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When Seungkwan woke up he was, to say the least confused. He was no longer leaning against the armrest of the couch, but instead laying with his head in the lap of Hansol, giving him the wonderful sight of the youngers shin above him. When he lifted himself into a sitting position, he noticed how the boy that had been his pillow for no one knows how long, himself was asleep. With a small giggle, the oldest took his phone and took a picture, before he quietly tried to wake the older. Having the splendid opportunity to make the younger as confused as he himself had been when he woke up, Seungkwan positioned himself so that his mouth was just next to Hansol's ear before he quietly whispered "Hansollie, Baby wake up"

Hansol stirred awake and turned his head in order to look at the cause of his embarrassment. His quick turn had resulted in his lips being meet by the soft lips of the older. Still confused, but now also panicked, Hansol threw himself away from the older. With a loud thud, Hansol landed on the floor, and gave away a deep growl, indicating that the fall had left its mark.

Not being able to hold it anymore Seungkwan burst out in laughter and rolled over on the couch. Standing up and rubbing at his back Hansol was quick to send the older a glare that could kill while whining like a little kid "Why did you do that!?!?" the younger asked while pouting. "I'm sorry Hansollie-i didn't mean-please forgive me" Seungkwan tried to answer in between his laughing fits. Finally getting himself together Seungkwan apologized for real before looking out of the cafe, now noticing that the street outside was covered in darkness and not one person walking along the streets.

"What time is it anyway," Seungkwan asked rhetorically before checking the time on his phone. "Shit!" he said in a panicked manner before sprinting to the door, where he had hung his coat, and quickly put it on. "Wait what's happening!?" Hansol asked confused before he himself took a look at the big clock that was hung upon the wall, seeing that the time was nearing three in the morning. When it dawned on him, he too made a run for it and bolted out of the cafe, following the older after hastily locking the door behind them.

The two boys ran across the street where one lonely bus was standing. Seungkwan was the first to reach the bus, Hansol, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. While running up the buss side, he slipped, and rumble to the ground. This was a minor inconvenience but it didn't stop Hansol for long before he too entered the warm buss.

Both panting the took a seat at the back, Hansol still dusting off the snow he had caught during his fight with the ground. The buried to Seungkwan's apartment was quiet, but it didn't need any words. Seungkwan had laid his head on the taller's shoulder before asking a question that had just hit him. "Why did we sleep anyway?" The older looked up to meet the kind eyes of the other. "You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you, because I'm a nice person who doesn't wake people" Hansol answered, emphasising the last part. Seungkwan let a small laugh escape his lips before he lowered his head onto the shoulder of the other once again.

When the two boys finally reached their destination, their eyes were heavier than they'd ever been. Hansol had to partly carry, partly drag the older of off the bus. The air was colder than it had been when they first got on the bus, almost freezing the breath that left the twos mouths. The bus stop was only a few minutes away from the older's apartment, forcing them to walk in the cold.

"Can you carry me?" Seungkwan question half asleep as he basically hung of off the younger's arm. "We have to walk for like two minutes, just hold on kwanie" Hansol answered sternly, knowing that the other easily could change his mind. Hansol proceded to walk somewhat ahead of the older, holding his smaller hand in his own, making sure that Seungkwan didn't lay down on the ground to sleep. "Pleeeeeeeeeas Hansollie" Seungkwan begged as he stopped in his tracks. "I'll make you breakfast?" The older of the two tried to convince the other, and in the end, succeeded.

The snow started to fall softly once again, this time, however, Seungkwan was to busy to notice. He was now positioned on the others back, having been saved from the torture of walking. With his head leaning on Hansols shoulder he had the perfect time to study the other facial features. Just under Hansols right ear, there was a small birthmark or freckle, something that fascinated the older. While studying the stunning side profile in front of him, Seungkwan had eventually fallen asleep.

The warm breath of the older tickled Hansol's neck and made the taller believe that he had fallen asleep once again. Hansol could do nothing but live in the moment, knowing that the moment wouldn't last forever, and alas they had reached the entrance to Seungkwan's apartment building. With one hand holding both Seungkwans right leg and the bag containing the Christmas present for Chan, Hansol had to balance the older on his back while he onehandedly tried to push in the code.

With a lot of struggle and way too many stairs, the two had finally made it to the small apartment. Hansol now covered in a thin layer of sweat, and a still sleeping boy on his back. Trying to make as little noise as possible, the younger navigate himself through the kitchen/living room and into the older's smaller bedroom.

With a small thud, the older landed on the bed, awakening him for a short while making him let out a small noise of displeasure before he snuggled into the bedsheets. Too tired to care the younger changed his clothes, into the once he had purposefully left at the older's apartment, knowing that hed spend more nights there.

Quietly tiptoeing out of the room, Hansol made sure to close the door to the bedroom, before he could make himself comfortable on the couch. Seungkwans apartment was a sort of safe haven for the younger. He was always welcomed, and the apartment wasn't big enough for the two to be separated for too long. When the two first had met, they both hated each other for a while. Seungkwan was way too loud, which disturbed Hansol's daydreaming. Trying to ignore the older, Hansol had purposefully made it clear that he did not like him, at all. This was new to Seungkwan since everybody liked him. From that day on Seungkwan swore to make Hansol like him, or die trying. The first few weeks were slow and boring, Hansol did all he could to be away from the loud and dramatic male. It was all going according to Hansol's plan, of ignoring the older, until one evening when he had to involuntarily leave his home once again. Indifference from the other times this had happened, when the sky was fairly clear for a couple of hours ahead, this time the sky was grey and threatening to spill any second.

Walking through the streets, on his way to his brother's apartment, the sky finally opened and it rained cats and dogs. While running down the street, together with what felt like the rest whole town's population. Hansol had slipped and landed in a puddle, making him soaking wet. The nearest person had at the time been Seungkwan, being quick with helping Hansol up and leading him up the street to his apartment. This had been against Hansol's morals, he was not supposed to befriend the enemy, But the boy had been so kind to him. He had lent Hansol clothes, feed him, and even let him stay the night.

Thinking back at the memory, the tired boy had fallen asleep on the couch once more. With a faint smile covering his face and a tingling feeling in his stomach.

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