Chapter 4 Meeting 2

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Pewdiepie's POV

             " Oh um.... that was weird... I hope Anthony believed you." I said patting her back. She smiled and hugged me.           " Sorry PewDiePie. I like to hug people." She said letting go. She looked pretty weird to me... She gave off a weird aura. I shrugged and went inside. " AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

                I ran into the living room and saw PumpkinPie looking at Edward and Puga. " THEIR SOOOO CUTE PEWDIE!!!" She screamed, Hugging them. I laughed and took Puga. Pumpkin poked Pugas belly and giggled. " Daaw She so fat." I laughed and noticed that I had wanted Cry and Ken to meet her. " Pumpkin I will be right back." I said grabbing the phone. I dialed Cry's number.


Cry: Hello?

Me: Hi Cry it's Pewdie.

Cry: Oh hey Pewdie what's up?

Me: If you guys want to see PumpkinPie then you better get your butts over here now.

Cry: Ok. I will tell Ken. Bye Pewdie.

Me: Bye Cry.

                    I hung up the phone and Pumpkin was standing behind me with a video camera. " Wanna make a video explaining who I am?" She asked, Smirking. " Sure." We walked into my bedroom and began recording our video. ( I will tell you guys about the video in the next chapter.)

Ashley's POV

             " I stared in disbelief as Anthony and Ian sped out of my driveway. Now all of my fame is gone. I remembered that Lyra wanted to talk to him... Maybe she ratted me out. Yea I bet she did. I was gonna get her back. I was so mad that when I went inside I punched the wall. I never wanted to see PumpkinPie happy ever again. She ruined my life and now I should ruin hers. Well I gotta run. I have a life to ruin." I said recording it in my secret voice diary. I like to keep track of my life unlike other people.

               I sat on my bed and wondered. Will I ever get her back? I threw a couple things and a few of the things I threw broke. I let out a sigh and went to the nearest restaurant. I needed something to calm me down. I picked up some doughnuts and a coffee. I plan on staying up all night.


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