15. The Third Sister (3)

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The Third Sister part 3

Alex's POV

"Look like who?" I asked her, this day was getting stranger by the second. First this lady claims to be Lena's mother, than that awkward moment with Lena, and now this woman knew my name, because I apparently look like someone, which doesn't make sense at all.

She smiled at me, she looked confident. "You look just like Jade" she said, looking me directly in the eyes. "Who is Jade?" I asked her, I didn't know anyone who's name was Jade.

You'll find out when we meet again" she said, smiled, and walked away. It left me confused, who was Jade? and how does she know who I am because of her?

I left the building and ended up getting a bagel. Still deep in thought, thinking about the weird situation today, I decided to text Kara to ask if I could come over.

She replied fast, with "Sure! you're always welcome". I finished my bagel and started walking to my little sisters apartment. I remember that time where my memory was wiped, so I didn't know Kara was Supergirl. I was in Red Daughters apartment and had a panic attack because Red Daughter was stalking Kara.

The entire walk to Kara's apartment was me being completely sucked in my own thoughts. I still couldn't wrap my head around the whole situation. I was planning on telling Kara everything, in the hopes that she could have a logical explanation for the events.

I arrived at Kara's apartment and knocked on the door, Kara immediately opened and welcomed me in. I sat on the couch and she asked if I wanted a glass of water, I said yes and she grabbed some water for us both. She came back and sat next to me.

I immediately told her everything, about the woman that says she's Lena mother, how Lena's eyes and the woman's eyes are almost identical. I told her about how she knew who I was, based off this girl named Jade, whom I even don't know.

Kara was thankfully calm, she was surprised about the woman, and said that she was probably insane. Kara was also confused about how she knew my name, because I wasn't wearing a name tag at the time.

After about 15 minutes of us thinking of situations where I could've met a girl named Jade that looked somewhat like me, we decided to call mom, because Jade could be someone from my childhood.

We called mom, and she answered. "Hey Alex, whats up?" I heard my mom say through the phone, her voice laced with warmth and caring as always. I told her the story, about how a woman knew who I was, because I looked like someone called Jade, whom I didn't even know.

Eliza stayed completely silent, about 10 seconds later, she sighed. "Oh my god" I heard her whisper behind her breath. "Mom, talk to me" I said, I felt increasingly worried and I could tell Kara felt the same.

"I think I know who Jade is" she said, she was clearly in shock and I could hear her voice shaking. "Mom, we need to know, please tell us" I said, scared of what the answer was going to be.

She proceeded to tell us about when I was 16 and Kara was 14, she had gone on a business trip for a few months. The thing was though, that it wasn't a business trip. Apparently she was pregnant, but she didn't want us to find out, because they couldn't afford to have an other child, they couldn't care for it.

At first she and Jeremiah thought about abortion, it seemed like the easiest way out. But they couldn't do that, they at least needed to let the child be born.

They had come with the idea that when Eliza was getting visibly pregnant, she would leave before Kara or I noticed. She gave birth to a baby girl there, and set her for adoption.

Me and Kara stayed completely silent. We were completely speechless. After a while, I spoke up.

"We have an other sister?"

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