Chapter 2

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As soon as I entered through the gates of Rainwood High my eyes started darting around from under my shades looking for a parking spot worthy of my "second love". I grinned in satisfaction as I spotted just the perfect spot under the shade of a huge and fascinating maple tree. The few parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the spot I chose were left vacant, as if it were a "sacred spot" of some sort. It was surprising that the other students looking for a parking spot weren't even glancing at those few empty places and continued on with their parking spot hunt.

As I parked my car in the chosen spot claiming it as mine for the rest of the semester I saw surprised stares of those lingering around raise towards me. I simply chalked this up to the beauty that my car is and not something having to do with the sacred spot theory.

I glanced up at the rear view mirror once, smirking at my reflection seeing not a hair out of place. I shouldered my bag pack as I opened the door. My three inch high heels (giving me an added advantage with my model like five feet nine inch height) making a decisive click as they hit the parking lot asphalt. The Queen had officially set foot inside Rainwood High... let my reign begin.

I moved confidently towards the building that I remember as the office. Making my hips sway a little, flaunting my figure for the benefit of the spectators who were staring at me with unmasked awe. That is the thing about this world, we are too bored with our own lives therefore we are too interested in others. Everyone wants a show today and only those shine who know how to "put up a show".

After my little runway walk performance I reached the office building. Pushing my hair back with my shades I stepped inside the building with a small smile adorning my lips. My smile instantly brightened as I made eye contact with the old lady sitting at the reception already smiling at me kindly having noticed my entrance.

"Good morning dear you seem to be a new face" she said politely. She had that elderly grandma voice that reminded me of my granny. I decided that I already liked her.

"Yes I'm new here, we just moved to New York" I replied not at all minding indulging in a small and pleasant conversation with this kind lady.

"I hope the city is treating you kind" she said sounding genuine and sincere.

"I've been here a million times. New York had been as good as a second home to me since a long time now" I say. It was true. My parents held regular meetings and events here in New York having quite a few hotels and restaurants based here and I had no choice but to attend seeing before long it'll be me who would have the burden of conducting the same. My parents decided that it was too much hassle to fly here regularly from Manhattan and decided to shift the main office to New York. Hence here I am today ready to begin a new semester at Rainwood High.

"Good good sweetie" she said giving me a warm smile "tell me your name so that I can give you your time table and tell you your locker"

"I am Aurora Banks" I say, seeing her eyes light up in recognition.

"Ah the Presidency heiress" she states while starting to type on her keyboard.

"That's me" I say flinching internally but not letting the smile on my face falter. Seems like the whole world is concerned only about the fact that I'm the sole heir of the Presidency. It's as if my legacy defines me as well as confines me.

"Here you go sweetheart. I hope you have a great day and a great semester ahead" says the receptionist handing over a couple of slips of paper.

"I hope so too" I say, the words meaning more to me than they could to her " have a good day"

I give the old lady a parting smile as I turn around and head outside the office building. I bring down my shades once again to shield my eyes from the bright sun as I look down at the sheets of paper in my hand. I decide to head towards my locker first and relieve myself of the books in my bag which are weighing me down and then head towards home room.

As soon as I enter the hallway the buzz of excited chatter hits me. The hallway is filled with teenagers mingling around, huddling in groups, hugging each other and sharing their wild doings over the session change break. As I start walking down the hallway I cannot help but notice the effect my appearance has on the student body. As I make my way towards my locker striding purposefully cutting a path from the centre of the crowd they themselves part for me, looking at me dazed. All conversation around me ceases, though it picks up again as soon as I move on. I leave confused but equally excited whispers in my wake. 

Unfortunately the mystery unawareness regarding my identity does not remain for long just as I had anticipated. Soon a few whispers start ringing louder than the others. "It's Aurora Banks! The Presidency heiress" "oh my god it's actually Aurora Banks I loved her on the cover of daily mail last month!" "That's Aurora Banks did you see the interview she did just last week?" "Dude she's hotter than she looks in those magazine pics and advertisements!... do you think I have a chance with her?"

The male population of Rainwood High ogled at me blatantly though the response from the female populace wasn't as... positive. Most scantily dressed girls stared daggers at me as their boyfriends stopped making out with them to look at me. I observe this all but don't react. I still keep walking straight ahead, unaffected, unconcerned.

My parents had left no stone unturned when it came to making me "known" by the world. I didn't have to do much, stories about me had already begun circulating in the student body if the rushed whispers were anything to go by. Let them talk.

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