Wedding Of The Century Part 2

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Lloyd POV

The door flung open and my dad but evil was standing there next to a girl. She had brunette flowing hair with a blue streak and purple eyes. She was in a battle stance and had a large bandage over one of her eyes. A voice echoed through the church, "my son... you didn't invite me? Your own dad to your little gay wedding? How pathetic..." garmadon waltzed down the aisle and stood In front of me the girl following suite. "Lloyd, I'd like you to meet Ellie your sister." I gasped. In fact, the whole church gasped. I stammered, "h-how? W-what.... how did you?" He laughed darkly.  "Harumi wanted to give you a gift before she left.. this is your sister. Tomorrows Tea helped her became this age. She follows my rules and always will. When your mother gave birth to you, there was a twin. I hated the idea of a girl so I left her at the hospital and took you. Your mum was to sick to notice. After you became a ninja. I went hunting for her and she was living with a family, I killed them and made her follow my orders." He pulled up her sleeve and showed a wristband. "This is why she listens to me. Without this she would be like you. Good." He spat at me. Kai spoke up, "You used his own sister against him? You're a sick joke garmadon..." Ellie neared Kai and drew her sword. She leaned in to his ear and whispered, "run..."

Ellie pulled out her sword and drew it against Garmadon. "YOU FOOL! WHY BETRAY ME FOR HIM? LLOYD NEVER LOVED YOU!" She growled at him, "THAT'S BECAUSE HE DIDN'T KNOW I WAS ALIVE THANKS TO YOU!" She plunged her sword into his side and let him die. His body became dust slowly. "I'll come back... you will regret this... you mistake..." Ellie put her sword back into its holster. She turned around and bowed to Lloyd. "Ellie Garmadon, please to meet you.." she shook his hand. He smiled at her. "Lloyd Smith, formally Lloyd garmadon, pleased to meet you." He kissed her hand. She turned around and yelled. "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!"

At the reception??? I think that's what you call it? The dancey thing after a wedding...

Lloyd was sat down next to kai holding hands. Kai stroked Lloyd's palm as they heard a glass klink. Ellie stood up in a white dress with a purple fade at the bottom (Nya let her borrow it). "I'd like to propose a toast. Even though I've never really spoken to my brother. I know he loves Kai. The look they share right now says it all. I know happiness isn't easy. I also know love is harder. But I feel like the bond they have is unbreakable and will overpower anything they cross. I love you bro." She said. Tears were welling in Lloyd's eyes as she sat down next to Zane. Another klink was heard. And Lloyd heard a chair pull out, "I'm proposing a toast not for the couple.. but for the first time Lloyd has ever seen his elder sister. She knows all about him because of her family. Until recently when she found they were related. I've never seen such joy hit her face. She has been a fellow friend of mine before I was a ninja and Lloyd. You have a personal support system with her here. Thank you for listening" Zane sat down.


Lloyd and Kai took to the dance floor and began a slow dance. "Lloyd I love you so much... you'll never understand how much you mean to me..." Kai whispered to him. "I love you to Kai... we have eternity together now." Kai smiled. "No measure of time with you will ever be long enough..."

HEY I'M BACK! AS IS MY OBSESSION TO NINJAGO!!! Hehe... anyway.. I've dedicated this chapter to greenflamexoxo thank you for reading my work and appreciating it so much ❤❤❤

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