The exotic amaryllis flower

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  Alex falls to the ground unable to move are getting up. His body seem to be under someone else control, like it was some kind of alien forces pulling him to the ground (blank) look at him with concern filling her eye “ Alex, what wrong get up you have to stop him he going to get the flower.” She screams. Alex wanted so badly to tell her that he couldn’t move or do a thing. He feels his body being pull from the ground and flying up to the ceiling he want to scream so badly, to give up and let the forces have it way with him but, he knew if he gave up everyone he loved would die and the world would end. How did he get here his mind was completely blank but he knew to stop (blank) he had to go to the beginning

                                                         Chapter one

 My name is Alexander smith.  I seem to be like any other eighteen-year-old boy except my mother died in childbirth and my dad died before I was even born. Oh and the fact that I have powers. I know it might be strange but I know of one other person like me, Staniel Martin, my best friend. Stan and me met in an orphanage when we were younger, his mother and father also died, and over the years we got really close. So close, that when my uncle Benjamin came to pick me up I refused to leave without him. So really we’re like brothers. We share everything even our taste in some woman we get in fights a lot but we now that no chick could back us apart like they say bro’s over hoes. Or, that what we say most of the time.

    I was in at my job for the day wiping off tables with a dirty rag when she walk in. she had long straight black glistering her with red lipsticks. She had on an all black leather suit with knee high stilettos boots. She seems to be in her early twenties and was rely hot. Spikey usually didn’t go for the bada** type or older woman but, she was different, I had to had her. My friend Stan walks up and stood by him “ man don’t even think about it I saw her first.’’ He says. I push Stan and says “ that what you always say” “you don’t even go for older women and you like the “angel” like goodie two shoes,” he says while making quotes with his fingers. “ I know but, there’s some different about her it like I’m being drawn to her or something” “ that what you say about every hot girl that come by you” “ but this time I’m being serious there something about her that really familiar. Amy come by and pushes both of them and says, “ Get back to work or I’ll have my dad fire both of you. Stan and Alex both get a dreamily look on their faces. Amy was there bosses hot daughter and one of their closet friends. Her hair was brown in curly and she had freckles going across her nose. She may look innocent but deep down she was the devil himself. Yeah she was the hottest girl in school but some time you have to wonder man is she really worth it.

     Amy comes up and smacks my head from behind.

“ All shit what the fuck was that for.”

You weren’t paying attention to me you were drooling over that bimbo over there” the mystery woman laugh “bimbo is that right. You’re talking to a person who was top of her class and on her way to being one of the top doctor in America,” the mystery woman says

“Excuses me was I talking to you I could have swore I was talking to this idiot” Amy says

        “ Hey” I exclaim

       “ Shut up idiot.”  Amy screams

       “Yes ma’am” I say the woman and Amy start having a scream feast and Stan just sat their staring “ Stan get Amy and take her over there.” I try to yell over the two woman and hope he could hear me over them apparently he could cause he grabs Amy and pull her to the ally. Amy screams and yell and kicks all the way over there and then she cusses Stan out. Stan just there like a lose puppy wanting for his owner to come save him from the abuses from this enraged Amy.

   I went for more of the sexier approach I “accidentally” drop my towel and bend over really slow and low making sure she got a good view “oops” I say with a sexy grin on my face she wasn’t even paying attention she was staring down a doughnut. One of my most sexiest plays wasted on a girl drooling over a doughnut! I could see if it was over Zac Efron or Siva from the wanted even Justin but a doughnut, a dumbass doughnut I was way more delicious than that stupid doughnut. The doughnut are disgusting here anyway but, I would never tell Amy, not out of fear of her feeling getting hurt but out of the fear of my pretty face being dismantle.

    I go for a classic this time “hey girl what your name?”

“ Oh it’s you I been looking for you. Can I have this? ” She says pointing to it with her freshly done French tips.

“ Sure go head but their not very good I know I use to eat here when I was smaller.”

You lived around her?”

“ Yeah but, only for awhile”

My eyes keep moving up and down her body mentally undressing her

“ Hey my eyes are up here.”

“ Right, right. I know that.”

“ We’ll talk about that later right now we got bigger problems.”

“ What problems?”

“Not now later” she slips me a piece of paper with a number and a address written across It. I’ll make sure to put it in my pocket. Amy looks in and rolls her eyes and Stan has shock look on his face and cusses to himself.

“Wait what should I call you”

“ Call me Mia okay?”

“ Cool” Mia walks out the door as Amy and Stan approach

“ I don’t like that bitch.”

“ Her name is Mia and maybe your getting a taste of your own medicine for a chance.”

“ What ever Alex you’re done for the day goes home and tomorrow come back with a better attitude.’’

“ You know what come on Stan let’s leave the wicked witch of the nasty doughnut to rule by herself.” I walk out of the door slamming than I wonder to myself what the hell’s wrong with me I never got a attitude with Amy before why start now? Stan must have been wondering the same thing because he came out and push me against the wall “ man what the hell wrong with you? She in there crying now you really hurt her and me. It hurts so much that you supposedly like her and she in the with you and you can’t even see it.”

“ Maybe that why I pushing her away maybe I’m scare of the love or maybe it’s just not meant to be. And your right you or Amy doesn’t deserve it. I’m bad fucking news you guy will do anything I ask you to but yet I’m still being a bastard Stan you can have Amy I don’t deserve anyone but myself.”

“Man I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.”

“But you were thinking it and we both know it true. See you later."

this is a new story i wanted to try out my first story yeaa 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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