♛Chapter 2♛

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Alois could feel Ciel breathing as their backs touched, he felt Ciel tense up, about to give instructions, 'Was this duel really that important to him?' Alois thought.

"Trancy," Ciel said, interrupting the blonde's train of thought, "The instructions go as follows, we will stand back to back and start walking forward at the call of 'allez', at the tenth step will will turn and commence the fight, understood?" Ciel said, his words stern.

"Understood." The blonde replied with a smirk, pressing his back as close as it would go onto Ciel's.

"Allez!" They both called in unison, now both taking steps forward, not looking behind at eachother and keeping the rhythm.

"One, two,three," Ciel counted aloud at each step forward, to keep the blonde in time as well, "four, fi-" the bluenette was cut off as he turned around, noticing that Alois had caught him cheating. This played with his nerve, 'I never lose in a game!' Ciel thought, watching the blonde inch his sword closer to Ciel's neck and his previously calm face twist into his usual smirk, as if he had won.

"Oh no you don't Phantomhive,"Alois said, "That's against the rules isn't it? Against your rules." The blonde said, attempting to agitate the bluenette. It worked.

"Agh!" Ciel cried out as he took the first swing, aiming for Alois' head and missing. "You bastard!" He cried again, taking another swing only to have it blocked by Alois.

"My my Ciel, what do we have here?" Alois said as their swords crashed together, "What's with this foul language?" Alois said, smirking into the fight.

Their swords crashed together once more and they continued to swing at eachother, Ciel stepping back each time Alois swung, having to hear the blonde chant "One, two, three, one, two, three," every time he swung his sword until Ciel blocked a hit. Alois, using this to his advantage and pushing Ciel back, causing him to lose balance and fall back, dropping his sword with a crash. Alois walked over to Ciel who was now on the floor about to get up when he received a blow to the stomach by Alois' foot, knocking him back down.

The blonde was now seemingly pleased with himself and wore a victorious attitude as if he were invincible, stepping over the small bluenette boy, he parted his legs either side of Ciel's body and knelt down over him, pressing his sword to the bluenette's neck with both hands as he leant in closer. Alois stared into Ciel's eye and laughed.

"Why Ciel, what are you doing laying down here in the middle of an important duel? It isn't polite in the slightest and I wonder where your unfortunate butler is off to, I don't see him anywhere." Alois said, smirking victoriously and leaning closer, still holding the sword to Ciel's neck.

"The unfortunate one is you Trancy, you cant kill me because you're the spider and I'm the watch dog," Ciel replied, now smirking too, "Feel free to try if you are brave enough to have your legs bitten off."

"What's this, you've still enough energy for cheek? Just give up and become mine Ciel," the blonde said, slightly agitated by the bluenette's words, "You don't have to die." Alois said, his tone slightly softer than before.

"No I don't Trancy but you do," Ciel replied, "I have faith in my butler, he will show you no mercy should anything happen to me."

"Oh Ciel, I thought we had something here I really did. Its a shame that I am the one who must bring you to your end." Alois said as he plunged the sword downwards in attempt to stab Ciel in the chest when the brave bluenette grabbed the sword with his bare hands, crimson blood rushing out from where the sword had cut his hand and Alois' eyes wide in shock, this sudden move causing Alois to let go of his sword.

Ciel reached over and took hold of the sword that lay beside him, plunging it into Alois' side and watching his eyes grow wide as if his brain was processing the pain before a loud wail could be heard all throughout the mansion.

"Claude! Claude, help me please it hurts! Please Claude, where are you, help me!" The blonde wailed as he rolled around on the floor in agony and formed a large puddle of blood beneath him. Just at that moment both butlers appeared but with ragged hair and clothes, cuts and bruises as if they had just fought eachother. Sebastian moved closer when-

"Stop!" Ciel called, "don't come close until I've killed him." He finished, leaving both butlers in shock.

Claude who paused after hearing these words, instantly ran over to his master who was now unconscious, and scooping him up before the young bluenette could make another move. This caused Ciel to run after them, clenching the sword tightly in his hand but not getting far before Sebastian took hold of Ciel and scooped him up also, examining his wounded hand and ignoring the slaps that were given to him by his master to put him down.

"Apologies young master but I believe this is our cue to leave." Sebastian said while carrying the furious bluenette boy to the carriage outside the mansion. After Ciel and his butler had left the mansion, the sun had started to set and it became dark.

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