Meet Elsa Winters

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Elsa's P.O.V

"Elsa!" Someone yelled. I turned around and saw my best friend, Jack. "Hiya!" I said happily. "Guess what?" Jack asked me. He seems..rather excited today. "Hmm..let me guess..I give up! What is it?" I asked him in a bubbly way. "I just got accepted to DreamWorks University!" He said holding the envelope. "Congrats!" I yelled.

"Now we can be in the same college together!" He said jumping. "Yeah! We can!" I said. Let me introduce myself. I'm Elsa Winters, rich, popular, daddy's little girl, anything I want, I get. "Come on! Let's get ice cream to celebrate!" I said pulling him to the ice cream truck.

"Alright! Alright!" He said. "I'll have a chocolate and a mint please." I asked the guy. "Wow you know my favorite!" Jack said punching my arm softly. "Of course I do! We've been friends for ten years now!"

The guy gave us the ice cream and I payed of course. "Thanks Els." Jack said licking his ice cream. "Anytime." I said biting into mine. "You can bite your ice cream?" Jack asked licking his ice cream slowly. "Of course!" I said then finishing my ice cream.

I threw away my wrapper and Jack's. "I should be heading home." I said looking at my watch. "I'll walk you." Jack said leading me to his car.

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