Chapter Seven

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Poseidon's POV

"Percy?" Hestia asked worriedly. Just then did I noticed all that was wrong with him.

The whites of his eyes were yellow and red, his iris' a dull, dead green. He was way to thin, thinner than Nico, and his skin was pale, and large, dark bags hung under his eyes. Then I noticed his wrists, which were dripping blood onto the white flooring. His eyes rolled back in his head and he toppled over sideways, hitting the ground with a thud. Small pools of blood started to form around his arms. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop all throughout the throne room, which was a change from the usual bickering. "Get the seven, Thalia and Nico. Now!" Zeus commanded, and there was a golden flash as frantic demigods appeared.

"Where's Percy?!" Everyone screamed at once, except Jason, who rushed forward and immediately dropped in front of Percy.

"No no no no..." He muttered, rolling Percy over onto his back. "Oh shit, this isn't good..."

"What? Is he okay?" Nico asked frantically, dropping by Jason. The others, horrified at the scene, stood behind them. Hazel's face turned green and she looked away.

"He's losing to much blood, he's going to die if he doesn't get these wrapped!" Jason exclaimed. "Apollo, you're sitting right next to him! Heal him, you dumbass!"

Apollo, snapping out of his shock, leapt from his throne and knelt in front of Percy across from Jason. He summoned some necter and ambrosia, as well at some gauze wrap. "Feed him this, he can handle two squares." Apollo told Jason, shoving the supplies in his hands. Jason immediately started to feed my unconsious son the ambrosia, bringing little color back to his skin and the cuts on his wrists seemed to become more shallow as Apollo wrapped them. Once Percy was fed and wrapped, everyone except Jason stood and took a step back.

Annabeth took a step forward, only to have her wrist grabbed firmly by Piper and yanked back. "I don't think so." Piper growled.

"I'm just trying to see my boyfriend!" Annabeth exclaimed, ripping her arm free from Piper's grip.

Jason spun around and was in Annabeth's face in an instant. "You are NOT his girlfriend! You don't deserve him! You don't deserve anyone! Jason shoved her shoulders backward, sending her stumbling.

Thalia sneered at Annabeth, stepping in front of her when she tried to charge Jason. "Rot in Tartarus, Annabitch." Thalia growled.

"I didn't do anything!" Annabeth wailed. All the gods in the throne room looked as confused as I, which to say, was very confused.

"You didn't- How do you call rape nothing!? You fucking raped him Annabeth, that's what you did! We promised to never let you near him again, and we're not intent on breaking that promise." Jason growled, stepping protectivey in front of Percy.

Everyone started screaming at once, mostly insults and threats towards Annabeth. "Everyone! Quiet!" Zeus screamed. Everyone immediately quieted down.

"Now, I would like every one of you to describe the story from your prespective, starting when this whole fiasco began." Zeus demanded. "Hazel, you first."

Hazel took a small step forward. "Percy claimed he had a nightmare, which freaked us all out, so in return he offered to take us all out to a bar. Frank, Nico, Will, Annabeth and I didn't drink anything. Thalia was not there, but everyone else had a least one drink. We were about to leave when Annabeth brought Percy near the back of the bar and, according to Nico and Leo, made him breath a chemical that made him able to feel, hear, touch, everything but move, so he was left immobilized while consious. She then somehow got Percy into a back room and... And raped him." Hazel explained. I was shocked to say the least. "Leo spoke up, which didn't make much sense as he was completely drunk, but Nico somehow knew what was happening and panicked, immediately rushing into the room. All I know is Percy was able to move for long enough to run towards our groups in just jeans before the paralysis kicked in again. Jason carried him around, and Nico, Percy and Jason all went to Chiron and explained the situation. Nico locked Annabeth in the room and she just came back today."

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