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Show time

After ki basically expressed his feeling to me at the party we left, we went back to the bus and had a smoke session, I hot fucked up and I'm now waking up, it was 6:30 almost time for the show.

I'm hella happy to meet some fans because were havi g meet and greet after the show, I know its gonna be pretty lit.

I get out of my bed thing and make my way to the small bathroom, I use it then washed my face.

I think sence we have more shows here where gonna get a hotel later. Or I might while they have there after party.

I get out the bathroom and see some of the boys hanging out and smoking or whatever.

I sit next to ski and lay my head on his shoulder.

"You ight lil gurl?" he asked patting my messy hair.

"Yeah, it's just my head hurts" I explained

"Oh, what did you do?" He asked feeling my head

"I dont know, it just hurts" I started to rub it but ski slapped my hand for me to move it and so I did.

"You just have a headache, your ight, come on we gonna go to the store" I stand up and hopped over me.

I stand up and follow him, I slide on my bike slides and went outside to him.

He put his arm around my shoulders keeping me close.

"Wheres, skies?" I asked remembering not seeing him on the bus.

"Him and some of the other boys went to rehearsal"


I pull out my phone and se I have a text from skies. I tap on it a read it

Mr.ki💀❤: we needa talk when u wake up head to the rehearsal studio ily.

I look up at ski and seen he seen the text. I ignore him and keep walking.

We end up at some store ski knows of and entered.

I look around and see some girls looking and pointing at me and ski, I smile and wave and it looked like one just died.

I run over to her and help her up.

"Oh my lord, are okay honey?" I asked holding her up.

"OH MY GOWD IT LANI!!!" she yelled looking at me "AND SKI MASK THE SLUMP GOD!"

I smiled at ski and he came over to me.

"Sorry shes a little bit to much of a fan of you guys, and a little bit to crazy" he friend said

"Its ok, nice to meet you guys" I hug her and walk away.

Me and ski find some snacks and some advil for my head and walk out the store.

After a while we make it back to the bus and enter. Jah was passed out but he was suppose to be rehearsing.

I pull his dread and he jumped up

"BRUH, LANI STOP PLAYIN'!" He says slapping my arm

"Ow that hurt dick breath!" I yell rubbing my arm " get up we gotta go to that rehearsal thing"

"Oh shit, I forgot all about that" he says jumping up and running to the bathroom

I change into a hoodie and some black tights that slide on my checkers vans.

"Mm, my best lookking sexy" jah says walking out the small bathroom all dressed and ready.

I roll my eyes and walk to the front of the bus" ski u coming?" I asked patting his head


We exist the bus and walked to the building down the road.

We got there and seen skies and landon practicing there song. I look up at ki with his shirt off and sweat all over his body like he just ran a whole marathon.

I smile at myself, but I guess he see me and smiled back like a damn fool.

I wink and walk back to the green room with jah and ski.

We get there and I sit down on a couch with my feet up and just relaxing.. until ski came and slipp right on my feet..

I roll my eyes and moved my feet but he grabbed them and sat them on his lap, I didnt mind because it was okay I guess.

I didnt know what to do it was pretty boring and I couldn't wait for the meet and greet and to meet the fans.

Hear ki and landon laughing and talking loud as they enter the green room.

Ki looked around the room and found me and he placed a big smile on his face walking over to me.

"Hey, lil baby" he says leaving down and hugging me

"Hey, big baby" I say laughing

"Ew I'm out yall nasty" ski said and got up to join jah and the others.

Ki sat down where ski was and started rubbing my feet.

It felt weird but It was whatever " uhm, ki you said you wanted to talk"

"Oh yeah, after the show I'm in a good mood" he says

I nod my head and pull out my phone to record him.

"LOOK AT DA LITTLE BABY SKIES, HE IS SO CUTE!" I yell with my phone in his face

"Lani, stop, your so slow" he grabbed my phone and put it in his pocket

"Ki, give me my phone I wanted to post that"

"Nah, I'm good"

I get up and reach over him to get my phone but it ended in up play fighting.

We fell on th ground rolling around and laughing

"KI I JUST WANT MY PHONE!" I yell laughing.

He stopped on top of me and shook his head "no"

I made a puppy face and pushed him off of me

"Dont get mad I just want all you attention to me" I says getting up and sitting next to me placing his hand on my upper thigh making me tense up.

"Yo, skies wanna roll up?" Ski asked walking up to us

He nods and ski hands him the weed and some backwoods. I watched as he broke up the weed by hand. To be honest it was really sexy. Dont come for me.

"Ight yall! Show will be starting really soon so grab your balls and get your shit together!" Our manager says

As ki was rolling was rolling up the weed I laid my head on his lap and watched as he licked it

"Why you looking like that, you wish it was you" he says moving his eyebrows up and down

"Sure, keep telling yourself that" I say playfully hitting his arm

"I love you"

Okay so.. slow update.. I can never concentrate sorry.. anyways.. while righting this I was getting ideas for the next part and I'm hyped😊😊😊 cant wait ily

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