Chapter 7

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Firetruck shows up...
Fireman looks at the two burned naked children on the Sidewalk...
Fireman takes the Kids to the Hospital...
Medical Examiner: Jason made it but Mark died from the sun.
Doctor: Jason Parks was found by a Fireman burned and naked with his friend Mark Hamilton.
Jason Parks is in a Freezer.
Jason Parks shrunk to baby size and will be wearing a diaper when he comes out.
Mark Hamilton died from the Sun.
Fireman: I was frightened to see two naked and burned children on the Sidewalk and it looked like they were holding hands before they burned.
Ten minutes later...
Adoption Agent: How long will Jason be in the Freezer?
Doctor: We can get him out now if you agree to put him on the top of the list.
Adoption Agent: Goodie, I have clients coming tomorrow so he'll be the first to be adopted, I'm concerned about his Vampire Teeth though.
Doctor: It will be fine.
The next day...
Jason Parks gets adopted...
New Mother picks up Jason...
New Mother takes Jason to the car...
New Mother drives Jason home...
Thirty minutes later...
New Father: He's small for a 9 year old.
New Mother: His Doctor said he shrunk to baby size when the Fireman found him, isn't he cute?
Daughter: He's my new brother?
New Mother: Yes.
New Father: Yes.
Daughter: Why is he wearing a diaper?
New Mother: I'm not sure sweetie.
A few hours later...
Jason Parks in his new bedroom...
Jason Parks: I survived?
New Sister came inside Jason's room...
New Sister: Mother wanted me to change your diaper.
Jason Parks: I don't need a diaper change, I'm 9 years old!
New Sister picks up Jason and puts him on a changing pad...
New Sister takes off Jason's Diaper...
New Sister wipes Jason's Penis, Balls and Butt...
New Sister diapers Jason Parks...
New Sister: I'm your big sister now, when I say it's time for your diaper change you better not talk back!
Jason farting...
It's good you are scared of me.
New Sister pats Jason's diapered butt...
New Sister puts Jason in his Crib...
New Sister leaves the room...
New Father: After Jason is done with his nap, I'll take him to the park.
A week later...
New Sister puts Jason on the changing table...
New Sister: What surprise do you have for your big sister?
New Sister takes off Jason's diaper...
New Sister wiping Jason's Penis, Balls and Butt...
Jason Parks bites his New Sister...
Jason Parks back to his normal size...
Jason Parks gets off the changing pad...
Jason Parks hides the body in his closet...
Jason Parks leaves the room and goes to the other bed room...
Jason Parks sleeping on the bed naked...
New Mother finds her Daughter in the closet...
New Mother screaming...
New Father runs to the room...
New Father looks at his Daughter's dead body...
New Father: What happened?!
New Mother: I don't know!
New Mother enters her Daughter's bedroom...
New Father enters his Daughter's bedroom...
New Mother and New Father looks at 9 year old Jason Parks sleeping naked...
New Father: I'm going to get some clothes for him, I'll be back soon.
New Mother buries her Daughter...
Thirty minutes later...
New Father puts clothes in Jason's Dresser...
A few hours later...
Jason Parks wakes up...
Jason Parks puts a clean diaper on...
Jason Parks walks to the dresser...
Jason Parks puts some clothes on...
Jason Parks walks out of the bedroom...
New Mother: You have a lot of explaining to do Jason!
Jason Parks: I'm a Vampire.
Jason Parks shows his Fangs...
New Mother faints in front of him...
New Father: Just stay in your room, we will discuss this later.
A few hours later...
New Mother gives Jason a blood pack...
Jason: I'm sorry for what I did.
New Mother: You won't speak of this, you just sit in your room with your blood pack, you are in big trouble!
New Mother slams the door shut...
Jason Parks crying...
A few minutes later...
New Father opens the door...
New Father: Your Mother and I are going to the adoption agency to find out how you shrunk to baby size.
Jason Parks: I can tell you why.
New Father: What happened?
Jason Parks: My friend Mark Hamilton wanted to commit suicide with me by running outside.
New Father: You are allergic to the sun?
Jason Parks: I'm a Vampire, I need blood to go outside.
New Father: Just promise me you won't bite us Jason Parks.
Jason Parks: I promise.
New Mother: Tomorrow you are going back to School, I put blood packs in your backpack in just in case.
The next day...
Jason at Recess...
Mike: Jason!
Jason: It's good to see you again Mike.
Mike: I read what happened to Mark.
Jason: I didn't expect to survive.
Mike: You look good for someone that was burned to crisp.
Jason: I now wear diapers.
Mike: That's unfortunate.
Jason: I didn't mean to bite Mark.
Mike: You were hungry, I get it.
Jason: I was adopted and now my new mom changes my diapers.
Mike: Are you going to bite her?
Jason: I might as well have a little snack before bed time.
Mike laughing...
Mike: Sucking blood does sound like fun.
Bully: A little Birdie told me Jason wears diapers!
Mike: So?
Bully: Show me your diaper or I'll break all your bones, even the ones you don't use.
Mike: Leave Jason alone.
Bully beats up Mike...
Bully: Shut Up Wimp!
Jason cracks his knuckles...
Jason walks towards the Bully...
Jason: I'm giving you three seconds to leave, or I'll suck all your blood!
Bully: Show me your diaper!
Jason bites the Bully...
The Bully dies...
Mike stands up in pain...
Jason: Are you okay Mike?
Mike: I am now buddy.
Jason and Mike goes to class...
Janitor: There's a dead body over here!
A few hours later...
Jason Parks watching TV in his room...
New Mother: The Principal just called, do you have something to say to me?
Jason Parks: I was bullied at Recess.
New Mother: You killed him!
Jason Parks: I know.
New Mother: Lay down on your stomach, I have to Spank your bottom!
Jason Parks: You are going to leave me alone or I will hurt you!
New Mother runs out of the house and drives away...
Jason Parks takes a nap naked...
New Father comes home and spanks his son with a Belt...
Jason Parks growls and bites New Father...
New Mother comes home...
Jason Parks runs towards her and bites her...
Jason Parks farting...
Jason Parks watches TV...
Ten minutes later...
Mike rings the doorbell...
Jason Parks opens the door...
Mike: You haven't cleaned up your mouth, you got blood all over.
Jason: I just bit them both.
Mike: Can I come in?
Jason: Sure, just be careful where you walk, there's two dead bodies in here.
Mike walks into the house...
Mike: Are you usually naked?
Jason: I can get dressed if you are uncomfortable with me being naked.
Mike: No, It's just new seeing you naked around the house.
Jason: I'm a dangerous Vampire.
Mike: I see that.
Mike strips naked...
Jason and Mike watches TV...
Jason: I'm sorry if you hate me for committing suicide.
Mike: I got your Tank Top and your Blue Jeans for you.
Jason: Thanks for bringing me back my clothes, I thought I would never get them back.
Mike: Since you were in the Freezer the President ordered to demolish your old home and bring in a new one.
Jason Park: If a Family moves in I can suck their blood and live there.
Mike: Can I diaper you before we get back to your home?
Jason: Sure, I'm still incontinent after the fire burned my bladder muscles.
Mike: At least your Penis is still there.
Jason: I guess my Penis is Fireproof.
Mike and Jason walks to the Nursery...
Jason lays down on the changing table...
Mike diapers Jason...
Mike and Jason walks to Jason's old home...
A family of four moves into the house...
Mike: Are you ready to suck their blood?
Jason Parks: Yeah, they look really tasty, especially the Children.
Mike: Enjoy your Feast Jason Parks.
Jason Parks sneaks in through a Window...
Jason silently closes the Window...
Sarah: I want to see my bedroom!
Jason hides in a Closet...
Sarah enters her Bedroom...
Sarah looks at her bedroom...
Sarah smiles and leaves the room...
Jonathan enters his Bedroom...
Jonathan: This room is so cool!
Mother: Our new Bedroom is so much bigger than our old house.
Father: A new start.
Baby kicking in the Mother...
Mother in a lot of pain...
Mother: She's kicking hard.
Father: She must really want to come out to live in our new home.
Mother: Good thing this house has five Bedrooms.
The next day...
Mother: Are you almost dressed?
Sarah: No, I'm naked and can't find my Skirt with the Lions.
Mother: Put your Panties on first so I can help you find your Skirt.
Sarah puts her Panties on...
Sarah puts her Hello Kitty Blue Panties on...
Sarah: You can come in now.
Mother checks the Closet...
Mother finds the Skirt...
Mother: I found your Skirt Sweetie...
Mother gives Sarah the Skirt...
Sarah puts the Skirt on...
Sarah runs to the Bus Stop with Jonathan...
Father puts his Tie on...
Father: I woke up late and only have ten minutes to get to work on time.
Mother: It will be fine, you will make it, by the way your Parents are coming later on to visit the Kids.
Father: I'm hoping my Dad doesn't come over with his loud Motorcycle, Jonathan and Sarah's ears were bleeding from that incident.
Mother: Don't worry, he's driving the Pickup Truck we made Jonathan in.
Mother laughing...
Father: We were so bad before we had Jonathan and Sarah.
Mother: We made Sarah in an Elevator.
Mother laughing again...
Father: I remember when Security kicked us out and we were chased by a bunch of Midgets with Briefcases and expensive business suits.
Father laughing...
Mother and Father leaves the house...
Jason walks out of the Closet...
Jason explores his new house...
Jason: This new house is ten times bigger than my old house.
I now have a Pool and a huge Piano.
Ten minutes later...
Jason goes to a Pool Store and steals a Swim Suit...
Ten minutes later...
Jason takes off his clothes and puts his Swim Suit on...
Jason Parks goes Swimming...
Ten hours later...
Sarah and Jonathan swimming with their Grandparents...
Ten minutes later...
Sarah playing with her Barbies in her room...
Jason Parks grabs a Barbie and plays with Sarah...
Sarah: Who are you?
Jason: I'm Jason Parks, I'm 9 years old and my house was demolished.
Sarah: Our House is where you used to live?!
Jason: Yes.
Sarah: You can live with us.
Jason continues to play with Sarah...
Grandma walks inside the room...
Grandma: It's time for your bath sweetie!
Who are you?!
Sarah: He's Jason Parks, he used to live here till the President demolished his house, I told him he can live with us, he's like an older brother!
Grandma looks at Jason's red eyes...
Grandma screams and runs to her son's bedroom...
Grandpa runs to the Bedroom...
Grandpa: What happened?
Grandma: Those horrible Red Eyes!
Grandpa walks over to Sarah's bedroom...
Grandpa: Who's your friend Sarah?
Sarah: His name is Jason Parks.
Jason Parks stands up and shakes the Grandps's hand...
Jason: I'm 9 years old.
Grandpa looks at his Red eyes...
Grandpa: Are you a Vampire?
Jason: Yes, the President demolished my home and was replaced by this big house, Sarah wants me to be her Brother.
Sarah kisses Jason on the cheeks...
Grandpa: You can't stay, my Son and his Wife don't tolerate Vampires.
Jason: Neither does your Wife.
Grandpa: Get out and never return!
It's for your safety, my son is a known Vampire Hunter that burns Vampires!
Jason Parks: I'm not letting anyone scare me out of my home.
Grandpa: Please don't kill my Son.
Jason Parks: I'm not going to let bigots chase me out of my own home!
Sarah: I'll protect him from daddy.
Sarah hugs Jason's Waist...
Grandpa leaves the room and talks to Grandma...
Jason: What do you think they are planning?
Sarah: I'm not sure but I'll protect you.
Jason: You are such a good little sister.
Sarah smiles and hugs Jason...
Jonathan enters Sarah's room...
Jonathan: Who's your creepy Vampire friend?
Sarah: His name is Jason Parks.
Jonathan: Do you know what my Dad does to freaks like you?!
Jason: I'm warning you to back off!
Jonathan: Sarah, please come with me, I can protect you from this Beast.
Sarah: Jason Parks is my friend!
Jonathan: He's going to suck your blood, he's going to try to kill us all!
Sarah: He's my brother and I'm not going to let you or Dad harm him!
Sarah slams the door in front of Jonathan...
Jonathan runs to his dad's room and grabs the Shotgun and shells...
Grandpa: What are you doing with your Father's Shotgun?!
Jonathan: There's a Beast in my Sister's room turning her against her family using his Mind Control powers, I have to save my Sister before it's too late, are you with me Grandpa?
Grandpa grabs his Revolver...
Grandpa: Yes Grandson, I am with you.
Grandma grabs a Baseball Bat...
Grandma: I am too!
A few minutes later...
Sarah: Do you want some Chocolate Chip Cookies?
Jason: Yes Please!
Sarah walks out of her room and grabs some Cookies...
Sarah walks back to her room...
Sarah gives Jason some Chocolate Chip Cookies...
Sarah: There you go.
Jason: Thank you.
Jason eats Chocolate Chip Cookies...
Grandpa opens the door...
Grandpa: Stay away from my Granddaughter!
Jason and Sarah terrified...
Jonathan: You aren't going to use my Sister to kill us!
Sarah: Stop with the Paranoia!
Jason: Leave us alone Bigots!
Grandma: Jason is using his Mind Control Powers on you Sarah, you have to fight it and show him he can't control you anymore.
Sarah: Leave us alone!
Grandpa: Die Beast!
Grandpa aims his Revolver at Jason...
Grandpa fires...
Sarah: No!
Sarah shields Jason...
The Bullet hits Sarah...
Sarah dies...
Jason: You Monsters, look what you done!
Grandpa drops the Revolver crying...
Grandma drops the Baseball Bat crying...
Jonathan: You killed my Sister!
Jonathan fires his Shotgun...
Grandpa stands up...
The bullet hits Grandpa...
Grandpa dies...
Jason: Thank you for killing the Asshole that killed your Sister.
Jonathan crying...
Jonathan: Stop killing my Family!
Grandma picks up the Baseball Bat...
Grandma: This ends now!
Grandma swings the Baseball Bat at Jason...
Jason grabs the Baseball Bat from Grandmas hands...
Jason bites Grandma...
Jason: Now to deal with the Swine who killed his own Grandpa!
Jonathan pees his pants...
Jonathan: Please don't!
Jason: Death is judging you for murdering your Grandpa!
Jason approaches Jonathan...
Jonathan closes his eyes crying...
Jason bites Jonathan...
A few hours later...
Mother and Father comes home...
Jason outside hearing the Mother and Father screaming and crying...
A few minutes later...
Police shows up...
Mother and Father goes to the Morgue...
Twelve minutes later...
Medical Examiner: The Grandpa killed your Daughter and your Son killed his Grandpa.
Someone bit the Grandma and your Son, these teeth marks came from a Kid, a nine year old kid.
Mother: My Kids didn't have friends in the neighborhood.
Father: We need time before we mourn our Family.
Medical Examiner: Take as long as you need to heal, there's no rush.
A few hours later...
Father crying on the bed...
Jason Parks stands next to the Father...
Father looks at a 9 year old Vampire...
Father: Are you here to kill me?
Jason Parks gives the Father a loaded gun...
Father looks at the gun and Jason Parks...
Jason Parks: Sarah was my friend, she felt sympathy for me when I told her the President demolished my home.
I played with her till your Dad, Mom and Son came in being hostile.
Your dad fired this Revolver and Sarah sacrificed herself for me.
Then your son fired your Shotgun, your dad got in the way and got shot.
Your Mom tried to kill me with a Baseball Bat so I bit her.
Then I bit your son.
If you feel anger towards me pick up the gun and shoot me, I just wanted to tell you what happened before you kill me.
Jason closes his eyes...
Father hugs Jason Parks...
Father: You are a brave little boy for telling me what happened.
I won't kill you if you agree to be my Son, I'll treat you like my own son.
Jason: Thank you Daddy.
Jason with tears in his eyes...
Father pats Jason's bottom...
Father: Don't cry kiddo, everything is going to be alright.
A few hours later...
Mother: Do you want to watch TV?
Jason: Yes.
Mother: We are watching a Movie if you want to join us.
Jason: You aren't afraid of me?
Mother: My Husband explained to me what happened, he forgives you and so will I, I accept you as my Son.
A year later...
10 year old Jason Parks changes Carly's Diaper...
Mother: You are a good brother for your baby sister.
Father: We are going on a date in an hour, take care of Carly while we are gone, when we come back I'll tuck you into bed and tell you a bedtime story.
An hour later...
Carly sucking on her Pacifier...
Jason Parks walks over to Carly...
Jason Parks bites Carly...
Carly slowly dies..
Jason Parks: Your blood tastes so good!
Mike rings the doorbell...
Jason cleans his mouth...
Jason opens the door...
Mike: I'm sorry Jason but I'm moving far away, this is the last time we will ever see each other, goodbye Jason.
Jason: Don't ever come back, I've had a long life and it's time I die.
Mike hugs Jason...
Mike: Goodbye Buddy.
Two hours later...
Jason Parks rocks Carly's dead body in a Rocking chair...
Mother opens the door...
Mother: Time for bed kiddo.
Jason: I've been a bad boy Mommy, I'm ready to die, I don't deserve your love, I'm sorry for biting Carly.
Mother pulls out a Revolver...
Jason closes his eyes...
Mother aims a gun at Jason's head...
Mother pulls the Trigger...
Jason dies...
An hour later...

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