Medusa Wants Your Soul

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John, Amy, Rory and Sherlock stared up at the person in front of them, a little surprised at what they were looking at. The TARDIS was placed in a cavern in a cave. The cavern they were in was about a big as a ballroom, so quite spacious, or it would be if 90% of it wasn't taken up by technology. All around the room there were big to small black monitors and computers, and they were all humming softly.

However, the thing that caught the newcomers attention the most was the woman in the middle of the room. One look at her told them she wasn't human, as she was dark green, and her hair looked a bit like tiny red snakes at first, but as her visitors looked closer they realized that they were actually just braids. Her eyes were pale yellow, staring at everything that wasn't right in front of her.

It was a little pathetic, in a way, because this woman, OCTAVIA, knew all about the universe and all in it, but she could never communicate face to face with another being. The Doctor winced at this realization, but cleared his head, deciding to entertain that thought later.

The Doctor walked out in front of the group, strutting like a showman and rubbing his hands like a ringmaster.

"This," he announced, waving over to OCTAVIA. "Is the alien version of geegle."

"Google," Sherlock corrected.

"Her name is OCTAVIA," the Doctor continued, ignoring John. "It stands for 'Inter-Galactic Interface For Information And Communication.."

Amy gave him a funny look. "But that doesn't spell 'OCTAVIA'."

"Well, unless the British colonized the entire universe I don't know why it should," Sherlock cut in, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I mean, they do, eventually," the Doctor corrected. "But not yet, so, yes, Sherlock, you are absolutely correct."

"They do?" John asked, looking surprised (and a tad bit impressed).

"Eventually," the Doctor shrugged.

"Whoa," was all John said, his eyebrows going up to his hairline.

Anyway," the Doctor continued, clapping his hand. "OCTAVIA here was made by the Via Lactea Unio, and what her name actually stands for is: 'Olivia Calytrix Tarragon Alto Valora Ia Alma'. Her purpose is basically like an archive, and she stores information for all across the universe and then she can send that information to whoever asks."

"Well, if she can do that then why'd we come over to meet her?" Amy asked.

The Doctor groaned. "Oh, don't be boring, Pond! Meeting her is a lot more interesting!"

"Huh," John interrupted, staring up at OCTAVIA. "I don't know what to do with this information...."

"Well, you can start by asking her who you are," Sherlock suggested, steering everybody toward their original intent.

"Yes, of course!" the Doctor remember, clapping his hands. "That's true. Now if you'll excuse me..."

The Doctor walked up to OCTAVIA, with all the confidence in the universe. He stopped in front of her.

"Hullo, OCTAVIA, how are you on this fine day?" the Doctor asked her. "Or night, I can't tell which. Since, you know, we're on an asteroid... and all...."

"Do you know what you're doing?" Amy asked.

"Yes! I do!" the Doctor insisted, turning around to glare at her. "Being polite. As every person should do when they meet a stranger!"

The Doctor shook his head and turned back to OCTAVIA,shaking his head and muttering: "Humans!" disdainfully.

"Anyway," he continued, beaming up at OCTAVIA. "Do you have any information on 'Earth'."

OCTAVIA pulled up a hologram that had a number on it. A really, really big number.

"Oh, wow, that is a lot of files" the Doctor said, his eyes widening in surprise. "Hmm, well, how about: 'John Watson'."

The hologram read 280, 000, 000 now. The Doctor made a noise of surprise.

"Wow, you're famous," he told John, turning around for a split second. "Well, now try: 'John Watson alien'.

The hologram changed yet again. This time it read '1'.

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