Chapter 15

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When I came home I couldn't find Imani and Benjy. I thought maybe they both went out together, but then I remembered Benjy is on punishment for a few weeks. Imani and Benjy both came come very late and I saw Jojo drop them off. I called out to Imani to know what happens, but she walked past me and went up into her room. I see Benjy go into the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. 

"Where are you guys coming from?" I asked. 

"We just went to the mall." Benjy answered. 

"Didn't I say you're on punishment?" I asked. 

"Yeah, but Imani really wanted to go out and so as her brother I wanted to show her the city." He says. I know he is lying and something happened. At that moment my phone rings and I see Omar is calling me. 

"Sawubona," I answered. He tells me what happened with his son, Zaire, and Benjy and how they tried to play a prank on Imani that led to him almost killing her because he thought she was an intruder. I haven't had the chance to tell Omar who is my beta about Imani and my sister. Since we're on the phone I decided to tell him about my daughter and my sister. I don't want to tell him over the phone about Zoe being a mix-breed and I am not sure if I want to tell him that Imani is a pure breed yet either. But for the most part, I caught him up to everything. 

"Wow, that's a lot" He says with a sigh. "Well, I am glad you find out what happened to her because I know how much it was killing you when you were searching for them. Know this kind of explains why Benjy is acting this way." He says. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

"Benjy all his life has been an only child and he has known his mother isn't your mate and that you and Oliva union wasn't blessed by the goddess. So in return means his birth wasn't blessed they the goodness. He probably feels that's why his wolf wouldn't come out. And it doesn't help his mother also is human. Benjy could think that Imani is the favorite child. He could be jealous of Imani. He feels Imani is a threat to his path in being an alpha and being accepted to the pack." I listen to Omar and take in everything he is saying. I understand what he saying and I can see why Benjy would feel that way. But I can't help but feel upset that he would even feel that way. 

"I get where you're saying but if he wants to gain respect from the pack he needs to look in the mirror. Unlike him, Imani had to grow up her life with a dying parent. She has traveled and went through a lot to come here and I will not babysit my son's ego. I will continue to do my best to make sure he understands that I love him and he will always be my son. But I will not tolerate disrespect to my daughter and sister." I said. After my talk with Omar, I go into the kitchen to talk to Benjy. I tell him I am no longer going to let his behavior fly. I hope he calms himself before Neema and Zoe show up because if he continues to act this way there is no telling Zoe will be able to control her temper and not attract Benjy.

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