Chapter 2 Video 2

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Pewdiepie's POV

        " Hahaha How's it goin bros? Mah name is PewDiePie! And today is Friday so welcome to... Friday's with PewDiePie! Today I am gonna talk to you bros about the new YouTube changes and all of that stuff." I said Doing my normal intro. " So as you bros know YouTube is losing a lot of space on the internet and I don't even know why, the internet is so big. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! I'm just kidding bros. Ha ha... So anyways they where pairing up people and I got paired with someone by the name of PumpkinPie." I grabbed a piece of paper that said everything about her. " PumpkinPie is a female. She likes Horror games like, Crooked man, slender, amnesia, yea the list goes on and on about that..."

                      I thought I heard a knock at my door but it must've been in my head so I read on. " Her favorite color is black. She absolutely hates Boulders and geese," ( I am sorry if you like boulders and Geese It is what I hate.... SO SORRY DONT HIT MEH DX )

                  " She is Twenty four years old and her name is unknown." I looked at the camera and did my 'WTF' face. " Well... I think I am gonna end it here bros. Here comes a Brofist. Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!" When I Brofisted the screen I quickly shut it off and coughed. That was a long bye! I thought, laughing afterwards. My phone rang a few times. On the third ring I moaned and picked it up.

Me: Hellow?

Cryotic: Hey Pewdie it's Cry.

Me: Cry mah man what's up?

Cryotic: Nothing much. What about you?

Me: I am waiting on my new YouTube partner to get here.

Cryotic: Cool.

Me: Who did you get paired up with?

Cryotic: CinnamonToastKen. You?

Me: Some girl by the name of PumpkinPie. Do you know who Anthony got?

Cryotic: Yea as a matter of fact I do.

Me: Well who did he get?

Cryotic: Ian.

Me: How the FUCK did he get Ian they are already working together!

Cryotic: Yea I know but remember when Ian made the channel called Ian is bored.

Me: Oh yea... Hehe.

Cryotic: So who's moving in with who?

Me: She is moving in with me I guess.

Cryotic: Oh. Well I gotta get off here Ken and I are making our channel name. Bye Pewdie.

Me: Bye Cry. I will call when she gets here. And when she does you and Ken are coming over.

Cryotic: Ok Pewdie. Bye.

Me: Bye.

               I sighed and looked out the window. Anthony said he was on his way. I wondered if she would like me. We have a lot in common. I snapped out of my trance when I heard a car door shut.

Pewdiepie x PumpkinPieWhere stories live. Discover now