Chapter 8

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I run my fingers through my hair once again frustratedly and see James give me a worried glance. I grip the steering wheel just a little tighter and focus on the road ahead, keeping a look out for the little inconspicuous turn one has to take to reach the tracks, trying my hardest to not let my mind wander back to the conversation that I had with a very despicable person.

My hold on the steering wheel loosens a bit as the tracks illuminated by the many flood lights comes in my view. Even James notices the slight shift in my demeanour as he relaxes a bit, having been sitting taut all this while, as if bracing himself for the outburst I was on the brink of having. I still was furious, but not enough to make my best friend James a target for my anger.

As I pull closer to the tracks I see that they look more lively than usual. Many people stop to stare at my car as I make my way towards the cabin. I have to drive extra slow and cautiously due to the large crowd gathered really close to the cabin. So many people blocking my way, when all I want to do is reach the cabin quickly and bet in for a race, aggravates me more than before. Letting out a frustrated groan I step out of the car and slam the door shut, trying to reach the centre of all the commotion and figure out the reason myself.

As I push my way through the crowd many people recognise me, patting me on the back and cheering for me. A slight smirk slips on to my lips seeing all these people fawn over me, as the girls make haste to fix their hair, and pull down their dresses to show a little more cleavage. My attention is pulled back to the task at hand as I see a really hot ride parked in the centre of the crowd. I just stand there a moment and admire the super sexy black Audi, what can I say I'm a sucker for such beauties. My gaze is pulled to a mob of luscious looking blonde waves as I have this weird urge to run my fingers through those silky locks. Judging by the way girl is leaning on the hood of the car I assume that it belongs to her. She stood there like a queen of some sort, greeting her people and receiving their love and praise.

I am standing here wasting my time because an egotistical girl decides to block the only way to the cabin and revel in shallow praise for lord only knows what she did. My annoyance reaching its peak, I push past the last few people standing between her and me, finally getting a good look at her face, and damn it was a sight to behold. Now my good looks and overflowing bank accounts ensure that I have every girl of my choice but there's never been one who has been able to hold me captive. Today is as close as it has ever come to that. Not being very experienced when it came to feeling this way I quickly pass my reigns back to my anger and annoyance.

"What the hell do you think you are doing by blocking the path like this?" I say, poison dripping from my words as I stand in front of her. Her eyes meet mine after hearing my angry outburst, and I'm pleased to notice how she seems to be admiring me.

"If you're done checking me out to your hearts content, I would like an answer to my question." I say, smirking at her.

She chuckles at my words, standing up straighter and looks me in the eye "A little narcissistic aren't we?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Move out of my way" I say through gritted teeth.

"Give me one good reason why I should" she says still not backing off. By now I don't even know whether I am more angry or surprised. Never, never have I witnessed anyone withstand the glare that I was giving her right now, rather she seemed to be extracting some kind of pleasure by irking me.

Taking a step closer to her I begin "You-" I am cut short by the ringing of my phone. It's James whose calling me. I irritatedly decline his call before continuing "You really should-" again my phone rings cutting me off. Running my hand down my face in frustration I accept James call.

"What?!?" I all but growl out at him.

"Get your ass back in here" he says sounding just as frustrated.

"I'm in the middle of something" I pronounce each word clearly, barely restraining myself from lashing out on him.

"I've got the car just a couple of meters away from you, the path is clear from here on and don't argue with me even you want to hear this" he says in his best authoritative voice. He is pretty much the only person from whom I would take this attitude.

"Coming" I say curtly and hang up. Without looking up at the girl standing in front of me, I do a quick scan of my surrounding and upon spotting my Aston Martin I walk towards it at a quick pace, getting in at the passenger side. As soon as I shut the door, James starts driving towards the cabin.

"In an attempt to reach you she is calling me now" He says without preamble.

It takes me half a minute to process his words and as soon as that happens a string of curses leaves my mouth.

"I had a similar reaction man" he says gravely, parking outside the cabin. "I'm going to meet Harry, take a minute to calm yourself before coming in" with this he walks out leaving me alone in the car with my thoughts.

Convincing myself that the issue wasn't as grave as I was making it seem, I step out of the car and lock it behind me. As I move towards the cabin the two bodyguards, Bob and Matt, nod at me.

"Jayden!!!" Harry booms as soon as I enter the cabin. He comes over to me and gives me a brief hug, patting me on the back "how have you been lad?"

"The same..." I say choosing to not elaborate much. He chuckles lightly, obviously seeing my ill concealed anger.

"Here to release the pent up frustration again I see... are you up for a challenge?" He questions.

I look at his face waiting for it to break into a grin at his poor joke, but he remains serious, genuinely awaiting my answer. "You know your rookies don't come anywhere near being a challenge for me"

"True, true." He says releasing a short boisterous laugh "but I think I've found just the challenge for you" He says with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

"Is it?" I raise a wary eyebrow at him.

"Don't be so gloomy kid" he says in an overtly cheerful manner, thoroughly annoying me "wait here just one sec" with this he turns around and goes in a corner to make a phone call.

"What do you think he's up to?" James asks coming to stand beside me.

"Honestly I have no idea" I say as Harry murmurs in his phone asking for the person on the other side of the line to come to the cabin.

"All righty" he says turning back to us "this is gonna be fun" he runs his hands together like every suspicious madman in a movie.

"Why do I think that your idea of fun differs from mine by miles" I say, praying he wouldn't end up creating anymore drama in my life. In the middle of my sending prayers to the one up in heaven the door to the cabin and in comes a girl clad in black with a worship worthy body but something about her seems eerily familiar...

I feel my jaw clench as soon as she looks up and her eyes meet mine.

"YOU!!!" we both shout in unison.

Authors note
Hey my loves❣️
I'm awfully sorry for the late update... stuck with major exams. I hope you guys understand.
Make me a little happier at this time of distress and
P.S. follow my wattpad profile for the extra info regarding your favourite (or soon to be favourite) story UNLIKELY♥️😉

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