Chapter 22

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(Y/n) woke up a few hours later to find herself in a hospital room. She had a drip in her arm as well as a heart monitor. Her head felt groggy and her arm stiff.

She let out a small groan as she sat up, remembering what happened earlier as she saw the large number of bandages on her upper arm.

The door to the room was opened to reveal Izuku and a doctor. The two were talking and Izuku looked much better and was clearly healthier.

"Good, you're awake. How do you feel?" The doctor asked as soon as he noticed that (Y/n) was awake, cutting off the quirk conversation with Izuku.

"(Y/n)-chan! Are you okay!?" Izuku said loudly, also noticing that his friend was now awake.

"My arm feels stiff and my head is... Well it doesn't hurt but it's really difle-difficult to think. Case in point." (Y/n) said, laughing at her own speach failure and holding her good hand up to her head.

"Well that's to be expected, even though Recovery Girl stopped by to help you two, you still needed stitches. The pain killers must still be working." The doctor explained.

"I'm so glad that you're okay (Y/n)! We were worried!" Izuku said, clearly worried about her as he ran over to her and hugged her, being careful of her arm.

"I'm fine, and you injure yourself more than me." (Y/n) said, laughing slightly as she tried to lighten the mood.

"That's not the point! You basically dealt with Stain on your own! And then you passed out! This isn't a joke!" Izuku said seriously.

You would have literally have been badly injured and Iida's arms would be messed up and Shōto would have called himself the Hand Crusher. Not to mention that you would have been in so much trouble. (Y/n) thought, not that she was going to say that to anyone.

"Well I couldn't just let him get away could I?" (Y/n) said, shrugging.

"There's a few people here to see you two. If you're okay, I will will let them in." The doctor said.

Izuku and (Y/n) looked at each other, before looking back at the doctor and nodding. They didn't even have to exchange any words to understand each other.

The doctor went out and in came the chief of police and the hero (Y/n) and Iida had an apprenticeship with.

"We need to talk to you about the circumstances of the capture and arrest of the Hero Killer Stain." The chief of police with a dog head said.

Well of course... Hopefully we don't get in trouble this time as I tried to reduce any injuries or damage as much as I could. (Y/n) thought.

"What do you want to know?" Izuku asked.

"For one thing, as soon as Iida ran off, (Y/n) seemed to know immediately that the Hero Killer was around." The hero said.

"I guess that looks fishy, but I did know that Iida's older brother wad seriously injured by Stain, so I did my own research on the villain which made me pretty sure that he would be in this area. Iida running off confirmed it for me." (Y/n) said. It wasn't completely a lie, due to her not existing in the anime, other things could happen that didn't follow the anime.

"And how did you two manage to get away with only a bit of Izuku's hair cut, and a deep cut in (Y/n)'s arm?" The chief of police asked.

"Because Stain used his quirk on me pretty quickly, which meant that my quirk activated. I only got cut that one time because of that. I used his quirk to paralise him as I figured it was safest for everyone involved." She explained. She figured that she would get in trouble due to using her quirk, as it was illegal.

"I see... Well, you aren't supposed to be allowed to use your quirk in public property, but as a hero in training you couldn't just let a villain go free." The chief of police said, "Here's what we do, you don't get in trouble for using your quirk, but in the official reports it was the police officers at the scene who caught him."

Well that's a better deal than the boys got. Beepy McBeep Face doesn't get any credit, so that's a win. (Y/n) thought.

"Wait, that's not fair! (Y/n) did all the work of defeating Stain and yet she gets none of the credit!? That's not fair." Izuku said, surprising (Y/n) as it had been Shōto in the anime who protested.

"But it's illegal for someone who isn't liscenced to use their quirk without proper instruction. It would mean that many villains could claim that they were just protecting people." The hero explained. "Of course she will be classed as a trainee hero told to help, but we simply can't give her full credit."

It looked like Izuku was about to protest again before (Y/n) butted in. "Izuku, it's fine, honestly. It's because of how the hero society works. Besides, I didn't do this to become popular, Iida, Native and tons of other people were in danger."

"If you're sure, but I do think that you should be given more credit. You defeated a villain all on your own with only one week of hero lessons!" Izuku said, the other three in the room poorly hiding their surprise at that claim.

(Y/n) laughed, "Maybe, but at the same time I did do that without a license. I think this is the best outcome."

"Then it's settled?" The chief of police asked, to which (Y/n) nodded. "Brilliant, best wishes during your recovery."

"Yeah, I hope you get better soon. Don't be too reckless." The hero said before the doctor, hero, and chief of police left the room so only the two trained heroes were left in the room.

"Are you okay Izuku? You were pretty injured too." (Y/n) said, turning to look at the emerald boy sitting on her hospital bed with her.

"Oh, I'm fine. Recovery Girl healed my cuts, but there weren't many. I came to in the ambulance that took us here." Izuku explained.

"Well I'm glad that you're okay. Oh yeah, you weren't awake during Stain's speach. It was terrifying." She said, shivering at the memory.

"It's been circulating online, I've seen some recordings. And even though there were plenty of pro heroes around and you were clearly pale and injured you were still the first to make a move." Izuku said.

"I mean... He did steal my knife... If I had been paying more attention then he probably wouldn't have killed that nomu." (Y/n) said, looking slightly guilty.

"Even so. You should be given more credit." Izuku persisted.

"If you say so, All Might's secret love child." (Y/n) teased, poking Izuku in the side.

"We aren't related!!" Izuku cried out, flinching away from the poke.

"No, but you have his- uh... His respect." She quickly corrected herself. Oops, almost said that Izuku had All Might's quirk... That would be a bad idea.

"So do you." Izuku said.

"If you say so, Small Might."

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