The sword

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Hiccup's pov

Aurora led me to the center of the island again and introduced me to every single dragon here. It started to get dark and I knew I had to leave. I looked back at Aura who was playing with the baby dragons. I shook my head and walked over to her.

"Hey Aura, can I stay the night? Just for tonight." I asked and she nodded. "Huh? Oh, sure there's not another hut but I have an extra room." She said pointing to her hut. "Thanks." I said and she nodded at me. I looked into the sky and then back at Aura. She led me to the hut and we entered. I saw a box and got curious. "What's that?" I asked her and she looked at it. "Oh, Gothi gave it to me." She said and picked it up.

"She told me to open it only when the time is right, but when do I know when the time is right?" She asked me and I looked her in the eyes. "You will know it in your heart." I said and she took a deep breath. She looked at the box and then opened it. She picked something up and it was a rainbow sword. "The sword of the ColorWing." She said and I looked at her confused.

Aurora's pov

"There is a story of a great dragon, told to be the queen if all dragons. It is known for it's rainbow appearance. The sword was made to hold the soul of the ColorWing and put it back in a egg for it to be reborn. The story states whoever holds the sword is destined to find it. In the story the person gets it as a gift from somebody very dear to her." I said and looked at it. "Your the one holding it and you got it from Gothi." Hiccup said and I looked at him.

"First the prophecy about me being queen and now this though?" I questioned myself in a whisper but Hiccup must have heard me because he was shocked, confused and amazed.

"What, queen?" "There was a prophecy that a girl with dark grey hair and dusty purple eyes will arive with a StormCutter with the colors of the galaxy. I'm the girl and Gallia is the StormCutter." I said and he hugged me. "You'll fugure this out, and I will help you." "Thanks Hic, I appreciate it."

Up above is the picture of the sword.

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