Chapter 9

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Ian's grip made me feel so fucking horny. I couldn't believe he had just grabbed my thigh. I gasped out, hoping it wasn't too obvious how turned on I was. I couldn't believe Ian Pierce actually liked me. He even admitted to having strong feelings towards me, even if he "wasn't" gay. 

As we pulled up to what I presumed to be Ian's house, his hand fell off of my leg. I already missed it. 

"Um, would you maybe want to stay the night?" Ian asked. Even though he looked completely relaxed, his ocean blue eyes gave away his fear. 

"Sure." I whispered, enchanted by the question. I was excited to be spending the night with him, but it also gave me a reason not to go home. 

I felt incredibly guilty lying to Ian. I never had a doctors appointment. The truth was my dad was furious because I didn't clean the glass up from off the floor from the night before. He drove me home, speeding and verbally abusing me the whole car ride. When I walked inside, he threw me onto the floor, still berating me for being "disobedient". I had finished cleaning up the glass when he punched my nose, saying it was "his way of parenting". He proceeded to physically throw me out of the house. I never wanted to go back to that shit-hole again.

Walking up to the front door, Ian stopped me before going inside.

"Um, could you not mention us to my parents? They don't really know about... this, and I would rather just keep it between us." He asked.

"Sure." I breathed. He wanted to keep it a secret. Our secret.

Opening the door, he let me inside.

"Ian, honey, how was school." Ian's mother softly spoke to him. Though she was physically in the room, her mind seemed to be wandering elsewhere.

"It was great mom. This is Noah, he's gonna help me study for that World History test." Ian stated. He failed to mention the part about me staying over, but from the looks of his mom's mental state, it didn't seem like she would care. 

"It's a pleasure meeting you Noah." She said, shaking my hand. Her eyes seemed to look right past me.

"Where's dad?" Ian asked, seeming perplexed. 

"Oh, he's working late again." Ian's mother quipped. There seemed to be an accusatory tone behind her statement.

"We'll be upstairs mom, I love you." Ian replied, ignoring her statement. He seemed untroubled by his mothers remarks.

Ian led me upstairs and into his bedroom. His room was mostly grey, with a red accent wall. Pictures of him and his friends covered most of his walls, with trophies covering any remaining space. He had a desk chair positioned under his desk. His closet doors were closed, and his room was surprisingly well-kept. I also noted that his bed was queen size, barely able to fit two people.

"I'm sorry about my mom." Ian started, "She hasn't really been herself."

"Don't apologize, she seemed super nice." I replied, only somewhat lying. She had seemed nice, just a bit out there.

He sat down in the desk chair, motioning for me to sit on the bed. I say across from him.

"Thank you, by the way, for not telling her." He reiterated.

"Not a problem." I replied. 

There was a brief moment of silence, both of us wondering what to do next. 

"Um." I announced, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "What are we gonna do?"

Ian shrugged.

"Well, we could continue our conversation from earlier?" Ian asked, implying the "question game" we had been playing. 

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