4. Don't move on so quickly

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- Saturday -

- Your POV -
It's been about two weeks living with Peter and May. So much has happened Michelle and I became really good friends and I got my first boyfriend...Flash Thompson.

We started to date 4 days ago. here's what happened....

(A/N): I thought it would be cool to do like a little flashback chapter but if you don't like it...Oh well

- 4 Days ago, Tuesday -

"Good morning class! Welcome to your P.E class. Today we're going to be working in partners for the entire rest of the week!" My P.E teacher said

"Let's hope i'm partners with you" Peter whispered in my ear

"I couldn't agree more" I whispered back

" Michelle with Ned, Liz with Parker, Gwen with Brant, Seymour with Cindy, and Flash with um... Y/N" The teacher announced the groups

I grabbed Peter's hand, "Sir can i work with Peter instead?" I asked

"No switching!" he said

"It'll be okay at least we live together" he said smiling, "Yeah I guess that's okay" i giggled.

"Hey beautiful" flash said behind me and Peter rolled his eyes and walked over to Liz giving me a salute

Peter and I made up this thing where we salute each other as like good luck and when we had to talk privately or a secret that can't be shared you know.

And i gave him a salute back as good luck too, "Hey flash let's start with stretching". I didn't like when he would approach me that way but for some reason it made me blush.

"Good job today see you tomorrow" he said as i walked out of the gym saying nothing. But he didn't realize i went into the gym closet.

"Sup Penis Parker!" He punched Peter in his arm quite hard.

"Leave me the hell alone flash" Peter said walking out of the gym

"Hey Parker why don't you go suck a dick" Flash said laughing at his own joke. Peter walked away flipping Flash off

He's my only hope, I thought because if I wanted to get rid of Peter i had to date him, flash.

- After school -
"Hey flash would you like to go on a..." I gulped, "A...Date with...me?" I think i threw up in my mouth

"Of course puppy" He said, Even his nickname for me is fucking trash

"Ok great pick me up later at 8:00 i'll text you my address bye!" I said rushing to get away and catch up to Peter and walk home

"What was that about?" Peter asked he looked kind of angry

"Oh um I'm going on a date..." I said kind of scared

"Oh really" he looked disappointed

"with flash" that face turned into anger.

- Peter's POV -

calm down Peter breathe...

I felt my face getting red from anger but i had to relax myself. Even though Flash was the real Penis, I didn't want to ruin something she had if it really made her happy.

"That's nice" Then i put my headphones in and she was saying something but i didn't know what because i couldn't hear her

- Your POV -
"Peter i like you. I like like you. I don't know if you feel the same but I had to tell you this. So if you don't want me to go on that date with flash i won't, just tell me to stay" I said

"What did you say i couldn't hear you" he said pulling his headphones down from his head.

"Never mind" i was shattered

- 7:50 pm -
- Peter's POV -
I heard a knock at the door and i rose from the couch to open it

"Who is it" i shouted walking towards the door. No one replied. I opened the door then immediately slammed it back closed

"What the hell Pete, who was it?" Y/N said peeking her head out of her room

"No one it's fine" I said in a cracking voice. She gave me a glare and i opened the door again

It was Flash

"Parker what the hell are you doing here?" Flash said

"I live here"

"So you mean to tell me your related!?"

"OMG NO!" we said in unison

"She's the exchange student i live with, we're not related at all" I said walking away.

"Oh" flash said

"Come in and don't touch anything. Sit in that chair." I said in a cold voice pointing to an old chair. "She be out in a minute" I sat on the couch drinking some soda

"Fuck off" Flash said under his breath. I heard but i just kept my mouth shut.

Y/N's door opened and she came out of her room looking stunning. I got up and stared at her with my mouth falling open, i think i drooled a bit too

She had on a light pink shirt with one of my tee shirts on that were gray and it was tucked into the skirt. She had her hair in two braids with loose pieces hanging a bit and some white converses.

I looked over to flash and he was looking at his phone. Then he looked up and he tilted his head a bit looking at Y/N.

"You could've done a bit better" He said. I wanted to stab him in his fucking neck. I turned and looked at Y/N and she looked sad and pissed at the same time.

"You look beautiful" I said walking up to her giving her a hug. "I don't deserve you Peter" she whispered in my ear as i hugged her

"Alright alright alright, Parker get your hands off her that's my date!" Flash said

"I'm sorry i have to go" she whispered in my ear

"It's fine we'll watch a movie when you get back" I whispered and then we smiled

"I want to be back home by 8:45 Flash" she commanded

"No promises" he said smirking

"Do anything to her and I swear Flash, you'll regret it" I said anger

"What Parker you like her dad or something? To hell with you" he said grabbing Y/N wrist and yanking her out the door. I gave her a salute and then i closed the door.

To be continued...
(1049 words 💕)
I wanted to make it longer but i wanted to make a cliffhanger 👌

instagram: @sleepy._edits

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