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Seungkwan had awoken during the night, confused and somewhat scared. He was still dressed in his clothes from that morning. Deciding on not proceeding in sleeping in his very uncomfortable jeans, he got up and changed clothes. When he was about to lay down on his bed once more, he started to regain his memory from only a few hours previous. Which lead to him picking up his cover and walking out to the living room where he knew the younger would be sleeping. No matter how many times Seungkwan told the younger that they could share his bed, Hansol still insisted on sleeping on the couch. This made the older somewhat hurt and angry, since he wanted to sleep next to the other, and started to question if Hansol even liked him at all.

Seungkwan could see the sleeping figure on the couch, and without hesitation, he walked up to him an nudged him lightly. "Move" was all he said in a small and sleepy voice. Without any answer, the older moved out of the way, in order for the older to lay down next to him. Seungkwan took his space and put the cover over the both of them. "Hmm?" Hansol asked quietly when the cover was put over him, indicating that he was somewhat awake now- "Cold" was the smaller one-word answer that he uttered while snuggling into Hansol's warm side. Even though this was something completely out of the blue, Hansol took his chance to be with the other, and placed his arm over the waist of Seungkwan, pulling him closer.

In that position, the two had stayed the whole night. With only a few adjustments, such as Seungkwan laying his head on Hansols chest, in order to gain more heat and a more comfortable sleeping position. Both of the boys made a mental note to do this more often before they fell back into the land of dreams in between their small adjustments.

By the time Hansol had woken up the sun was shining through the kitchen window, lighting up the living room. Looking down he was meet by the peaceful sleeping figure of Seungkwan. The light made his slightly oily skin light up, a view that Hansol could get used to. Carefully reaching over his head and behind him, Hansol tried to reach his phone that had spent the night on the side table. With some fumbling the phone was in his hand and he snapped a quick photo of the older, making sure to make it his background picture.

Seungkwan had awoken by some movements underneath him. With a small grunt, he gripped, whatever it was he was hugging, tighter and tried to fall back asleep. When the thing moved again he opened his eyes tiredly, only to be met by the soft eyes of Hansol. Still not ready to wake up, the older snuggled his face into Hansol's chest and grunted a small "Five more minutes" To which Hansol giggled.

"You promised to make breakfast," The younger said in a sing-songy voice before poking the oldest neck with his finger. Seungkwan grunted louder and lifted his head to give Hansol a tiered and threatening look. Before he could answer, however, the younger grabbed both of his cheeks and squished his face. Making him groan in annoyance. This only made Hansol giggle more, and in the end, Seungkwan gave up and left the couch. Flustered and muttering a small "my house but sure boss me around" as he walked over to the kitchen to make two bowls of cereal.

Taking his sweet time with pouring the bowls of the sugary pellets he smirked to himself, knowing that Hansol was the one that was annoyed this time. This is why you always should elaborate what kind of breakfast you want. Placing the two bowls on the kitchen counter, that also serves as a table, they both took a seat in front of the other. Still tired Seungkwan shovelled the cereal slowly into his mouth, on the verge of falling asleep again. Hansol being the kind friend that he is, took the spoon out of the olders hand and started to feed him instead. This seemed to be what he needed since his eyes shoot up when the first spoon entered his mouth. With a flustered face and red cheeks, Seungkwan tried to question the behaviour of the other with a small "hm?" while chewing the fairly soggy cereal.

"You would have fallen asleep without some help" Hansol answered plainly while preparing a second spoon for the older. This time he seemed somewhat used to being feed and did not protest since he could rest his poor and tired arms from lifting the heavy spoon. "It's already eleven, and were supposed to be at Jeonghan's at five" Hansol informed the older "and last time I checked you still have like fifteen presents to wrap, and I need help with sneaking into my house" Hansol finished as he himself ate his last spoon and stood up taking their dishes and putting them in the sink.

Seungkwan sleepily stood up too and walked over to the younger, that was now facing him while leaning against the sink, snaking his arms around Hansols waist he hugged him in an attempt to fall back asleep. Being a little shocked Hansol didn't hug back immediately, but returned the hug by embracing Seungkwan's small shoulders in his grim, pacing his shin on the olders head. "You need to shower too, boo" Hansol stated as he squeezed the oldest shoulder a little, resulting in a "hmp" as an answer from the shorter. Pulling away from the hug, Seungkwan made his way towards the bathroom. "Hey Seol?" He asked once inside the bathroom. "Hmm" The younger answers while sitting down on the couch once again, thinking that he could relax while the older was in the shower. "Can you wrap the last gifts? They're in the yellow bag in my bedroom, they're all labelled already, just don't mix them, Thank youuuuu" The older asked or more like commanded, dragging out the last syllables as he closed the bathroom door.

Sighing deeply Hansol took his sweet time walking from the comfortable couch into Seungkwan's bedroom, only to find a bag full of stuff, none of them actually labelled. "Dude how am I supposed to know who's gift is for who?" Hansol asked loudly making the older turn of the shower and answer "You know them as well as I do just guess, plus they will like everything so it doesn't matter who gets whoo" Hansol sighed once again, before mumbling a small "botch" which he imagined Seungkwan wouldn't be able to hear. "I heard you, you stale noodle," Seungkwan said offendedly back, resulting in Hansol losing it and bursting into laughter. A small smile spread across the olders face as he heard the laughter that erupted from the other.

After picking himself up and taking enough deep breaths to fill a hot air balloon, Hansol finally gathered all of the gifts and moved out into the kitchen. He spread all of the gifts out on the dining table as he went on his hunt for wrapping paper. He figured that they might be in the overhead cabinet in the kitchen but it might also be in the olders closet. Guessing, he chose to check the cabinet first but only found one roll of wrapping paper, thinking that one roll would be way too boring he had to find something else.

"Where do you keep the wrapping papers?" He asked loudly to the boy in the shower. "There's one in the kitchen on the top shelf" The older answered as he turned off the shower and got out "There's only one roll, and we can't wrap them all in one paper?" Hansol stated. "Sure we can what are they going to do?" Seungkwan said rather nonchalantly as he walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where Hansol was leaning over the counter, eyeing the older as judgingly as possible. The younger straighten himself and took the wrapping paper while giving Seungkwan a cold glare.

"Aww come on you big baby stop being so grumpy, it isn't even your presents," The older said as he took the wrapping paper from the other and started to wrap the gift that was meant for the newest member of their friend group. It was a bucket hat with a cat on it. Something that neither of the males would have bought for themselves, but they knew that Minghao would love it.

Jun had introduced them and their friends to his long-term boyfriend a couple of months ago. They had been together for two years, but could never see each other since Minghao had been training in China while Jun had been working In Korea. Last July Minghao had finished his training and had taken the first flight to Korea in order to debut with his dance group, while also moving in with Junhui. They all accepted him into their weird and loud family, and to be totally honest Seungkwan though that he at first was somewhat awkward. He didn't speak much and he was very shy, for a while at least. They all had to learn that he, in fact, was somewhat of a savage the hard way.

They were sitting around the dinner table playing cards all thirteen of them when Minghao all of a sudden scolded Chan, their youngest, for cheating. Chan as the undisciplined youngster that he is started to talk back. This resulted in Minghao chasing him around the big house with nunchucks, that he had taken with him from his dance practice that he had before the gathering. They had all been sitting silently and watched it all play out. From that day on Minghao was called "savedge8" because of the way he had nearly ended Chan's life eight times that day.

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