"Lazy day"| [❗️]

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I n t r o d u c t i o n ;

Hiya!— writer here! This is going to be bad quality smut, I'm so sorry 😬 this may or not be kinky but I'm sure more of that will come sooner or later, so stay tuned! Also requests are open! Just message me on here or just comment! If I leave  a '💋' that means I took youre request!~ enjoy this smutty chapter


//I personally love yuuri topping tbh—

Also I credit the artist fully!!!

Eros, pleasure upon pleasure until you're drowning in extasce-

Those words stuck on yuris mind- at the age of 23 years old, yuri thinks he should have a sex life by now. Or some form of romance, which he does, Victor Nikifovor his fiancé— sure yuri and victor had the small make outs and the rare grinds on each other when they felt 'needy' but besides from that they did nothing extreme, Yuri being self conscious and victor being unsure of when the right time is do go to the 'next level' was hard for the both of them- until today that is-


Me and victor decided to have a 'lazy day' well that's what he called it- no practices no skating, no work. Just victor and I- well and of course makkchin, we can never forget makka- anyways since these days were rare we decided to spend it wisely, so I cooked an amazing meal of pork cutlet bowls for victor and myself, I just finished platting them.

"Victor! Foods ready!" I call as I bended over to place the two bowls on the table, I heard at chuckle from behind me- which honestly scared the crap out of me.

I looked around my shoulder to see those icy blue eyes that I fell in love with, "Nice view no?~" he said teasely which made me blush furiously as he shot up faster than ever, he chuckled louder than the last.

"I'm just teasein'~"

He said as he place as soft sweet kiss on my hot cheek, he winked and sat down as he picked up the chopsticks, I couldn't help but to smile at his mer adorableness, I tied my apon from the back and handed it up, heading back victor was already face deep into his pork cutlet bowl- he hasn't ate since lunch, he's probably hungry than. Victor smiled and hummed as he pulled the chopsticks away from his glossy and rice covered lips.

"Amazing! Yuri when we get married do you think we can have theses for the dinner?" He exclaimed excitedly.

I couldn't help up to blush- for the past months we've been planning our marriage, I won gold last season. And to my surprise victor stayed true to his word and proposed at the banquet, all I remember his crying like a baby in front of everybody and phichet yelling "CALLED IT!! YURIO YOU OWN ME 10$!! WHOOO!!"— it was all an blur- but that's one moment I'll always remember-

Victor and I finished our pork cutlet bowls, he stood up from the table and grabbed my empty bowl and brought it to the sink full of hot water and soap.

"Yuri thanks for the meal" he said softy as he smiled looking towards me, I smiled "No problem" I said happily as I brushed my finger across his bottom lip taking of a single rain grain, putting it in my month. Swallowing it- victor pale cheeks turned red as he quickly looked away gulping, I chuckled, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm going the dishes-" he said as he rolled up his sleeves, I nodded as he softy grabbed his hand and gently took of his ring. He smiled as he watched, I put it to the side making sure it had a distance from the sink so it wouldn't go down the drain.

Victor hummed softy as he did the dishes, as for myself I was getting the tea ready, pouring it into cute tea cups specially made for us, it was a gift from Chris, it had cute Makkas on it, the cups (in general) where pastel, greens, pinks, blues, and purples-

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