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The Doctor and John looked around, bewildered and a little sick. Like the other victims of the mysterious disease, the people and the aliens bodies had no marks. The Doctor left John at the doorway and knelt down next to one of the bodies. An alien, who kind of looked like a short, humanoid furry elephant.

John watched the Doctor as he brought out the sonic screwdriver and scanned the alien. Then he brought it to his ear and listened. John looked back down at the elephant alien and let of a shout of surprise.

"Doctor!" he yelled. "Doctor, look out! It's melting!"

The Doctor jumped at Johns warning and scrambled backwards with a yelp. He groaned as the alien continued melting.

"Oh, no," he moaned. "That was the best way to get answers! Now he's gone!"

"What is it?" John asked, ignoring the Doctors complaints. "Is it alien?"

"Not what," the Doctor scolded, turning back to John. "But who?"

John sighed. "Alright, who?"

"Um, I don't know," the Doctor answered. "But he's part of the Fremde race, an ethnic group that's supposed to reside on the edge of the milky way galaxy. I have no idea what he's doing here. Or any of them, for that matter."

"Oh," John grumbled. "Great."

"I know!" the Doctor agreed happily, either ignoring or not noticing John sarcasm. "Gang, we've got a mystery on our hands!"

John titled his head at the Doctor, confused. The Doctors face fell.

"You know," he said. "Like Scooby Doo. And the mystery gang. You have watched that, right?"

"No, I haven't," John said, shrugging. "Sherlock absolutely refuses to watch it."

"No," the Doctor gasped, looking horrified.

"Yeah," John said. "He hates it because he can never guess the ending. Ironically."

"Oh no," the Doctor said, startled. "Well, as soon as we save the planet from.... something, and get Rory out we are going to tie him to a chair and force him to watch Scooby Doo or else!"

John blinked, taken aback. "Er, right... but maybe we should start by maybe saving Rory."

"Right," the Doctor agreed. He ran over to one of the control panels, like the ones you see in Star Trek. He started examining the buttons and levers, muttering to himself. Eventually coming across a big red button.

"Hmm," the Doctor mused to himself. "Big red button. Probably shouldn't push it."

The Doctor turned away from it, then stopped, still debating with himself. "No, no, do not press big red button. Big red button is bad."

He turned back to the button, chewing on his lip. "But... but it's a big red button, how could I not press it?" 

The Doctor stood there for a minute, trying to debate the pros and cons of the big red button. Finally, he shrugged and pushed it.

Nothing happened, so the Doctor, though slightly disappointed, went back to examining the other buttons.

About ten minutes later though, John, who had been observing the levers and switches with the Doctor, suddenly noticed the previously dead aliens and humans moving. Not a lot, just a twitch here and there, but enough to put him on edge.

"Um, Doctor?" John nervously called out.

"Hmm?" the Doctor answered, a bit distracted.

"I think somethings wrong!" John told him, backing away from the bodies.

The Doctor looked up from the gadget he was fiddling with, and gasped when he saw the bodies shaking.

"Oh," he muttered. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that."

"What?" John asked. "What'd you do!?"

"I may have pressed a button and that may have started an apocalypses."


"Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention that Fremde are good at making chemical solutions where they can control the recipients body after death? No? Huh, guess it slipped my mind."

"Okay, okay, but, what are we going to do now?"

"Umm, very good question."

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