Chapter 23

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Three days. Three days and his pack was back to it's normal state of function like nothing horrid had taken place several days ago. The fallen trees had been towed away, ready to make timber

Darryl, Delius and his beta now sits calmly and patiently in their meeting room where several close pack's alpha sat, amidst them the king of all alphas better known as the alpha king.

The news about the death of the king of all lycans and werewolves had shaken them all, especially at the hands of a werewolf alpha, made them all eager and fascinated to know more about what really happened.

The media hadn't kept quiet about it, they keep circling around his pack like hawks scathing over a meal. Nothing Delius said or did appeased their need for more insights on the story. A story he has nothing to talk about, or what should he say? The king provoked him into biting his head off or his demon over took his senses and he killed the strongest person in the name of history with a bite to the neck.

Even he after his first visit to Christine and his daughter thought about it and wondered how he managed to pull it off, or better still walk out of the basement alive without being ripped to pieces by the kings guards.

To make matters worse, everyone around him excluding his twin brother and Christine who doesn't know anything about it yet, thinks frighteningly he is the next king. Which basically also accompanies the reason why they have been in this meeting for the past fifteen minutes.

A king? He gracefully denied the title when his mom started talking about it, wanting to persuade him into going after the throne when the rightful heir to the throne still breathes. 'Its impossible, mother stop it' He shouted at his mother the night before, before actually standing up from the dinning table and off to his bed.

"Alpha Delius, we support your rights over the throne." Said the youngest alpha amidst them, he had dark brown hair to match his tan toned skin, ember green eyes to match his plum full lips. All who sat on the table sat starring at Delius with approval dripping off them distinctly, they all knew how strong he was but even they had to give him the extra credit for blowing off his credits with his latest stunt.

"I'm not interested in the throne, I didn't do it to get the throne, the throne is theirs let them keep it." He said calmly, not really sparing anyone of them the chance to say something after him, his tone was just as cold.

"We understand," the alpha king started, his voice husky like that of the 80's Toyota engine,"but who else would make a better king than you?"

"I appreciate all of you wanting to see me on throne but being an alpha myself and taking care of a pack with only werewolves can be a pain in the ass sometimes, I just can't imagine how it will feel like being a king of both species."

"Then why did you kill the king if you do not want to replace him?" Delius laughed at the alpha kings question while knowing the other alpha's have set their eyes on him, wanting to know why.

"He called my mate a bitch," he answered, meeting all their gazes with his yellow eyes and soon his aura started changing...

His fellow alphas just sat mesmerized by the aura debuting from him, they had never felt anything off it sort. It felt addictive, sweet and called for, it made their spines tingle sensually, "that man has been interfering in my business way too much, death was the only way to end it."

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