
Jason bites the Japanese Grandpa...
Jason goes back to the Present...
Jason: It worked.
Kayla hugs her Brother...
Kayla: Welcome home.
Real Mother: I knew it would work.
A few days later...
Jason Tassel at School...
Pastor: I've prepared for this day.
Principal: Please don't hurt him.
Pastor: Relax, it would only pinch the Vampirism out of him.
Jason in the Bathroom washing his face...
The Pastor opens the door...
Jason: Who are you?
Pastor: It's alright Jason, I'm here to see you and take you back home.
Jason: What do you mean?
Pastor pulls out some Holy Water...
Pastor: I'm not here to hurt you Jason but I will cure you of your Disease!
Jason: Pastor?
Pastor pours Holy Water on Jason...
Jason growls...
Pastor screaming...
Jason bites the Pastor...
Jason goes home...
Real Mother: Why are you home early sweetie?
Jason bites his Mother and Kayla...
Jason bites Timothy...
Timothy crying in his Crib...
Jason goes to bed in his Coffin...
The next day...
Christians praying to Zeus at Church...
Jason Tassel growling at the Christians...
Christian #1 grabs a Cross...
Christian #1: Stay back you Demon!
Jason Tassel picks up the Christian and throws him at the other Christians...
The Christians begging for mercy...
Jason bites the Christians...
Jason: This is what happens to those who worship Zeus and his son Jesus.
Chaos is ths one and only creator.
The next day...
Jason watches Fox News...
News Reporter: Angelo Marquez and I regret to reform you that the Island will be attacked any minute from Asteroids.
The Scientists couldn't save you in time because they were too busy in the diaper aisle preparing for their doom.
Jason holds Timothy's hand...
Jason: It will all be over soon Brother and we will reunite with our Mother.
The Asteroids destroys the Island...
Jason and Timothy wakes up in the Void...
Mother: It's good to see you two again.
Jason: I'm sorry I bit you and Kayla.
Kayla: I'm glad you did.
Father: Truth be told the Radiation I found warned us about the Asteroids.
Chaos: You are finally home Jason.

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