7. Unbelievable

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- Your POV -
"I have to tell you something" Peter said looking at me blushing and it caused me to blush

"Peter! Y/N! I'm home" May shouted right before Peter could tell me.

"I'd better go see if she needs any help with anything" Peter said leaving his bed and I

"Wait Peter what were you going to say?" But he left before i could finish

I got out of the bed and went into the living room, dragging my feet thinking about what Peter was going to tell me.

"Hey May, how was work" I said leaning over the couch

"Good you guys want something to eat?" May asked smiling

"U-Uh actually me and Y/N are going to get some food" Peter said looking at me

"We are?" I raised my eyebrow

"Yeah come on go get dressed" He said gripping my wrist and pulled me up and we walked to my room.

"How did you know if i wanted to go or not?" I said with my hands on my hips

"You don't have to. I just wanted some company but i'll understand if you don't want to go. Or know what i was going to tell you earlier" he said smirking and slowly turning around

"Wait Peter I'll go with you. give about 5 minutes" I said

"Alright i'll ask May what she wants to eat"
We were walking down the streets of Queens as the sun was setting. Peter was talking about how he can do these funny impressions of people and they were funny.

"I'm Y/N, and I was wondering i-if i could go on a d-d-date with you?" Peter said doing an impression of me

"That's not how i act!"

"When we first met you stuttered like hell" he said laughing

"That was you P-P-Peter! Whatever. Peter?" I called him


"What where you going to ask me earlier?" I said in a shaky voice

"Oh um" Peter said

- Peter's POV -
Peter just fucking tell her you like her then kiss her!
Peter just wait in time you'll see when it's the right moment for her.

My brain was scrambled.

I wanted to tell her so bad but i needed it to be the right moment. So i said...

"Um, Ned likes you" Damnmit i fucked up

"What?" She said raising an eyebrow

"Yup, but don't tell him I told you. He'll be pissed if he knows i told you" What the fuck peter

She looked at me so boggled, "Oh, Well I don't really like him back" she said

"Oh good. I mean! well like y-you know. It's like um yeah!" I don't even know what the bloody hell was wrong with me

"Peter chill" she said laughing

"Oh ok" i nervously laughed as well

"Look if you tell me your crush, I'll tell you mine" she said smiling

"You have a crush?"

I knew it wasn't me but a guy can only dream.

"Yup. He's kind, sweet, funny, smart, and really hot"

Oh yeah it's definitely not me

"Oh must be some lucky guy" I said kind of disappointed

"I mean I guess, he for sure doesn't want me. Just look at me my hair, my clothes, my face"

"Hey. You're one of the most beautiful girls i've ever met. No you are the most beautiful girl i've ever met. And if he can't see that then he's not worth it Y/N. Because you're fucking awesome and..."

- Your POV -

"And, what?" He looked froze

"And..." He said

"Peter?" I said stopping him and I

Then I began to walk closer. We stared at each and our faces got closer

"What's happening?" I felt his hot breath say on my face, sending chills down my spine

"I don't know but I don't want to-." I was cut by Peter

Well, he- he kissed me. The kiss lasted long and it was soft his lips were like pillows. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I tangled my fingers together around his neck. And there we were in the middle of Queens, New York kissing.

Our lips parted slowly and our foreheads touched each other's.

"Ned doesn't like you" he said panting for air, "I do" he said

"I know, Peter" And i went back in for another peck on his lips and we began to walk again.

"Come on let's get May's food" I said

"Can I hold your hand?" He asked me

My heart was fucking pumping out of my fucking chest and my cheeks were hot as hell

"Ok" Then his hands grabbed mine and I smiled

"What are you smiling about?" Shit he saw me!

"You were my crush Peter. You are the kind, sweet, funny, smart and really hot guy."

"Oh, I meant everything I said Y/N. You are sensational and you deserve the world" he said blushing

We smiled and held hands and I couldn't wait till i got home

To be continued...

(815 words💕)

This is short i know. I try to write as much as I can. I write at home, school, and in the car ( That's all i do so yup) so if you have a problem with that then leave!

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