Chapter 10

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Hey so Mark and Jessica are DEAD wow so what about this drew character will he come into the picture well wait and find out.

123 reads so far!

- Lauren x


Chapter 10 -

Skye's P.O.V

"NO!!" I dropped to my knees, weeping into my lap.

The rest of the boys came around us. Max was the first one to speak "He got what was coming" he said arrogantly, i really hate that boy.

"Dude!" The youngist Cody, nudged him in the arm.

"I'm just saying" 

I looked back up and Ryan stood,shocked, over Marks body, Darren stood with his arms crossed thinking, Max and Cody having a debate over something and Brody came over to me. He slowly  sat down next to me but i carried on crying. He wrapped his arm around my waist and i lent my head to his chest while he stoked my hair.This was nice, he was warm and soft he was comfort to me. "Hey are you OK?" he asked when i finally stopped weeping.

"Yeah" i croaked.

"Do you want me to drive you home?"

"No i need to go back to Jessica she'll be wondering where i got off to"

"OK ill walk you back" He said lifting me up.

We began to walk back but i had to look just once more, i turned my head and saw Max and Cody lifting Marks body and Darren began to talk to Ryan but he just stormed of, what got him all worked up about if anyone should be upset it should be me. My life is messed up.

We got back to the road the car just a couple of meters i saw a lump on the car "What the hell is that?" Brody asked.

"I dunno" We started walking faster towards the car but then that lead to a run.

I stopped at the sight. "No, no , no, no this cant be happening"

"Oh my god, Skye I- I'm so sorry"

"Jessica!" i ran over to her body, claw marks down her chest showing flesh,it was disgusting, i just couldn't touch her. 

Brody came over to me and wrapped his arms around my chest while i cried "Come on Skye let me take you home, you've had a rough day"

I laughed at that "rough? are you joking me?" a turned back around to face him "My boyfriend is dead. My best and only friend is dead and the only people that im close to is my family and a pack of werewolves. That's not rough that's fucked up!"

He looked down and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Look I'm sorry,i didn't mean that, you've been caring and nice to me,i shouldn't have said that" i frowned.

"Its ok let me just get you home"

Ryan's P.O.V

What did i do...

"Look man Brody's took her home and the boys have moved Mark's body to make it look like a suicide, you did the right thing!" Darren said sitting next to me on my bed.

"It doesnt feel like the right thing if it made her upset, propbably hates me for it!"

"Look she just doesn't understand you did for her safety. If you didn't she would be dead right now, she'll understand soon"

"when will soon be?"

"I don't know, whats got you so worked up about this chick anyway?"

"She's my-"

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