Chapter 11

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"Katherine don't eat that," she snapped, slapping the weed off her fingers, "I'll buy something for us to eat in the morning," she hushed quietly as they sat beside the bins lined up behind a bar building. The pop music blared loudly with the screams of drunk and wild teens and adults polluting their eardrums.

"we don't have any money," Katherine reminded her as both their young tummies growled loudly. "Am hungry!" She jotted her feet to the ground throwing a tantrum at her fourteen year old identical twin sister.

"Lets go through the bin then," and so they did but didn't find anything eatable but disposable cans and bottles, succumbing to their fate they both sat back against the bins, hungry and dehydrated.

They had been running all day, escaping the punishment life had thrown at them at such a tender age. They only knew each other, only trusted each other and they were in this together as they came to the world through the same womb.

They hugged each other as the cold of the night sets in, drilling through their pores like they had committed a crime greater than existing.

They were underfed, malnourished and in need of a mother figure, shelter and food was made scarce to them their ribcages were on the brink of showing completely as they held each other tightly not really able to cry as the hunger was so unbearable crying would result in a waste of energy.

Even for hungry kids, they still looked pretty healthy from the surface, their hair still weighs a lot as it remained uncombed on their heads, though their eyelids open weakly when the sun shine on it they still use it to search for hope through the streets.

As both sat together with their heads pressed against each other as they drifted to a sour sleep, one that would have them waking through the course of the midnight with their belly acid soaring and tearing for neutrality.

But as life would have it, Katherine woke up and walked into the bar, as she thought it was empty since the music had been turned off, so she got in, going through the stuffs that were placed on the ground as it rattled, the annoyed bar owner, thinking it was one of those street cats came to the room switching on the lights with a broom stick in hand.

He came eye to eye with a scared Katherine whose right hand was still embedded in one of the plastic bags, he raced to her pulling her by her arm, prompting an entrapped scream from Katherine.

To which a sleeping Christine woke up to, "Katherine?" Her sleep filled voice called, getting up to her feet as she wondered where to search for her, until another scream escaped Katherine's lips did she snap her head to the bar's direction.

Running into it as she saw the man continue to drag Katherine into his office. She walked to him, her scared mind first grabbed Katherine's other arm as the man pulled both of them into his office, Christine left Katherine's arm and ran to the man biting his hand, to which he left Katherine slapping Christine to the floor in flustered annoyance.

As Katherine pulled at the door, the man walked to a tear dazed Christine on the floor and bent down close to her, pulling at her legs to which Christine shook as though riding a bicycle. Grabbing hard on it he added pressure prompting a scream from her as Katherine turned around with an heavy shovel he had kept among other tools close to the door, about to hit him with it...

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