A Carry On Christmas

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Penny laughs as I press my face against our apartment window that looks out onto the street, but I can't help it. The snow is so beautiful out there, gently coating the ground in a white blanket. It also doesn't help that Baz is three minutes late, which is so unlike him. In all our time at Watford, I had never seen him late for a class (except for that time he missed three months of classes while trapped in a coffin and held hostage by numpties.) (That doesn't count.)

"Simon, I'm sure the snow just caused traffic to slow. He'll be here soon." I look over at my best friend, her hair dyed red to match the red garland on our Christmas tree.

"He's never late, Pen. What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt?"

"What if who's hurt?" A deep voice calls from the entryway, and I can feel a smile light up my face as I run to Baz and engulf him in a hug. His long hair is wet from the snow now melting on him and it tickles my face as I breathe in his woodsy scent.

"I was scared something happened to you," I mumble into his shoulder, and I feel more than hear his deep chuckle.

"Don't worry, Snow. Not even the numpties were able to keep me away from you for long."

"Ya, I imagined that the only reason you even came back was to stop torturing me. I was going crazy not knowing where you are."

"I would never torture you, Snow."

"You literally pushed me down the stairs in Mummer's House."

"Semantics, Snow."

I don't reply, simply holding onto him tighter, trying to calm my racing heart. I'm still working on my anxiety with my therapist. She told me that it was normal to be worried about my friends after what we all went through. Even knowing that the Humdrum was defeated, I still worry every time Baz goes to work for the week. He offered to let me stay in the Headmaster's quarters with him at Watford, yet it doesn't feel right going back there without my magic. Besides, Penny says she likes sharing the London apartment with me. I think it helps her to be able to come home to me and know that I'm safe as much as it helps me with her.


I turn away from the embracing couple and head into the kitchen, hoping to give them some privacy. Ever since Simon got his magick taken away, he's been clingier. I don't mind so much since Simon gives great hugs, but I never pictured Baz the hugging type. He probably just puts up with it for Simon. I swear that boy would burn the entire world before he let Simon get hurt.


Simon doesn't let go of me for minutes, and I love it. After years of pretending to hate each other while at Watford, I treasure every single touch he ever gives me. I know he would kill me if I told him, but I still can't quite believe that he ended up with me, that he chose me. After years of silently pining and making him think that I hate him, my wish finally came true.

I mumble sweet nothings into Simon's mess of curls and rub his back as he clings to me like his life depends on it, not even caring that I could end his with one bit on his neck. (I would never though. I wouldn't wish being a vampire on anyone.)

"Simon, love, why don't we sit down?" Simon nods and loosens his grip, stepping far enough away that I'm able to take off my coat, hat, scarf, and mittens. I quickly step out of my boots, almost falling onto the hardwood as my socks offer no traction on the slick floor.

Simon laughs and grabs my elbow to steady me before leading us over to the couch next to the fireplace. He gives me the seat nearest to it, and I sigh as the heat from it slowly dethaws my bones. Simon curls up next to me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"How was Watford?" Simon asks as Penny wordlessly walks back into the living room, handing me and Simon hot cocoa before sitting down in the seat across from us with her own.

"Same old same old. I thought being Headmaster would be a more exciting than it actually is. It's mostly just paperwork and making sure the merwolves don't eat any first-years." I don't know why I expected it to be crazy. Probably because my mother had the vampire attack when she was Headmistress, or that the entirety of the Mage's time as Headmaster was crazy. Truthfully, I'm thankful that nothing like that has happened so far, even if it's only my first year as Headmaster. What we all went through with the Humdrum, what Simon went through with the Humdrum... no child should ever have to go through that. Even five years later Simon still gets nightmares over that horrible day when he lost his magick, as well as his father and Ebb.

"What are you thinking about?" Simon mumbles quietly, and I turn my head to look at him. I let myself smile, something I only recently started allowing myself to do. I can feel the blood coursing through my body, through my heart, as I look at the love of my life, my reason to live.

"I'm thinking about how much I love you." Simon blushes and buries his head into my shoulder. I feel myself blush then, remembering that Penny's in the room, but Simon and I had to watch her and her boyfriend, Micah, snog every five seconds when he came to visit from America, so it's only fair that when Simon's head pops back up and I gently grab his chin and kiss him softly.

"Happy Christmas, Simon," I whisper when I pull away. He smiles, his eyes twinkling and reflecting the lights on the tree behind me.

"Happy Christmas, Baz." 

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