I'm Gonna Have To Tell Him

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Eren's pov:

            I lie in Levis bed fully awake, just thinking about everything that has happened. I started crying aloud but I didn't know why I was crying. My mother?, A stranger I grew feelings for?, or were they for myself?. All of these questions were going through my mind so fast I was beginning to get a headache but I realized how hard I was actually crying and stopped because I felt like my head was gonna explode.

           I sat up slowly and rubbed my temples trying to ease the pain away, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to check my messages and of course people were blowing up my phone all night.I scrolled through my miss calls and my mother was the one that stood out the most, I groaned and threw my head back I really don't want to deal with this so early in the morning but shes my mom and is probably losing her shit right now. I wiped my face with the back of my hand then dialed her number slowly basically dragging ass, I put the phone to my ear waiting for her to answer and sure enough she did but something wasn't right.

 "Hey ma" I said in a quiet voice trying to keep the peace, but she didn't say anything after a while and I was starting to get aggravated at the fact."Mom please...say something"I heard her sniffling which started to make my blood boil."I'm happy that your ok hun" she paused for a second trying to contain her emotions "I should have left him years ago but I needed someone to replace your father and.. I should've been thinking about the way you felt-". she was sobbing uncontrollably I had to cut her off immediately "mom there's no point in dwelling on the past,yes I know you hate yourself for what happened years ago but there's no point in beating yourself up over it just let that shit go. Believe it or not he still cares for you and wants you to make the right choices for the both of us and  you might know him better then I do but my father would never hit you. Now this time...could we please worry about our relationship as mother and son and not some drunk abusive dickbag?", Saying that only made her cry even more I had to pause what I was saying for a minute so she could cry.... she really needed this. After my mom was done crying we exchanged a few words then ended the conversation with goodbyes and I love yous, them I finally hung up and sighed in relief I was so happy to finally tell her how I felt.

                         I went through my miss call log again and saw my father's number. I was contemplating if I really wanted to talk to him or not, he'll be asking a lot of questions that I don't want to answer. Don't get me wrong I don't have any grudges against my father, the problems my mother has with him has nothing to do with me or the problems he has with my mother I should say. Back when my parents were in college they were the perfect couple, apparently my father was head over heels for her and she just went along with it because he was the hottest guy back in their day. But eventually all good things came to a end when my father knocked her up a 21, my dad told me that she didn't want a child and that her career was more important. I honestly don't hate her for it, 21 is too damn young to have kids and once you do have the little bastards your life is basically over. It broke my father's heart that she didn't want to keep me and he refused to be there for the abortion, which lead to the break up the following summer. Nine months later my mom sends him pictures of me in a bassinet sleeping, he broke down in tears he told me.....he said he was happy that she choose to keep me because she was the only one he wanted to have kids with at the time. Of course he met another women and had twins but he ended up leaving her too because she was a gold digging bitch. After that my father decided to stay single for a while, apparently women were fucking with him and he wanted to worry about providing  for his kids and maintaining his business. My father still loves me and he always will because I'm his first and only son, but I wonder how long that love will last when I tell him about Levi. 

               I rolled my eyes realizing I should get up and got to the hospital to check on Levi,I really didn't want to get up. I dragged my carcase out of the bed and into the bathroom as I stretch and cracked my back yawning obnoxiously. As I was walking into the bathroom I heard my phone jingle notifying me that I have text message I threw my head back and groaned, "why fucking me" I said to myself as I walked over to the bed gabbing my phone to check who was texting me. And of course it had to be my dad, what could he possibly want this early. I opened the text message and widened my eyes "You can't Ignore me forever Eren, your mother already told me what happened. where are you so I can come and get you?". I dropped my phone and started to panic, what did she actually tell him? why would she tell him anything without telling me first? I could have told him myself!!!. I bit my tongue at that last line, could I really have told him I was gay? No I couldn't have....I was too scared to even admit it. I put my face in my hands and sat on the bed, I honestly don't know what to tell him maybe I should go with him today. I sighed deeply as I picked up my phone and texted him back quickly, " Dad I'm watching my friends house for him, he's in the hospital sick and I don't want to leave his house unattended." That was a total lie, I had his house keys because I seen them hanging on the hook in the kitchen I just didn't go somewhere with my dad and he wouldn't bring me back here. My phone jingled once more and he replied " fine, what's the address and I'll talk to you when I get over there". I gave my father the address to his house and he told me he'd be here in about 20 minuets which was enough time for me to take a shower and eat something for breakfast.

                           I quickly get off the bed  fixing the sheets before I slide my boxers off my hips and walks into the bathroom and began to run the shower as I adjust the temperatures to my liking. I go in the shower and let the water run down my body for a while before i started to lather soap on my body and shampoo in my hair, I showered for about ten minutes then got out drying myself off quickly then went looking for my duffle bag putting on a pair of sweatpants. I dried my hair with the towel then threw it in the dirty clothes basket in the corner of his room, I then walked into the kitchen grabbing some strawberries and yogurt shoving it into my mouth. I washed it all down with a cup of water then heard a loud knock at the door making me jump spilling the water on my chest. ¨Shit!", I grabbed a paper towel and wiped off my chest then ran over the door opening quickly. I looked down at my feet because I was scared to make eye contact with him, I felt him burning a hole through the top of my head from how hard he was looking at me. " Hello Father ...." I said tripping over my words, i looked up slightly peaking through my overgrown hair at the tall muscular figure standing in front of me. (  P.S his father does not look like anything from the anime) He peered down at my with his green and blue eyes making something that looks so beautiful into something the makes you want to curl up into a ball, we looked at each other for about fifteen seconds seeing how would blink first but of course I lost. ¨So are you going to let me in or what?¨ the sound of his voice made the hairs all over my body stand at attention, I moved to the side quickly making room for him to walk through the door. As he walked into the house he was looking around, I could tell he had a million and one questions to ask about it. 

              I close the door behind me putting my back up against it,I looked down at my chest and realized I didn't have a shirt on so I just folded my arms hoping he didn't say anything about it. But just my luck he turned his attention over to me and looked me up and down, I sighed deeply and walked past him with my head down into levis room so I can retrieve a shirt from my duffle bag. I walked back into the living room pulling my shirt down over my chest I look up to see my dad placing a picture frame back on the shelf as he turns around to look at me which makes me put my head down almost instantly. " so.." he began to speak " I'm sure your friend knows what you're going through and he still asked you to watch his house?" He began to walk closer towards me." He's in the hospital and I didn't want to stay at the house with that asshole there so I left and came here" he was now standing inches from me just towering over me making me feel smaller then I was. " So... do you want something to drink? coffee or something?" I straightened out my back and put my head up looking him dead in the eye, I realized this isn't gonna go anywhere with me acting like this. He chuckled suddenly running his fingers through his hair" now you know I don't drink coffee Eren, how old do I look?" I scuffed " believe it or not dad toddlers are walking around drinking coffee, you need to get with the program". He laughed aloud at my cheesy joke and slapped me on the back with his bigass hand, I probably got his finger prints engraved in my back. I choked a little bit from the slap as we walked into the kitchen, he went to sit at the table and I put a kettle of tea on the stove because I knew that's what his fancy ass drank but I drink it too so I'm the one to talk. I poured the hot water into the cup and let the tea bag soak for a while before adding two spoonful of sugar and giving it to him as I sat down. I watched him take of sip of the tea making sure it was to his liking then placed it back down onto the table top, he folded his hands on the table then looked over at me. " So, what's been going on?, your mother told me what happened that night how you came home with bruises around your neck." I honestly didn't know what to say I just flopped my head down on the table and sighed. I'm gonna have to tell him.

 Sorry for the major fuck up. I wrote the chaped on a computer then on my phone and the right version didn't get published .... but anyway I'm starting to update more often so people who actually read this doesn't have to wait also sorry if there's any miss spelled words and such 
Enjoy ~

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