Where to start

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Most people don't like their body. They want to change who they are. For many people it's their weight. That's where the diet begins. There are many types of diets that people try. But where does diets end and starvation begins? People so desperate to lose weight fast that they go to far.
This world where beauty was stolen from us twisted, changed and sold back through thousands of things. Where should the line be drawn? When is it considered fraud? When is what their doing is killing thousands. Death by food, starvation, suicide, people feeling unwanted. People thinking they are not, and will never be enough.
For women to lose a pound a week, they need 1500 calories a day. Anything less can be dangerous. To lose weight, you need to consume less calories. If you consume too few calories, your metabolism slows down, so much that your body enters a state where weight lose completely stops. It can affect your body's ability to metabolise food.
Starvation comes as your body's attempt to maintain energy balance and prevent starvation. Thats where starvation mode comes in. Starvation mode is the phenomenon referring to the body's physiological adaptation or natural response to long term calorie restriction or deficit. Your body's natural physiological response or adaptive thermogenesis.
A mebobolistic deficit can be a result of reduced calorie intake, increased calorie expenditure through exercise or a combination of the two. Starvation Mode is also referred to as metabolic damage. The word Damage in this is pushed a little far. It is hurt but not destroyed completely if you fix the issue fast enough. It only really results to destruction when you continually starve yourself or eat only a meal every day or two.
Starvation Mode begins anywhere from 24 to 36 hours after your last meal. It was very useful for our hunter, gather ancestors in order to survive, but for modern day people is does more damage than good. Some signs of starvation are
Low energy
Lack of hunger for a while
Food cravings
Reduced libido
Obviously, not eating in over 24 hours

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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