Chapter 5

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(Y/n) was walking towards the convenience store when she accidentally bumped into a boy with crazy, purple hair.

"I'm so sorry." (Y/n) said as she offered one hand to help the boy up and used the other to brush off the dirt from her clothes.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going anyway." The boy replied, taking (Y/n)'s hand as he stood up.

"My name's (Y/n), what about you?" She asked, holding her hands behind her back as she noticed the similarities between him and Aizawa. 'He must be Shinso then, I'll still wait for him to answer though. He would think I was creepy if I knew his name before we even met.'

"My name is Shinso. Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm going to buy a few things, and I'm also kinda looking for a part time job. Do you know of any I would be able to get around here?" (Y/n) was fiddling with her hair at this point, a nervous habit she had picked up in primary school. Needless to say, this had given many people the wrong idea, resulting in more than her fair share of bullying.

"A part time job, huh? I actually do know a place that's hiring currently. I'll take you there if you tell me why you need it. You look fairly well off." Shinso said, looking deeply into (Y/n)'s eyes.

(Y/n) sighed, she probably should have expected this question eventually. Why, of all things, did she have to wear her most expensive clothes yesterday.

"My family is, but due to... Unfortunate circumstances I don't really have a way back to them right now, meaning I have to support myself." She explained.

Shinso's face darkened slightly at that. A fact that did not go unnoticed by (Y/n).

"Follow me." Shinso said as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her after him.

Not forgetting her earlier comment about going shopping, he showed (Y/n) a few local shops and pointed out the cheapest.

A few minutes later they arrived outside a small, independent ramen shop.

"Hello! I've found an applicant for the position!" He called as he walked in, ignoring the sign outside saying Closed in the front window.

"Oh, Shinso, honey. You just left and you're back again? Who's this next to you?" A woman who looked to be in her mid 40s asked, as she walked through from the back of the store.

"This is (Y/n), she's here for the job. (Y/n), this is my mum, she owns the shop." Shinso explained to both women, before turning and starting to leave.

"Wait, Shinso, I need someone to cover the evening shift tonight, do you think you can?" His mother asked, leaning over the counter towards her son.

"I-I could do it!" (Y/n) said, a little more loudly than she had intended to.

"You could? Well that would be really kind of you. Thank you so much for helping us out. I'll go get the paperwork now." And with that, Shinso's mum disappeared into the back of the store once again.

"Thanks." Shinso said briefly before turning once again towards the door.

"For what? I should be the one thanking you, Shinso." (Y/n) said, giving him a smile that could rival Izuku's.

A faint blush was barely visible on Shinso's face as he walked out of the store, a quiet tinkle of the bell and rustle of papers being the only sounds to disturb the silence.

"Did he leave already?" Shinso's mum asked, disappointment obvious in the way her shoulders sagged.

"Sorry ma'am, but he did, yes." (Y/n) said, not wanting her soon-to-be boss to be upset.

"It's okay (Y/n), don't worry about it. And call me Mihoko." Mihoko said, handing the paperwork to (Y/n) to complete. "By the way, honey, what's your quirk?"

Ah, of course. In a world centered around powerful quirks, it was only a matter of time before (Y/n) was asked about her non-existant quirk.

"I don't know." (Y/n) answered, looking down at the paperwork she was filling out to hide the sorrow in her eyes. "I either don't have one, or I haven't discovered it yet."

"But didn't you go to the doctor's to check if you had one when you were little?" Mihoko asked, this time shock was the emotion clear in her voice and body.

"No, we don't really do that where I'm from. Besides, I doubt anyone I know has a quirk. Instead we spend a lot of time planning what our quirks would be if we had them." (Y/n) explained, placing her now completed form on the counter for Mihoko.

"That's pretty rare, verging on impossible even. Everyone you know being quirkless? If you don't mind my asking, where are you from?" Mihoko asked, picking up the paperwork and reading it quickly, paying more attention to the conversation though.

"Believe me or not, I'm from (address). The way I got here is a mystery." (Y/n) explained. A sheepish, somewhat apprehensive smile planted firmly on her soft features.

A look of concern flashed over Mihoko's kind features for a brief moment. It was unclear if she believed (Y/n) at all, but she still gave her the job, so there's still hope.

((A/N: I know I don't usually do author's notes in this book, but this is the exception. I know that Mihoko probably doesn't own a ramen shop, but it was the only thing I could think of. Also, the name Mihoko may be wrong, I just googled it.))

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