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"Doctor," Amy hissed, trying to distract the Doctor from.... whatever he was doing.

"Hold on," he replied, still preoccupied with his task.

"Doctor!" Amy repeated, stomping on the ground. John watched the two of them, wondering what he should do. He turned to Sherlock, who was near a screen, trying to decode the alien language that the TARDIS couldn't seem to translate. John rubbed his head as pain burst through it, like it had been doing for the past hour of so. He ignored the vision of one eyed crows. It didn't seem important, since nothing had happened so far.

"DOCTOR!" Amy shouted, startling John out of his thoughts. "This isn't the time to mess around with alien technology, we've got to-"

"I'VE DONE IT!" the Doctor cried suddenly, cutting Amy off. "I've manged to find Rory! He's-"

"In cell 15," Sherlock finished. The Doctor frowned at him childishly before continuing.

"Yep, and the only way to get to him is-"

"From the main control panel," Sherlock interrupted again. "To open the door."

"Uh huh, and from that we need to-"

"Spli-" Sherlock started, but the Doctor shoved him away and finished for him.


John and Amy stared at him for a minute, confusion swirling in their minds. Sherlock gave him a cold glare from the floor.

"Um... what?" John finally asked. The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"You humans are all so slow," he muttered. "Okay so, we-"

"Split up so half of us can open the door and the others get Rory," Sherlock explained from the floor.

"Hey!" the Doctor complained. "I'm supposed to be the clever one!"

"Whatever," Amy interjected. "Me and Sherlock will go get Rory. The Doctor and John can go to the control room."

"But-" the Doctor started.

"But nothing!" Amy yelled. She pulled Sherlock toward the end of the hallway. "Come on."

Sherlock shrugged and took the lead, Amy following behind him.

John and the Doctor watched they for a moment, and when they disappeared the Doctor clapped his hands and grinned at John. 

"Well, come on them," he said cheerfully. "Lets get to that control room."

He turned around and headed in the opposite direction that Amy and Sherlock went. John followed him.

After a while of jogging to the control room, John decided to make conversation. 

"Hey, Doctor?" John asked.

"Bale, John," was the Doctors reply.


"Never mind, what'd you need?" 

"What happened to Rose?"

The Doctor stopped suddenly, and John had to do an awkward maneuver to not run into him.

"Oh, shoot," John said, immediately regretting his question when he saw the Doctor's face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, i'm sorry-"

"No it's fine," the Doctor cut him off. "I just... nothing. She, Rose... she's fine. It's a.... long story."

"Right," John said. The Doctor didn't reply. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it."


John and the Doctor continued to the control panel and John watched the Doctors face gradually turn from sadness and guilt to something more like his usually self. It unnerved John and he watched the transaction, because he had seen countless soldiers do the same thing. John wondered if the Doctor was a soldier for a minute, before brushing it off and ignoring it. It wasn't important.

Eventually, they got to a big silver door. The Doctor stopped John and motioned to the door. John nodded and they positioned themselves on each side of the door. They quietly opened it, ready to defend against anyone coming through, but nobody came to investigate the door opening. John frowned at the Doctor, who seemed just as confused as him. Together, they stepped through the door, then stopped.

"Oh," the Doctor gasped, looking around in horror. "Oh no."

John agreed. All around the room, there was a bunch of strange looking looking technology. And all around on the technology, were human  and alien bodies.

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