Chapter 32

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I have been secretly working with Omar and a few of my pack members. We have been working on setting up a trap against the hunters. Hopefully, everything will be ready before the Alpla King gets here. I am still keeping a close eye on Eric. 

Imani hasn't gotten back to yet about getting a witch to look into her memories. I know she is terrified and nervous. but I do think this will be the missing piece we need. With her memories, we can finally be one step ahead. I want to give her the time that she needs but we are running out of time. The ball is in less than a month and I know the hunters are planning a huge attack to strike us. The ball is the perfect time for them to strike us especially when the King coming. That's why we have to stop them before they can strike us. 

I decided to go out for lunch instead of staying in my office. I walked into Charlie's and saw Eric sitting in the back eating his lunch. I order my food and made my way to his table. 

"Hello, Alpha," He said getting up to greet me. I took a seat across from him. 

"Hello, Eric how are you?" I asked. Eric wipes his mouth and takes a sip of his drink before he answers me. 

"I'm doing well sir. How are you?" He asks. 

"I'm hanging in there. The hunters are getting bolder and bolder by the day." I said. I took a bite of my sandwich. 

"Yeah, I'll say," Eric said smiling. "But I think we're doing well. We have fewer injuries compared to other packs." He said. 

I nod my head in agreement. "Yes, we do. And I will continue to make sure that happens." I said. We continue to eat our lunch until I shift the conversation. 

"So how are you and Imani doing?" I asked. Erick smiles and looks away. 

"Well, we haven't been talking. She told me she has a lot going on and she wanted some space." He says with a sigh. 

"Yeah, we have been doing our best to find information on her mother. I think it's been a lot for her to handle." I said. 

"I understand. I knew it was going to be a while until she gets over her mother's death." Eric says. 

"Were you at her mother's funeral?" I asked.

"Yes, I helped her plan it." He answered. The fact that Eric was at my mate's funeral makes my blood boil. "May her soul rest in peace," Eric said looking down. " I know Zora will happy to know that Imani found her father." 

"How long have you known my daughter and Zora?" I asked leaning back in my chair. 

"I knew Imani since the 5th grade. We didn't become friends until 7th grade." He answers. 

"Wow, that long," I said in shock. 

"Yes, when I met Imani I was a badass kid who was lost. Imani and Zora took me in and shown me so much love and kindness." He says. "I owe them everything." He says. 

"So did my mate know you were a wolf?" I asked. 

Suddenly the air changed and I feel Eric is getting tense. "Not in the beginning." He said. 

"Do you have any memory  before you met Imani?" I asked. 

"Not really. Just foster homes and a lot of moving." He answered. 

"Not even your parents?" I asked. "Excuse me but I find it very hard to believe that a rogue wolf will be taken in by another wolf who was on the run," I said.

"Did Zora ever tell you anything about her past?" I asked. Eric looked away not answering my questions. I waited for him to answer. 

"Sorry," He said laughing it off. "She never told me anything. All I know that she was a wolf on the run and she didn't want her daughter to know. I was surprised when Imani randomly left to go find you." Eric said. 

I took a bit of my sandwich. " So you never saw her wolf?" I asked. He shook his head. 

"But she was a very good fighter. I was amazed at how well she could fight without the need of her wolf. I think being on the run for so many years really helped her." I didn't reply and continued to eat my food. I wasn't buying anything he said. I know Zora she is my mate and I refuse to believe she would allow herself to align with a rogue wolf when she was trying to hide. 

"What are your thoughts on the ball?" I asked shifting the conversation. 

"I like it. I have never been to a ball before and I think it would be a great way for me to introduce myself to the pack." He says smiling. I don't like the way he says that. It felt like there was a double meaning to his words. 

"So your planning to join my pack?" I asked leaning back in my seat. Eric looked up at me and smiled. 

"With your approval of course. But yes, I would love to." He says. "I think it's time I embrace my wolf and find a place of my own. I want to be strong." I wiped my mouth and crossed my arms. I wanted to roll my eyes so badly. 

"Well, That's nice," I said getting up and cleaning my side of the table. "Take care," I said about to leave.

"Alpha," Eric called me. I turned around.  "I'll prove to you that I belong here." He says. 

I don't reply and turn around to leave. Will see about that. 

I  went back to my office to finish my work. As I am almost done with my work I get a call from Omar. 

"Alpha we caught a spy." He said causing me to jump out of my seat.

"Where?" I asked.

"He was hired as help from Oliva." He answered. 

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