Chapter Ten

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The day Naruto and Jiraya came back with Tsunade, Mana was at the hospital with Sakura looking after Sasuke. She's been visiting Sasuke every day, and stays with him for as long as she could. She was doing the homework that Iruka left the class to do as she sat on the chair beside Sasuke's bed; she was almost done with it when the door opened. A woman with blonde hair came with a another woman with short black hair, and behind them were Jiraya and Naruto.

"Naruto-kun!" Mana said.

"Mana-chan! Sakura-chan! Sasuke'll be alright now!" Naruto said. "She's a great doctor!"

So that's the boy's sister. Tsunade said as she observed Mana.

"I heard from Gai-Sensei." Sakura said. "Please, help Sasuke-kun."

"Alright, leave it all to me." Tsunade said.

Tsunade went to Sasuke's side and placed her hand on the boy's forehead. She made it look so simply. It was the fastest healing that Mana have ever seen.

"He'll wake up soon." Tsunade said, smiling at the two girls.


A boy about fourteen-years of age with spiky white hair, golden eyes, slightly dark skin, and wore red and black clothes sat on one of the cable posts. He watched through the window of the hospital as the young girl interacted with the people inside, especially the one that was in bed.

Uchiha Mana...

It wasn't the first time that the boy has seen Mana. He's been watching her since after the failed attack of Orochimaru in Konoha, as per the man's orders. It wasn't like he took orders from the snake-man, but after hearing that the girl possessed the Sharingan in an early age, he took interest and went to see for himself.

So, this is the girl Orochimaru wanted me to see... he thought then.

Mana did not disappoint him. She was determined, he gave her that. No matter how many times she got cut by her ninjatō she still continued with her training. And she was very skilled...

She has potential...


The day Sasuke woke, Mana was in the Academy. After class, she went to buy flowers before she came to the hospital. When she came to the door though, Mana didn't expect to see what was at the present.


"Mana." Sasuke said.

She's alive! It was all just a nightmare!

Mana ran from where she stood to Sasuke. She climbed on his bed and hugged him tight, and he returned the same affection. He buried his face in Mana's shoulder, hiding the tears he had, while Mana had no problem in showing her tears as she hugged him.

"I afraid that you won't wake up!" Mana cried. "I thought you left me..."

"I didn't... and I won't. Ever."

Days passed and Sasuke was still kept in the hospital. Mana made sure to visit him everyday and bring him homecooked meals. But she wasn't alone in the visits, Sakura would be there as well. She knew that the girl would be there even when she wasn't, she didn't mind, but she just wished that Sakura would give her and Sasuke some space together.

Sasuke sat quietly on the bed. His mind replaying his battle with Itachi. His brother's words. And the thought of Mana being his weakness... his only weakness...


Then his mind went to Naruto. Naruto who saved Sakura and stopped Gaara. Naruto, who displayed such incredible strength. Naruto whose been saving him since their mission in Kirigakure. Naruto, who was stronger than he was. Naruto, who saved his life countless times.

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