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It took the both 45 minutes altogether to wrap the gifts and leave the apartment in order to drive to Hansol's home. Which Seungkwan as a time optimistic person is quite an achievement. Hansol only had to drag him out of the apartment complex while also carrying a big bag full of gifts.

It had started to snow heavily while they were on their way to the other side of town, where Hansol had grown up, and where he lived from time to time depending on his mother's mood. Seungkwan had put his favourite Christmas song, being "Let it snow" by Frank Sinatra, and he was quietly humming with the singer. Hansol tried to keep his eyes at on the road the whole drive, but having Seungkwan next to him made it difficult. Not that the older was annoying or so, quite the opposite actually, he was singing and smiling to himself, and Hansol wanted to remember this moment forever. He really wanted to take a picture, but being the responsible driver that he was, he had to be happy with just trying to memorize everything.

Like how the olders hair looked like a fluffy cloud and how his hands were covered by his sweater paws. Said paws were laying in his small lap holding onto his phone loosely. The light from the streetlights shone upon the older, making his pink hair look like rose quartz. His cheeks were lightly red tinted from the cold and his nose had the perfect pink tint. His lips were formed into a small smile, that grew when he noticed Hansol throwing him glances.

"We're going to crash if you don't look at the road. Handsoap" he said softly as he gave the younger an innocent smile and let out a small giggle. "I'm the best driver we won't crash" Hansol muttered "and don't call me Handsoap," he said grumpily as he looked back on the road. Seungkwan laughed and put his hand on Hansols thigh "You can study my beauty when were at Jeonghans" He said jokingly. The younger snorted in a sarcastic manner as hi looked at the younger "If I wanted to study beauty I would look in a mirror" He said smirking, believing that he had won. Seungkwan who still had his hand on the youngers thigh pinched it, how was he supposed to have a comeback to such a stupid comment. Hansol was taken aback by the pinch and yelpt. The car swerved a bit, which caused them to look at the road in horror, fortunately, Hansol could control the car and they were back on track.

Seungkwan looked down and fiddled with his fingers "Sorry" he said quietly and looked up at the other being close to tears. He could have caused a major accident that would have resulted in Hansol being hurt. "I'm not mad, but if we would have crashed it wouldn't have been my fault, and therfore you can't call me a bad driver" The younger answered and let out a little laugh. Hansol looked over at the other and saw how shaken he had become. Hansol took the olders hand and gave him a small smile. Seungkwan returned the smile but separated their hands, which caused Hansol to frown, but only to intertwine their fingers instead.

After the small near-death experience they had arrived at their destination. Hansol stopped right in front of the house, in order to have a quick getaway vehicle, if necessary. The house in front of them was worn out, indifference to the other houses, which all had been maintained. It was a small two-story house, three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room, kitchen and a small closet. Hansol shivered at the thought of the small space. He let out a shaky breath and clutched his fists. Seungkwan, who was still seated next to him, took his hands into his again. This caused the younger to let out a shaky laugh. He looked down at his lap while taking deep breaths.

"You know how I told you about, um, well my mom" The older started but trailed off, looking very intensely at the steering wheel in front of him "She wasn't very accepting?" Seungkwan filled the youngers sentence. Hansol nodded in confirmation before he proceeded with his story "well, i , um, I used to be punished a lot" he took a deep breath as Seungkwan nodded for him to proceed "well, ehm, I don't think I've told you this, but, um , i , i never came out of the closet to her" Seungkwan was afraid that the younger would start to cry, but hansol had comprehended the story that he was told over and over again, so he was used to the feelings, and in a way he was immune to them. Seungkwan squished the youngers hand for him to continue. "And, um, you know, you know the whole closet thingy?" he asked and let out another shaky laugh. "Mmm?" Seungkwan answered without wanting the other to stop. "Well in a way I literally lived in the closet," he said an laughed, it wasn't a shaky laugh or a nervous one, it was an honest one. Hansol had thought it so many times that he thought it was funny in a way. Seungkwan giggled a little before he looked at the other with a questioning gaze. "Its good that you can see the humour in it," He said seriously before he continues "but you're not going to stay there now" the older provided in fear of Hansol worrying himself over the quick visit. "Yea" The younger answered before he opened the car door and stepped out. Seungkwan was about to do the same before HAnsol spoke up, this time a little more confidently "can you stay here?" He asked while locking eyes with the older. The pink haired boy nodded before closing the door again. "Thank you," Hansol said before he closed the door again.

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