Chapter 1: The First Date

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Mario and Meggy had just left for their honeymoon, as Tari started to feel a little worried for them.

SMG4: Tari, what's wrong? You look a little sad.

Tari: Oh, sorry, SMG4. It's just that... I'm gonna miss Mario and Meggy so much.

SMG4: Don't worry, Tari. It's just for three weeks. You wanna go somewhere so you can take your mind off of that? How about we go on our first date?

Tari: Yeah... that sounds good, sweetheart.

They held hands and started walking their way to the city, ready to start their first date. They ate at a restaurant, went to the movie theatre to watch a movie together, and ended their day at the arcade.

SMG4: So many games, but which one to choose?

Tari: There's Street Fighter II over there. Wanna play that?

SMG4: Sure. That's a fun game.

They went over to the Street Fighter II arcade cabinet. SMG4 picked Blanka, while Tari picked Chun-Li. They kept focusing on their attacks and strategies. SMG4 was close to winning, but as always, Tari won because she was a pro at every game, hence her title as the ultimate gamer.

SMG4: Damn. Well, you did great, Tari.

Tari: Thanks. You were great too, SMG4.

They continued to play a few more games, and they were equally great at them.

SMG4: Once again, a good time playing games together.

Tari: We're so amazing at games. We sure are very skilled.

SMG4: Hey, what's that over there?

They noticed a flyer on a bulletin board, and started to read it.

The flyer said:
"Prepare for the most important part of gaming.
for Competition of Gaming!
Only gamers who are the best of the best are allowed in here. 5 games are being played in this tournament, along with a secret 6th game.
-Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros. Ultimate
-Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
-Rocket League
-Street Fighter V
-Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
The first prize is $1000!
Do you have what it takes to win?
Register for the solo tournament or the team tournament by coming to the Mushroom Kingdom Arena.
Tournament begins Saturday, February 16th."

SMG4 and Tari were excited about this.

SMG4: Wow. I can't believe it. $1000.

Tari: Imagine how many games we can buy with that amount of money.

SMG4: We gotta enter the team tournament.

Bob and Fishy Boopkins were at the arcade as well and saw SMG4 and Tari looking at the flyer.

Bob: ImAgInE hOw MaNy BiTcHeS wE cAn BuY wItH a ThOuSaNd DoLlArS, bOoPkInS.

Fishy Boopkins: No. Imagine all the anime we can buy, Bob!

SMG4: Ha! You two won't stand a chance. We know you two suck at games.

Tari: We're gonna win this tournament.

Bob: YoU cLeArLy HaVeN't SeEn Us In OuR pAsTiMe, TaRi.

Fishy Boopkins: We were playing games more and more, and we want to prove our skills at this tournament.

Bob: We ArE gOnNa KiCk YoUr AsSeS iN tHiS tOuRnAmEnT.

SMG4: No, you won't! We're better than you!

SMG4 and Bob started to argue, but Tari and Boopkins started to break it up.

Tari: Break it up, SMG4. We'll beat Boopkins and Bob at the tournament.

Fishy Boopkins: Bob. The tournament will wait.

Bob: SoRrY, bOoPkInS. i GeT a LiTtLe AnGrY wHeN iT cOmEs To PeOpLe WhO mAkE fUn Of Me.

Bob and Boopkins walked away, as SMG4 and Tari made their plan.

Tari: We gotta start training hard in order to win this thing. So let's get started, SMG4.

SMG4: But we gotta submit first. That $1000 is gonna be good as ours if we train hard enough.

SMG4 and Tari went to the Mushroom Kingdom Arena and submitted into the team tournament, and went back to the castle to start training. They will soon win the $1000 if they train really hard.

This will the first time I'm making two stories at the same time. It'll be this and "Super Mario X Meggy Sunshine" taking place at the same time. I hope this is something you'll like. I'll see you in the next chapter.

SMG4 X Tari: The Gaming TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now