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"Well Shiro- you found him. I-I need to g-go ho-home no-w" Pidge stuttered out before running away in tears to her home. Her thoughts beating her head until she got home but she didn't stop at home, she ran straight passed it. She kept running till she found it, the willow tree that Keith had taken her too, their special place. She cried as she looked at the carvings in the tree of their initials, tracing them reliving the summer days they had shared at this tree.

Flash back
"Don't listen to them Pidge, they're just stupid. You're a million times better than any of them." Keith said to the crying Holt as he walked up to the tree after dealing with the bullies. "Look whatever they do I'm always here to protect you and be here for you no matter what, you're my best friend Katie" he hugged her in to his chest. The 9 year old crying in to him. "It's ok, I've got you" he spoke in soothing tongues. Slowly the younger one fell limp In the 10 year olds arms, her breathing slowing and becoming heavier. "I love you Katie" he said softly to the sleeping girl and carried her all the way home, careful as to not wake her.

Real time
Katie leant against the tree, unable to stop crying. She knew he wouldn't come for her this time, the rain dripped down in swollen drops on to her yet it made no difference to her tears. Her eyes red and her body cold yet she didn't care. She sat there still turning over everything in her mind, slowly breaking her heart further and further.

Until it fully broke.

The young girl stopped feeling, not just pain but happiness, love, stress.


Darkness fought for her mind and succeeded as she fell limp against the tree. Tears staining her face.

Little did she know Shiro had followed her Keith in tow. "Why are we following that girl?" Keith asked for the 4th time. "Because Keith ,you may have forgotten somehow but, you love her. She is your best friend and has been for since you were 6. You pair are built for each other."
"I wouldn't forget someone I love, Shiro" Keith deadpanned "well you did" Shiro shot back. He spotted Pidge unconscious by the willow tree. "KATIE" he shouted as he ran and picked her up. She was shivering, her clothes soaked through and hair plastered around her red, puffy eyes. "She's unconscious. We have to get her home now" Shiro ordered and ran her home in his arms.

"MATT!" Shiro screamed bursting through the door and placing Katie down on the sofa
Before running off to find Matt leaving Keith in the doorway. He walked around looking at the numerous family pictures yet they only had ones of Matt and Katie when they were Older. No embarrassing baby pictures? That's odd. He thought to himself as Shiro came back with a boy who was almost identical to the small girl.

Matt stared At Keith unsure what to feel, he had hurt Katie but it was unintentional. He had forgotten the Holts completely. This isn't normal he thought as Shiro explained everything. There must be something more to this, more to what happened in those three days yet to find out that, they needed to find the people who abducted him.
Matt had a few ideas, he had seen a purple car around town that looked suspicious. The same car that nearly cost them their lives, the same car from his childhood when they lived Galra city and their house was set on fire. They were after them, they had found them.
No one is Safe.
They are always one step ahead.All memories of the Holts had been Erased.
War was ahead.

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