Chapter 16 Christmas 1

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Anna's POV

           We walked into Felix and Lyra's house. Me and Anthony had a huge surprise for them. Felix was nowhere to be seen. " Where is Felix?" Anthony asked. " I actually have no idea. Felix!!!" Lyra shouted walking to his room. " He's in here!" She shouted. Me and Anthony walked to Felix's room. When I stepped on a floorboard it creeked.

           I looked at the board. When I looked up Felix was in my face. I screamed and fell back, landing in Anthony's arms. Lyra and Felix where laughing hysterically. I wanted to punch Felix and Lyra so bad but I was so happy that I didn't even do so.

        We walked to his living room and sat down. Ian, Ken, And Cry where already there holding up presents. I smiled and jumped on the couch, awaiting for Christmas to start.

Lyra's POV

          I sat down with Felix and Ian. I looked around the room. I saw smiling faces... Except for Cry's face... It was still pokered. We started with Anna. She opened a present from Anthony. He had gotten her a Kitten named Oreo. She screamed and hugged Anthony. He smiled and hugged her. I laughed when I saw her reaction to the cat. Me and Felix held up presents for Anna to. She grabbed them and opened them. I got her a pair of headphones, A new Laptop, And a batman Shirt. Felix got her a Huge Bedset and it said y YouTube across the top of it. Ian got her a Scarf and some of her favorite candies. Cry and Ken got her a T.V...

                 Anna Stood up and sat in Anthony's lap. " We are getting married." She said holding up her finger. On her finger was a diamond ring. We all cheered. I hugged Anna and Anthony.

Felix's POV

         I was so happy for Anthony and Anna. They actually made a cute couple. Me and Lyra where really close. I am thinking about proposing to her as well. I already have the ring... at least I think I do. Realized Lyra was opening her present. I looked at the name and it was from Ian. He had gotten her a pair of headphones that said Nerds on the side of them. She smiled and hugged Ian. Ian's eyes sparkled..

          Anthony got her a Pikachu toy, Anna Got her a Blue Dj bracelet, Ken got her a bear hat, And Cry got her a little plush toy that looked like him. She hugged everybody. Then all eyes fell on me. I was now the main attraction.

          I pulled out a Box that was behind me. When I gave it to her she opened it right away. She squealed. Inside was a Baby Pug and her name was Ginger Ale. We hung out for a little while longer.

        At 7:30 Me and Lyra decided to go make a video. She seemed like something was bothering her. I wonder...

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