5. Dangerous

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•Warning this particular chapter has forms of assault in it (sexual assault). If you wish to not ready the assault part i well give you a warning of when the text will happen. Just know i will not make the text unbearable to read.

- Your POV -
Present Day

I ran into the apartment and opened the unlocked door. Continued to run to my room and slamming my door shut.

Flash ran in 2 minutes after me and Peter got dangerously aggressive

- Peter's POV -
"What the hell did you do!" I yelled at Flash

"Cool it, she's fine" He said intoxicated

"Are you drunk?" I frowned my eyebrow

"Are you drunk?" Flash asked

"Dude get the hell out"

"Not until Y/N comes out of her room and finish's what she started! You hear me slut!!" He shouted

I don't know what came over me. I just got heated and I just, I just punched him. I swear I didn't mean too but the more I thought about he deserved it.

"What the hell Parker!!" Flash said getting up with and busted nose

"Now get the hell out" I said coldly

It obviously scared him because he left. I followed be hide him and locked the door. Then i walked over to Y/N's room and knocked on her door.

"Y/N are you okay" I said through the door

"Is he still out there?" She said muffled through the door

"No, he's gone" Then the door flew open and arms wrapped me.

"Peter" she whimpered into my shirt

"Yeah?" i asked scared for what was coming next

"I had to run Peter, I had to" I was confused but still comforting her

"He was going to..." She hesitated to say

"He was going to rape me Peter" and the tears got harder as well as the whimpering.

I felt hot, like really hot I tired to catch my breath but my heart was beating so fast. That sentence kept replying in my head, He was going to rape me, I felt my fist crunch and heat up as they were wrapped around Y/N.

- Your POV -
Peter was angry. I knew because i felt his fist ball up on my back. He pulled away from me and said, "I'll be back"

"Peter where are you going to go!" I said as he walked towards his room

"Somewhere" he said cold putting on his suit

"Why are you wearing your spider-man suit" I asked as Peter moved me out of his way to get out of the door.

"Peter Benjamin Parker! I swear if you walk out that door i'll never forgive you!" I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

He turned around and looked at me with those big brown eyes. Then he hugged me
"I'm sorry, It's just i'm scared. What if i can't be there for you?" he said into my hair

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