#13: He ruins his Surprise party

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Niall: You were planning Niall's surprise party for months. Everything was planned out like a military operation, nothing was going to go wrong. You had decided that the perfect way to get through him off was to have the timeless classic. "A simple small dinner." You were wearing his favourite black dress with gold heels that made you almost as tall as him, you were at his favourite fancy restaurant (no way were you going to nandos looking this good) everything was going perfectly, apart from Niall's emotions. He wasn't talking much and when he did, it was one word answers. Not what you expected but he probably would brighten up after the party. 

"Y/N, do you ever think about the future?" He asks suddenly, you had no idea what this was going to be but you knew it wasn't good.

"Sure, hover cars, jet packs... CLONING! Definitely cloning." You smile setting him into a laughing fit making everything turn into the best night of your life. As for Niall he was back to his usual self except, not. He was still smiling but it seemed forced sometimes. His carefree attitude seemed to disappear. What was wrong?

After paying for the bill, you and him got into his car as he drove home, he seemed as on edge as you were. But you didn't see his reason, you didn't know whether it was because he knew about the party and hated it or if it was because of something else. You pushed it to the back of your mind and decided to enjoy the car ride. When you actually arrived at his house you knew that everyone was already hiding. You were about to say surprise when Niall opens his mouth to speak.

"You first." He says.

"No, the birthday boy is always first." You say smiling, he looked so not Niall. And it scared you more than the thought of ever messing up his birthday. You'd never forgive yourself if you did that. Never.

"Okay, let's sit on the couch." He said taking your hand, "Y/N, since I've come back from tour somethings changed between us."

"Well yes, we've become more of a serious couple." You were right, Niall had said he loved you and gave you the key to his house. It was serious enough for him to meet your parents, AND for him to meet yours. It was serious enough for him to take you to Ireland for their independence day! It was serious enough for you to take him back home. That was serious. Your heart began to sink in what felt like lava. What's going on? Why?

"I know and I've loved every minute of it. God. I love YOU!" He says pulling you in for a passionate kiss that seems like judas' kiss. It's not the kiss that he's given you for 2 years. It's different. It's not an "I love you" kiss. It's a goodbye kiss.

"No." You say the tears forming in your eyes.

"Y/N, I'm sorry but.... I think you and I both know-" He starts. It's your worse fear.

"No." You say a little louder your voice choking on that single word.

"I think we should-"

"Say it.... you COWARD!" You yell at him not caring that there are over a hundred witnesses to your heart being shattered.

"I'm breaking up with you." Even though you had mentally prepared yourself since day 1. It still hurt to hear it, not Niall. He was your prince charming.... Not.... Not another frog. You get up before you burst into tears in front of him. You grab your clutch and prepare to walk away.

"Surprise." You say half heartedly, leaving him in a room filled with shocked friends and family.

Harry: You had come back from the hospital about 2 hours ago and it wasn't the best of news. Yes, you were engaged to an amazingly hot pop star in one of the best boy bands ever but today, his birthday, was probably the worst day ever. But the words that the doctor had said wasn't the worst thing, it was the fact that Harry's friend/groupie was at the hospital. This "directioner" had stalked the boys and wanted more than anything to have some of "his gravy" and there she was in the clinic staring you down and you knew the first thing she would do is tell Harry. But you had to push all those feelings aside because Harry was coming home in around 5 minutes and everyone was getting into their hiding positions.

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