Chapter Five - Movies

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The school bell rang and my palms were sweating. I kept chewing on my bottom lip, hoping some of my stress could be released.

I cautiously made my way to the school gates, looking around to see if Alex was nearby. I came to a stop at the gates, putting my bag onto the ground and pulled out my phone, trying to look like a person who was so interested in the fake message sent to me. I opened up Clapton's contact, staring at the stupid photo we took. It was when I was trying to take a nice photo of myself, but Clapton had entered my room unexpectedly and scared the shit out of me, making me snap the photo of my mouth wide open and my eyes half closed while Clapton was in the middle of laughing. I had turned around to scold him, when he grabbed hol of my phone and put the photo as his contact picture. 

I smiled at the memory. It was a good memory. He was a good  friend, but now he's changed and I don't know how to hold onto him. Shifting my thoughts to Alex, my mind was filled with a mixture of feelings. On one side, I am completely annoyed at him yet on the other side my heart seems to flutter in pleasure at the sight of him. Maybe I am just attracted to him physically...but he seems to take my mind of Clapton for now. 

"Hey Riley." A deep voice called. I looked up to see the familiar face of Clapton Davis. I raised my brow at him, wondering why he was talking to me now. 

"Hey," I spoke hesitantly. Clapton walk seemed to have faltered a little at my cold gesture. He stopped in front of me, holding his skateboard and backpack. His look had changed, with dark glasses and hat covering his face. What made me really surprised was that I wasn't affected as much as I was whenever he came up to me. I didn't feel weak in my knees or have the urge to run away in embarrassment. I put my phone in my back pocket and crossed my arms. 

"So. I was wondering, would you want to see the Cinderhella movie?" At once, I seemed to bask in joy and smiled at his request. I can't believe it, he had asked me out to watch a movie after months of not talking to each other. 

"Of course, it would be you, me and Ione," and that's the catch. Ladies and Gentlemen, award to the most stupid guy. I knew it was all too good to be true.

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because. I want my two best friends to get to know each other." 

I rolled my eyes. "Clapton, you haven't talked to me in months. Why do you talk to me now?"

"I have talked to you!" he shouted in defence. 

"When was the last time you did?" I questioned. Clapton seemed lost with words and sighed in defeat. 

"Riley. Why didn't you say anything? I didn't mean to hurt you, honestly." 

I snorted at his words. "I shouldn't have to say anything! besides you were the one to break the friendship. I'll admit, I was hurt but now I'm over it. I'm over you Clapton." I blurted out angrily. I told him how I felt and knew I had to move one. It was bad enough to be known as the girl Clapton dumped. Immeadiately, Clapton grabbed my forearm.

"Riles, I'm sorry. I really am." But I didn't want to hear his excuses. I waited too long for his excuses and now it was too late. Suddenly, arms wrapped around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder. I turned in surprised to find Alex, with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and turned back towards Clapton who seemed shocked and dumbfounded. 

"Riles, who is this?" he asked, forcing a smile on his face. As I was about to answer, Alex spoke first. 

"Alex. I'm Riley's boyfriend." Immeadiately I looked up at him, to find him smirking down towards me. he tightened his hold on my waist and kissed me on my cheek. I blushed furiously, hiding my face with my hair. Alex chuckled huskily, before turning towards clapton. 

"And you are?" Alex questioned. 

"Clapton. I'm surprised Riles hasn't told you about me," he said, hurt evident in his eyes. I wanted to comfort him, but right now I couldn't be bothered. 

"Yeah. She didn't mention you when we were together. Mind you we didn't do too much talking," he spoke gently. I cringed at his words before picking up my bag and pulling him away from Clapton. 

"Anyway, gotta go. Movie to catch," Alex spoke loudly before giving a little wave. I took a last glance at Clapton and saw his fist clench in anger before storming away from the gates and riding on his skateboard. I sighed in relief, before slapping my hands on Alex in anger. 

"What the hell? My boyfriend? Why?" I shouted. At once Alex had grabbed hold of my wrists and pinned them to my sides. 

"Because. He was talking to you and I didn't like it," he muttered. 

"Just because he talked to me?" I spoke angrily. 

"Yes. If I can't have you, no one can" he said easily before grabbing my bag and walking towards a blue car. "Get in. We have a date to go to," opening the passenger side door. I got in cautiously, staring at him in confusion. 

"I don't get it. You don't know me, yet you go out telling people I'm your girlfriend," I muttered quietly. However Alex seemed to have heard me. 

"You're different," he answered. That answer seemed enough and the road trip was silent to the movies. The silence was relaxing and I closed my eyes. 

"Riles. Wake up," a soft voice beckoned. I woke up, stretching my arms and laying my head against a hard surface. With my hand, I squeezed the surface and squealed as I felt it moving. I opened my eyes to see that I was laying on Alex's chest and squeezing his hard abs. He looked at me softly before taking off my seatbelt and reaching out to grab my hand, pulling me out of the car. 

I yawned loudly, before a hand grasped mine as we walking into the theatre. I looked up at him as he was ordering the tickets and food. He was sweet and charming...Someone that made me happy. I argued with him, telling him I could carry the popcorn, but he insisted to take everything and pay. 

We seated ourselves, waiting for the movie to play when I felt his hot lips upon my cheek. I smiled in content, hoping no one could see my red cheeks. The movie began to play with the first victim being killed by Cinderhella. I grabbed his hand as Cinderhella started to cackle, yet a reassuring squeeze was given. Everything was going surprisingly smooth: a hot guy for a date, a stupid movie and good food. Yet everything seemed to burst as I heard a loud screech enter the cinema. 

"Riley!" that good for nothing bitch shouted. I turned to see Ione and Clapton staring at us, before they shuffled across to the seat next to us. 

"Ah fuck!" I muttered towards Alex. 


Not really a long chapter :((


Anyway, exams are nearly over (YAY!). 

Alex and Riley getting close, Clapton acting weird and Ione always ruining the moment. Great summary :)))

Please help make a better cover for this story!! greatly appreciated if you could :)

Not edited, but if there are some major mistakes please tell :))

Lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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