Chapter 33

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I woke up a little late this morning because I had a dream. A dreamed about a past I don't remember having. A man came to visit my mom and I saw my 10-year old self run to hug him as if I already knew him. He was a black tall man with green eyes. He was dressed in all black. What stood out about him was his African sleeve tribal tattoo on his left arm. In the dream, I was in the living room playing while he and my mom were talking. I watch as he and my mom argued. Sadly I couldn't hear anything in the dream so I couldn't understand what they were arguing about.

I don't remember ever meeting nor seeing that man before. Since he looked so close to me and my mom I am sure he has a lot more information about my mom and her past. Now I am even more tempted to have my memories to be unlocked. 

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I was pulling ingredients out from the fridge I heard a phone ring. I looked around the kitchen to find where the sound is coming from. I found Oliva's phone on the kitchen counter. The caller ID reads, Eric.  I think back to the time when I asked Oliva if I could use her phone to call Eric and remember that the Eric saved on her phone has the last four numbers different than the number I have saved for Eric. The phone keeps ringing and looks around the kitchen to see if anyone will be coming in. I am tempted to answer the call and see who is this person calling. I slowly pick up the phone and take a deep breath.

"Hey baby," I quickly cover my mouth before I gap in shocked. 

"Listen I am just warning you to be careful okay. And I'll see you tonight. Love you." He says.

Oh, My--

"Baby why are you---" I quickly hang up the call and try to go into the call history so I can delete the call, but I need her fingerprint or password in order to do that. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I quickly put the phone back on the counter and run back to the fridge. 

"Have you seen my phone?" Oliva asks coming into the kitchen. 

"Yes, It's on the counter," I said. I pray she doesn't open her phone to see someone picked up her call.

"Hey, are you busy today?" Oliva asks me. 

"No," I answered. 

"Great, I need you and Zoe to help me with the preparations for the ball today." She said. 

"Okay, I'll just let me get myself something to eat and then get dressed it go." I said. 

After I made breakfast, took a shower, and got dressed Zoe and I waited in Oliva's car.

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