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"Fucking hell, Mackenzie! Wake up!"
Johnny yelled, shaking the girl harshly.

Her eyes shot open and she turned around to him, the blanket falling off of her. Noticing that she was naked she quickly covered herself up, noticing her best friend staring at her.

"Great way to be woken up after you just had sex with someone." She hissed and rolled her eyes.

"I know you probably hate me right now, but we have much bigger problems." Johnny replied, his voice laced with panic and sorrow.

He then raised his hand, in which he was holding his phone. He placed it in front of her face, letting her take the device. She looked at the screen, analyzing what it showed. The picture was posted on instagram. It showed two people on a bed, the one, straddling the other.

Mackenzie's eyes widened and she gasped. It was them. The picture showed Johnny and Mackenzie... during sex. Her eyes filled with tears and she clapped her hand over her mouth. She looked up, scanning the room. There it was, the window and the tree in front of it. Probably the easiest place to picture their moment, without being noticed.

"J-Johnny..." she croacked out, but cut herself off as she began sobbing uncontrollably, the phone sliding out of her hands. He wrapped his arms around her and stroke her air as she cried in his arms.

"Who did this?" Mackenzie spat out as her sadness turned to anger.

"It's the schools tea page on instagram, I know who the two owners are, maybe I can find anything out." Johnny replied and hugged the brunette tighter. She nodded, the tears still rolling down her cheeks.


"Lily, hey. Are you free today?"

"Don't fucking tell me that you're asking me out right now."

"No, I just need to talk to you, it's really important."

"Let me guess, it's about your and Mackbitchy's leaked video, right?"

"Don't call her that, but yes, obviously."

"I call anybody how I want and I have exactly zero interests in helping you. We've never talked a single word with each other so please don't try to crawl up my ass to get me to delete the video."

"What the fuck have I ever done to you? Why don't you wanna help me? Listen, right now this damn video is destroying mine and Mackenzie's life."

"Do you seriously think I care about either one of you? The only thing I care about is this fucking page and that's final. Bye dumbass."

"Lily wait-"


And without another word the line went dead. Johnny had called Lily Chee, one of the Instagram page's owner, but she didn't want to help him.

He didn't know why she didn't want to help him and the reason she told him didn't make sense to him. He didn't know what to do and he didn't think the other owner would help him since Lily and her were super close. There even were rumors that they were dating.

Sighing, he dialed the other number and raised the phone to his ear, praying that she would help him. He was sure she wouldn't take it down, it was spread all over social media anyways. The boy had even logged off Instagram to avoid peoples opinions and he had told Mackenzie to do the same.


"I know exactly why you're calling and I'm not surprised. I told Lily you would call, but she didn't care."

"Hi to you too, Sophia."

"Hi, Orlando. That picture of you and Ziegler went viral quickly, also I discovered your little secret."

"No need to remind me. What secret?"

"You see, thousands of leaking and tea pages reposted the picture after they recognized you. Johnny, I know by now, that you're a famous singer with tons of followers, own singles, a record deal and that you've done multiple tours. I also saw that Mackenzie got a lot attention too recently."

"That changes nothing."

"Yes it does. I've ruined your reputation. Millions of people - your fans, have seen this picture. I bet your parents too. You probably hate me."

"You know what? You're right, Birlem. You ruined my reputation and you destroyed Mackenzie's too."

"Let me make it up to you, Orlando."

"Meet me in the café downtown. We'll talk there."



so those were all my pre-written chapters, expect weekly updates😚 ik y'all hate me mwah hoes

were y'all exacting what just happened this chapter?

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