Chapter Three - Victim One

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I know I have been gone for a couple of months and I am deeply sorry!! I don't have any excuses except that I have been having so much fun after exams!! But Just a couple of weeks ago my grandmother passed away. Although I am sad, I have support from many relatives and friends. 

I would like to thank all the readers who have voted, commented on this story. I would also like to apologize for not updating in quite a while. 

Merry Belated Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and happy holidays!! :)

Looking forward to a great new year <3

Once again thank you and enjoy!! <3


Peace and Quiet. I sighed happily at the silence I was given, hoping this feeling wouldn't fade away. Unfortunately my hopes were interrupted by an annoying beeping sound continuously repeating. I tried turning my head towards the noise, but I couldn't. It felt like I was stuck in mud with no way out. I started to panic, trying to move my arms and legs but nothing happened. A voice suddenly entered into my head.

Riles. Calm down please. Someone help! please help!

The voice was fading in and out, making it impossible to hear the whole sentence. I tried my hardest to open my eyes, using the only strength left that I had. Finally, a small burst of light entered my eyes and blurry colours remained in my vision. My fingers began to twitch and my lips parted, allowing me gulp the air greedily. I looked around to find I was in a hospital. I frowned, unaware of why I needed to be here.

Suddenly, it all came to my head; the mask, my broken leg and the 'dating scandal'. I shrugged my shoulders at the last part, hoping it was just a bad dream and Clapton accidentally left me at school because he had to update his music website that he's always obsessed about. But he never forgets to pick me up...

I shook my head. I should be worrying about my broken leg rather than what the latest gossip is right now, I slowly removed the blanket to see the damage and saw small cuts and bruises spread across my left leg, whereas my right leg was stuck in a cast.

"Crap" I muttered before swinging my legs over the bed and jumping to the ground. Bad idea. My head was still pounding and my leg felt like it was about to snap. I closed my eyes in pain, but continued to walk across the other room to the door. Unfortunately I only made it halfway before I started to fall.

"Double Crap!" I screamed.

"Riles!" A deep voice shouted behind me, before the sound of rushing feet ran towards me. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I sighed in relief and snuggled into his arms. I looked up to see Clapton with concern written all over his face. 

He picked me up with his arms wrapped under my legs and my back before walking back towards the bed. We stared at each other, until I was tucked neatly under the covers. I pouted and my expression fell, making Clapton laugh. 

"What's so funny?" I glared.

"You. Besides what were you trying to achieve earlier by getting out of your bed!? Your just going to make your injuries worse!" He said angrily, with his hands clenched and his jaw tightened. I looked down at my hands once he finished.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before his arms enveloped me into a hug. At first I was surprised, but closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. I smiled. It felt like what we always did whenever we got into a fight, hugging until we calmed down. But the moment was over too soon and Clapton began to withdraw quickly. He looked guilty but covered it with a happy expression. 

"Well. I better be off. Just got some errands to do," He stated, rubbing the back of his neck. I sighed. He was lying. He always scratched the back of his neck whenever he was guitly of something or lying. I forced a smile on my face.

"OK then. But seriously, you should shower. You stink!" I said, trying to lighten the mood. Clapton laughed before waving me off and walking out of the door. I shook my head. Did he think I was stupid when his errand would be to focus on Ione? 

Life sucks.

My mom seemed to almost get him off of my mind, telling me the latest gossip from work. But suddenly she quietened down and leaned towards me. She looked at the door before turning towards me. 

"Taylor Fisher was murdered this morning" she whispered. My eyes widened in surprise.

"The bitch, Taylor Fisher?"

"Yep. Her neck was sliced before she was stabbed multiple times and then thrown out of her window and onto her mom's car. Freaky shit," she shuddered. 

"Did they find the murderer?" I asked.

"Nope. Except they found out he was texting her before she was killed." 

There was a long list of people who didn't like her and possibly wanted to kill her. She wasn't the nicest person to hang around, especially if you didn't meet her expectations, which was practically everyone at our school. She always wore the 90's clothing, with her jeans so tight that it showed a small camel toe. Ugh, disgusting.

The news dampened the rest of the day, even though I was allowed to go home in the afternoon. That night I stayed awake, thinking about the killer. There has been no killings in the neighbourhood before and I was starting to get a little scared. I would definitely have to watch my back with the killer still on the loose...

The next morning I was back to school. The cast was still on my leg, making me drag it along the concrete. Clapton didn't pick me up again this morning and it was getting annoying. I finally found him and began to wave. But the look on his face when he saw me said it all. He was ashamed to see me...

It's only been a couple of days and he's already changed. All because of Ione. From that day forward, he no longer came to my house, no longer gave me skateboard rides and always avoided me. 

I was now the rejected best friend. 

Poor fucking me.


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Not edited. Sorry :)

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