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Sophia p.o.v
Today me and Ethan are gonna do interview me and him never done one so we're super nervous
Mom tried his hardest to gives us normal life
*arriving interview*
K: "hello Sophia Ethan my name is Katherine I'll be the one giving you the interview"
S-E: "hi"
K: "first I wanna say I'm so sorry for your lost"
S,E: "thanks"
K:"first question what's one thing you dislike from each other"
S: "he's sloppy eating"
E: "she cleans to much"
K: "whats one thing your mom would do when little Sophia Ethan got trouble did he gave you the spanking"
S: "No he never laid one bad finger on us he would put us time-out he would ground us he'll take away our favorite stuff"
E: "yup when I was little I pushed Sophia out  swing sit Mom took away my favorite car toy I didn't see it for 2 months"
S: "oh yeah you broke my arm I still hate you for that"
E: "yeah yeah"

K: "whats your favorite memory of him"
S:"that he would always make time for us to the world he's the famous singer but to us he was normal he'll make us our favorite breakfast every morning"
E: "me too I was 5 when I found he was famous I asked one day why are scary cameras always following us he said cause he's singer to just ignore those scary cameras"
S: "he had loving heart he even let fans hug us talk to us yes there was few times he told the fans no but was good reason was either we were sick we were grumpy or just tired"
K: "If you had one thing to tell him what would it be"
S: "that I love him I hope he's proud of me"
E: "yeah same as Sophia"
K: "there's pictures of both of you guys and harry in Ireland have you guys made up"
Sophia Ethan looked at each other not knowing what to say
S: "uh...not really he is our father he's our only living parent left we're trying to get to know him but no we're not really good term"
K: "Alright that's all the questions I have today thank you for coming"
S,E: "thank you for having us"

Wow it's been so long since i updated this book don't worry imma start uploading this book again (:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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