Vrigil x abused!child!Reader Part four

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Yes, it's finally here! I'm sorry for making you guy wait this long! I hope it was worth the wait!

You were an outcast in the orphanage. No one wanted to get close to you because of your past.

Except one person.

Her name was Hope. And she gave you hope. Hope that maybe you could still live your life.

Hope was your bestest friend ever. She sat with you at meals, she played with you and she helped you with anything you needed.

You did the same for her, of course.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Look at this!" Hope came running up to you, snapping you back to reality.

"What is it, Hope?" You jumped off your bed and ran towards her.

Hope was carrying the laptop that you two shared (It's a very nice orphanage, and every two kids get a shared laptop. This works because it's a small orphanage, all of them are homeschooled there, and there's only like 20 kids).

She opened it up and you two sat down on the floor together.

On the computer screen was Virgil.

You gasped and jumped back.

W-What? Is it really him? Why hasn't he come for me yet? It's been almost a year... Does he not know where I am? Or maybe he hates me and he never wanted me in the first place.

"(Y/n)! What's the matter?" Hope looked worriedly at you.

"Hope...Do you remember how I got here?" You sat next to her and looked at her.

"Yeah...You told me your mom hurt you so you ran away, and then a man found y-" Realization washed over Hope's face. "That's him, isn't it?"

You nodded.

"Do you know these people?" Hope was getting excited now. She searched 'sanders sides' in Google.

Pictures of Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil and Thomas came up.

"T-that's them...!" You started crying and asked Hope to leave you for a second.

She nodded, left the laptop and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

You searched 'Thomas Sanders' on multiple social media sites. Virgil had told you that they were facets of Thomas's personality. That lead you to believe that they didn't have social media, so you went for Thomas.

You found his Twitter account and began scrolling down, reading his tweets. You laughed at some, aww'ed at others, and had a shower thought level of realization for three of them.

You didn't have a Twitter account, but it was the only social media you were familiar with. 

So you made yourself an account, and called it (What your Twitter account would be called).

You found Thomas's account again, and sent him a message.

Y= You

T= Thomas

Y: Thomas, do you remember me?

You were very surprised when Thomas replied right away.

T: ...No, who is this?

Y: Do you remember when Virgil brought home a beaten young girl/boy/child?

T: I don't know what you're talking about. Did you mistake me for someone else, maybe?

Tears rolled down your face.

He forgot. He forgot because I'm ugly, useless, worthless, and stupid.

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