Chapter 6 Meeting 3

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Pewdiepie's POV

            I walked after PumpkinPie. Little did I know Cry and Ken followed. When I walked in she was laying  on my bed and she was pretending to sleep. I played along and picked her up Bridal style and carried her to the living room. I set her on the couch and began to talk to Ken and Cry. " Sorry guys I think she is shy..." I said rubbing the back of my head. " Its ok Felix. We understand." Cry said, sitting in my chair. I guess this was one of their " I'm gonna spend the night at pewds house without asking," nights. I sighed and sat next to Lyra. I heard banging on the door and Pumpkin jumped up, clutching on my shirt. Since she wouldn't let go I gave her a piggyback ride to the door. I opened the door and saw Anthony and Ian.

                " Sup guys?" I said as they let themselves in. I rolled my eyes. I got a bad feeling that someone was watching me. I looked over to see Ian glaring at me. He smiled and waved. I chuckled and waved back. " Dude hey Pewdie what are we gonna do tonight?" Cry asked standing up and acting all fabulous. " I don't really know..."  I honestly didn't...

               I heard lyras phone ring and she immediately answered it.

PumpkinPie's POV

Me: Hello?

???: Hey Lyra it's Anna

Me: Anna May!!!

Anna: Lol you always say my first and middle name together...

Me: Yea because it is just so swag.

Anna: Lol... so where are you?

Me: I am at Felix's house with Cry, Ken, Anthony, and Ian.

Anna: Who?!

Me: Felix, Cry, Ken-

Anna: Yea yea yea i know those guys. Who are Anthony and Ian!?

Me: Oh well... you live around here don't you?

Anna: Yea. Why?

Me: Well come over and I will introduce you to them. Felix lives in a white house and he has a blue door. See you in a few.

Anna: Ok bye Lyra!

Me: Bye Anna!

                      I hung up the phone and stared out the window. About an hour later I could hear a knock at the door. " I'll get it!" Anthony shouted as he ran to the door. " Hello?" I smirked as I saw Anna outside. " Is Lyra here?" She asked nervously. " Uh yea Hold on a sec. Lyra someone is here for you!!!" I ran into the room and grabbed Anna's hand. I pulled her into the other room.

               " There you are! Ugh I thought you turned into a man!" She said clutching her right arm. I laughed and playfully punched her arm. We talked for a little bit. Anthony walked in.    " Hey Lyra um Felix needs you." He said. " Ok." I said leaving the room. I left Anthony and Anna alone. " Sup Pewds?" I said punching his arm. " Oh hey we are going out fore some ice cream. Wanna come?" He said holding out his hand. I nodded and grabbed his hand. " Anna, Anthony, We are going out see you later!"

              We got into Pewdiepie's car and drove off.

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