3. Kara Kidnapped (3)

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Kara kidnapped part 3

The man

Kara was gone for more than 12 hours now, and still no trace of her or her kidnapper. They did had searched the entire area, trying to find anything, dna, fingerprints, but there was nothing to be found.

This man clearly had planned every single detail of this. Wich meant that he knew Kara was supergirl, he knew when they had sister night, hell, he even knew how late she usually leaves to get back home.

He knew every single last detail about her, about them. He problaby knew Alex too, and that she was Kara's sister. He must have spent hours and hours watching them, taking notes.

And that brings us to what Alex was doing now. She was watching the surveillance camera's footage of places where Kara had went to the past few months to see if there was suspisious figure looking at her.

But she found nothing, and she had no idea what to do. Her first thought was CADMUS, but Lillian was still in prison, they had already checked on that.

They only knew a few things about this guy; he was a tanned male, in this early 40's and he must have been spying on Kara for a while now to know all these things.

There was a witness who had seen Kara being taken, he had explained to us how he looked like and Alex had given him her number in case anything else came to his mind.

The wittness was a nice man, his name was George and he had helped a lot with the investigation. He had even tried to comfort Alex in some way.

J'onn had told her to go home and get some rest, and that they would proceed the investegation tomorrow. After a long talk, Alex finally went home.

She couldn't sleep though, her mind was trapped with what her little sister could be going through right now. After hours of worrying she finally fell asleep.

She was woken up from a text, by George.

''Hey, do you have time to meet at the bar?'' - George

''Yeah, lets meet at 9, okay?'' -Alex

''Deal'' - George

Alex quickly got out of bed, and made herself ready. She got dressed, brushed her teeth and ate some breakfast. She left her apartment and went to the bar.

When she came here, she found George already sitting in the bar. She sat across the table where he sat and they talked for a bit.

Alex found a surprising comfort in the man, just like what she had with J'onn, like a father. They talked for a bit, he tried to help a bit with the investegation, but he mostly comforted her, saying that they would find her.


Kara woke up, she must have cried herself to sleep. She got up and went to the living room, she saw that he was not there, which she was really glad about.

She noticed a note on the door, it said:

I'm off to the bar, don't worry sweetheart, I'll be back soon xox

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